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Chapter 5 notes

5.1: Macromolecules are Polymers, Built from Monomers
● All life’s organic compounds, except lipids, are chain-like molecules called polymers
○ A polymer is a long molecule consisting of many identical or similar building
blocks linked by covalent bonds
■ These building blocks are known as monomers
● Synthesis and Breakdown of polymers
○ These processes are basically the same in all cases of polymer
○ Enzymes facilitate these processes
○ Monomers are connected with the loss of a water molecule (dehydration) and
broken down with the addition of a water molecule (hydrolysis)
■ In dehydration, one monomer provides the OH and one provides the H
■ In hydrolysis, the hydroxyl group attaches to one monomer, while
hydrogen attaches to the other
● Diversity of polymers
○ All polymers built from the same 40-50 monomers, but the way they are arranged
leads to an immense diversity
■ Despite this diversity, molecular structure and function can still be
grouped by class
● Carbohydrates
● Proteins
● Lipids
● Nucleic acids
5.2: Carbohydrates
● Monosaccharides (sugars) generally have molecular formulas that are some multiple of
the unit CH​2​O.
○ Glucose is one of the most important Monosaccharides in the chemistry of life
● Sugars can either be aldose or ketose, depending on the location of the carbonyl group
● Size of the carbon skeleton and the spatial arrangements of their parts around asymmetric
carbons are both factors of sugar diversity
● Monosaccharides, particularly glucose, are major nutrients for cells
○ Necessary for cellular respiration
○ Their carbon skeletons also serve as raw material for the synthesis of other types
of small organic molecules
● A disaccharide consists of two monosaccharides joined by glycosidic linkage (a type of
dehydration reaction)
○ Examples of this:
● Polysaccharides
○ Macromolecules, polymers with a few hundred to a few thousand
monosaccharides joined by glycosidic linkage
■ They serve as storage material, hydrolyzed as needed to provide sugar for
● Plants store starch as energy
● Mammals can also hydrolyze plant starch
● Animals store a polysaccharide called glycogen, a polymer of
■ Polysaccharides also serve as building material for structures that protect
the cell or entire organism
● Organisms build strong materials from structural polysaccharides
○ One example is cellulose
○ Cellulose, like starch, is a polymer of glucose, but they
have different glycosidic links, due to the different ring
structures glucose has
5.3: Lipids
● Lipids are:
○ Generally not big enough to be considered macromolecules, and do not consist of
true polymers
○ Hydrophobic (or just very poor at mixing w water)
● Fats
○ Composition
■ Although they are not polymers, they are assembled by dehydration
■ Constructed from glycerol and fatty acids
■ Long carbon skeleton (usually 16-18 carbons) and a hydrocarbon chain
■ Because of these hydrocarbons, fats are hydrophobic
■ While making a fat, three fatty acid molecules are joined to glycerol by an
ester linkage
○ Unsaturated vs Saturated
■ Saturated fats have saturated hydrocarbon chains (as many hydrogens per
carbon and all single bonds)
● Animal fats
■ Unsaturated fats have carbon chains with one or more double bonds
● Unsaturated fats with trans double bonds are known as trans fats
○ Function
■ Mainly for energy storage
■ Twice as much energy as starches
■ Also, serve as protection for mammals organs
● Phospholipids ‘
○ Only two fatty acids bonded to the glycerol, instead of three
○ The third hydroxyl group of glycerol is joined to a phosphate group
○ Phosphate end of the lipid is hydrophilic, while the hydrocarbon tail is
■ When added to water they separate into two separate layers known as
bilayers, in order to shield the hydrophobic parts from the water
■ This also happens at the surface of the cell
● Steroids
○ Lipids with a Carbon skeleton of four fused rings
○ Differences between steroids depended on the chemical group attached to the ring
5.4: Proteins
● Amino Acid Monomers
○ Organic molecules with an amino group and a carboxyl group
○ Asymmetrical carbon at the center
○ The hydrogen atom and R group side chain make up rest of the molecule
■ This side chain determines the chemical and physical properties of the
amino acid
■ Nonpolar and polar groups of amino acids based on the side chain
■ Basic and acidic amino acids based on positive (basic) or negative (acidic)
■ All basic and acidic amino acids are hydrophilic
● Amino Acid Polymers (polypeptides)
○ Two amino acids bonded together make a peptide
○ Multiple peptides make a polypeptide
○ The repeating sequence of amino groups bonded to adjacent carboxyl groups is
called the peptide backbone
○ Sidechains determine the type of molecule
● Protein Structure and Function
○ The specific activities of proteins are determined by their three-dimensional
○ Polypepdides=piece of yarn while proteins=every single thing you can knit that
yarn into
○ Polypeptides are folded and twisted into multiple shapes and arrangements
■ Global and fiber-like proteins
○ Four levels of protein structure
■ All proteins share three superimposed levels of structure
● Primary
○ The sequence of amino acids
● Secondary
○ Coils and folds of amino acid chains in the result of
hydrogen bonding/interactions of the backbone
■ Helix
■ Pleated sheet
● Tertiary
○ The overall shape of the structure in the result of the
interactions between the side chains
■ Quaternary structure is the fourth level
● When two or more polypeptides make up one protein, and
aggregation between these subunits results
○ What determines the protein structure?
■ Environment
● Ph
● Salt concentration
● Temperature
● All of these can cause weak chemical bonds to be destroyed
○ This causes the protein to become unraveled, otherwise
known as denaturation
○ Denaturing can occur when proteins are transferred from an
aqueous environment to nonpolar substance
○ Other denaturation can happen when ionic and hydrogen
bonds are disrupted or excessive heat
● Chaperonins: proteins that assist the folding of other proteins
● Misfolding of proteins can cause serious problems and diseases
5.4: Nucleic Acid
● Two types of nucleic acid that allow for living organisms to reproduce their complex
components to the next generations
○ Deoxyribonucleic acid
■ Provides directions for its own replication
■ Directs RNA synthesis, and through RNA, directs protein synthesis
■ Genetic material that organisms inherit from their parents
■ Encoded in the DNA is the information that programs all the cells
activities (molecular hardware of the cell)
○ Ribonucleic acid
■ Messenger Directs productions of polypeptides
■ Is directed by DNA
○ DNA → RNA → protein
■ Protein is synthesized in the part of the cell known ribosomes
● The region in between the nucleus and the plasma membrane
● DNA resides in the nucleus
● mRNA sends messages from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
● Components of Nucleic Acids