Uploaded by kristen murphy

What is Conscious Discipline

1. Have you ever thought, "There has to be a better way to guide children"? Could this be the
better way? Explain your thoughts.
I have thought that in the past. I have been interested in learning more about Conscious
Discipline since I took a small class on it years ago. I have tried to implement some parts of it
into my classroom, but I do want to learn more about it so that I am able to do it correctly. I do
believe that this is a better way to guide children and will be helpful to me in my classroom.
2. What did you find confusing about these videos and want to be sure to have clarified over the
The most confusing thing for is really about the videos in general it’s just in how I will I be able
to successfully implement the changes in the setting I am in. The center I am observing if is a
very different set up from traditional child care facilities. And I feel that that there are going to
be some unique challenges to implementing conscious discipline there.
3. What did you find helpful or intriguing?
I felt that all the information was extremely helpful, and I am looking forward to learning more
about it over the course of the semester. I am especially excited to try these practices with my
own children and see how it helps the craziness of my household.
4. Have you ever heard of Conscious Discipline or attended a Conscious Discipline workshop?
I did attend a one-day Conscious Discipline seminar many years ago. The center I was working at
wanted to use this method for child guidance, but they didn’t really follow thru with the full
training sessions. Since then I have really wanted to learn more about it and try to implement
the technique in my classroom.