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Imam Mohammed: Meaning of Six in Scripture

With G_d's Name, the Merciful Benefactor, the Merciful Redeemer
Imam W. Deen Mohammed
The Meaning of Six in Scripture
Valentine 14th of Feb; Ten for consciousness and four for the power
What the black stone is saying is that the spiritually, saintly order, called Gnostics, took the rule
above the people’s head and they thought that they were saints and good like Jesus Christ; so, their
brains would be working right. But what happened was their hearts could not lead them in the right
direction, unless the heart was in the community. The heart is a social center. The center of man
social life is his heart, it regulates the social life. It is regulated by his heart. In fact, all of his
actions, according to the Qur'an, are, in the final analysis, depending on his heart. No one of the
world will be successful following his heart, because the powers of the world are too much for
you. But if that heart says, “I’m dead to everything but G_d. Give me any command that I do not
have from G_d. If it conflicts with what I have from G_d, I am not following it”. So, the heart dies
to the world, as I said, and when it dies to the world, then it serves the brain. And the man by
himself has his own heart, but when he mates with a woman, then the woman becomes his heart.
Valentine is coming on the 14th of February; ten for consciousness and four for the power and
influence of that life that G_d checks you with. Valentine’s Day is a powerful day.
Allah created Adam on the 6th day,
You take 14 and add another 7 to it, what is it? 21. That is when you’re a man. One week a boy,
two weeks, a youth, three weeks a man. And four weeks, you should be ready to lead, be
responsible for society. That is 28 days. And Mr. Fard wanted you to have 26, ten in the conscience,
ten in the mind; six in the spirit. Your spirit should be for six and Allah swt created Adam on the
sixth day. And once six comes into your conscious you have 60; six in your conscious. When you
are conscious of the purpose that G_d made for you on this earth, then you are 60; and when you
are 60 degrees, up here, you’re ready to take responsibility for the garden. The garden is the whole
good earth, life.
Prophet Muhammed said that, “Friday is the best day of the year”. It is the day Allah made, or
created Adam; and He created Adam on a pattern of 60 arm spans. So, that six has to go into the
conscious. The science, the understanding, has to dawn in the conscious; then you become 60
degrees here (mind) and you’re ready then to accept responsibility for society. For your role and
part in keeping, preserving, advancing, and progressing the society.
Mr. Fard said, “Mathematics is Islam and Islam is mathematics and we can prove it in no limit of
time”. He said what is one? One is the first number or the first figure in counting, in numerology,
but what is it for the spiritual philosopher, or scientist in Al-Islam, or in religion? One is a symbol
that takes our mind, firstly, to G_d. G_d is one. And what about this one is so suitable for the
discussion of G_d, or the theology of G_d? One is infinity. It is eternal and all things are depending
on one to have their existence. You cannot have two, until you first have a concept of one and any
of the numbers beyond that.
Jumah better than the two ‘Eids
And what is this day, Jumah? It is the day that we gather together. Allah swt revealed that He
created this earth with all of its forces of nature and gifts to human beings. He created it as a place
to draw men together. And Prophet Muhammed said of this day of Jumah, “This is the best day
in the year”, better than two ‘Eids. How much time we devote to preparing men and women to do
better with their lives on the ‘Eids? Those days are days of recurring happiness. We are more
interested in celebrating victory for the human soul and spirit, than we are guiding the intellect of
men and women to have a richer, fuller, and better life.
Sixty means enter into the conscious
So, this day is better than even the ‘Eids and he said it is the sixth day, the day that G_d made the
first human and He made that first human being on a pattern of 60 arm spans. Again, six with a
zero behind it. It is not just six in the nature. It has a zero behind it. It came into the conscious;
and He created Adam on that pattern.
The soul needs work more than it need sex
And what else did he say about this day? He said this is the day that Adam was made on and no
one goes to heaven except on the pattern of Adam and this pattern, I repeat, was 60 arm spans. It
did not say sixty hand spans. What does it mean? You have to do some work to get there. If you
sit up here and just type, you have to get out there and do some work; cannot just type. Get out
there and build a city, and put your arm into it. You can’t build a house and not put your arm into
it. The fingers do the skillful stuff, but the arms have to place things, put things in place and do the
heavy work that you should dread, but love. It is in your soul to love to be a builder, to love to
construct something, to love to produce something; create something and then look at it and know
it came out of your own mind. And you did it with your own hands and with your own strength.
When you look at it, what a great feeling you get. It makes you forget to have sex tonight, tomorrow
night and the next day, for a whole month, because you’re so involved in what you’re doing. The
soul needs work more than it needs sex.
G_d created the universe in six days
Numbers have meaning, especially in Scripture. In revelations, and I do not mean the book of
Revelation. I mean any book that G_d reveals, in those books, numbers have meanings. And it is
given to us in the Qur'an, so that we will understand those numbers. In the Qur'an, it says G_d
gives so much. G_d created the whole world in six periods of time, or in six days. But remember,
it says one day with the Lord is as a thousand years. So, the day is not just one 24-hour day. It
says He created the world in six days, or some the translate it, six periods, because they understand
that this is not six 24-hour days; because the average reader may think it means six days of our
time, of our calculations. So, they say six periods of time in the translation.
Corn ears have 700 grains
So, these numbers have meanings and G_d says His charity, His goodness, can be seen in the corn
that grows for us in the garden, and the stalk may bear seven ears of corn; and on each ear are a
hundred kernels of corn. In another place, G_d says, “He is the One Who gives without counting”,
although, He says the parable of His charity is the corn that grows and each ear has so many grains
of corn. That is my G_d. He is not like some stingy people. You have to count everything you
give. A real generous person just reaches in his pocket to get something and puts it in your hand.
He may not even see what he gave. You may have to tell him what he gave. There are some people
just that charitable, just that kind and generous.
Muhammed, the Prophet pbuh, he was trusted with the wealth of all of his people, his followers
and when they needed something, he did not go and get it himself. He told them, “Go to the
treasurer and get what you need”; and they would go and get what they needed. He did not know
how much they were going to get. So, one person was walking back from the treasurer and he
kept falling down, because it was so heavy and the Prophet told him, “Leave some of that there.
Take only what you can carry.”
Gen 1.27, 31; Man created on sixth day
Prophet Muhammed said, “Use five before five undo you”. Genesis (Bible) said that the man was
created on the sixth day; so, there were five days of a world existing before the man was even
John 4.18; Woman had 5 husbands; sixth husband, not her husband
And there was a woman washing at a pool, or a well, and Jesus saw her and he said, “Woman I
see you have five husbands over you and the one you have is not yours”. And Muhammed said
that Adam, the first man, was created on a pattern of 60 arms spans and he said no one lives, or is
resurrected from death except on the patter of Adam. And he, also, said, “No one of the
descendants of Adam have enjoyed a meal more than the meal that he earned himself”. So, that
tells me that it is in my own created matter and life to want the dignity of not having to beg others
for bread.
Second man created in 8 days as though it was six
Allah created human beings to be free and He created them in the natural life mold on the 6th day
to be free, but the Satan seduced man out of the dress of life that his G_d had put him in when He
created him. So, we had to be, again, brought back to the life that G_d intended for us; and I don’t
think the second man had only six days for his creation. I think he had eight, but the eight was as
though it was only six.
Lessons: America will burn 610 years and cool off 390 years
Now, in my conclusion, things that are difficult to understand, and believe me, I know the
language. I know what is more difficult to understand. The earth is going to burn, the white man’s
world, for 610 years; that is, after a shortage is made in the gravity. There will be a shortage in the
gravity, in the air, and it will set off, or cause a fire and it will burn all over America for 610 years;
and it will take so long for it to cool off. Then people will be able to come back and inhabit, live
on this land. But it is going to have to burn for 610 years and it will take 390 years to cool off. So,
all together a thousand years before the land can be used, again, by people. We all had to learn it.
I knew it. It has been so long ago. To tell you the truth, I had my ears open for freedom, justice,
and equality more than I had my ears open for that.
610 Life dead, then becomes conscious
300 means spirit, aspirations
Six is freedom for that life
What does this mean, 610 years? Don’t pay any attention to the zeros. Look at six. G_d is said to
have made the man on the sixth day. His making of the man was the correct making of the man;
then the devil and the world wants to make him over, right? So, it refers to the correct making, or
correct life that G_d wants for man. The six is, also, freedom for that life. That life is going to take
600 years. That means it is going to be dead in you for that period of time. But in the ten years, it’s
going to be coming into the conscious after being dead for six long periods, called the hundred
years each. It is going to take 390 years to cool off. So, it is going to get free, but now, it has to
cool off, taking 390 years. 300 is the spirit, your aspirations in the soul. They want to go, but they
are going to be dead for three long periods, called 300 years. Death, in Arabic, is hundred. The
word, hundred (miat), is a play on death (mait).
390 years means it has come into the conscience
means new birth
means it enters the conscious
The Prophet said at the head of every hundred years there will come a reviver. So, the hundred
years is not a calendar hundred years. It means when life has gone from one to two zeros; out of
the consciousness and then out of the behavior; it has totally left you dead. So, that is three hundred
years and then 390 years, it means it has come into the conscious. It comes into the freedom,
appetite, or aspirations.
The 90 means new birth. But this new birth is just not nine. It has a zero. That means the new
birth is going to come into your conscious. What birth? The birth of a people; the birth of human
life in its right state; the birth of a nation; nine periods in the mother.
So, it’s going to come into the conscious and it is going to progress the development, until it is
complete; nine periods to birth life. That is what he is saying. It is going to need all that time to
cool off. And what is cooling it off? Not an emphasis on freedom, but an emphasis on bringing
life back. The freedom movement in certain people, it brings nothing but trouble, because they
don’t have vision and direction. But when the interest stops being free for my freedom, then it
will start to be for my life, to get my life back; and that is given as ninety. The life is going to come
into the conscious. And isn’t that what has cooled us off?
What did I start you off with on Stony Island Avenue, in Chicago, as a young minister? Three
stages of development; much younger than I am now; about forty years old. Here recently, I told
them, “Like Jonah was spewed on the shore by the fish that swallowed him in the water; and he
got out there on the shore and he said, ‘I got a three-day journey’.” That three is strong!
The life has to come into your sensitivity from your body that feels hurt and comfort. It feels hurt
and feels relief, etc.; then from the body, it has to come into your mind and your mind has to see
it. As the Scripture says, “Every eye shall see it”. Once your mind sees it, then your mind produces
a new spirit. This is the life force coming from the reservoir into the body senses, and then into the
mind senses; and then, lastly, producing a spirit to take us home.
We thank Allah. He has certainly fulfilled the promise to redeem the lost, to steal back the stolen
property. He has done it, using Mr. Fard as an instrument to get it started; and then using the
Honorable Elijah Mohammed, a very strong, tenacious man, tenacious spirit. You could not break
his spirit; no indeed. He was a very strong man. G_d was using him to stick to the plan and point
you to his son. Don’t you pretend he did not do that! I was sitting right in the audience when I
heard him do it. I was sitting on the stage, once, and I heard him do it. He said, “David fought the
war, but Solomon built the Temple”; and he pointed to me, speaking to his following. That is just
one occasion. There were different occasions.