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Conscious Leadership Module 3 Transcript

Conscious Leadership Module Three
Follow Your Calling
Transcript by www.cabbagetreesolutions.com
Steve: Good day, everyone. I'm Steve Farrell. This is the Conscious Leadership Module Number
Three. As we begin this module, let's go ahead and take a few deep breaths, just to center
ourselves and get ourselves into a receiving mode here for the next 90 minutes.
All right, okay. All right, let's get started here. So this Module Three is a very
important one. It's called Follow Your Calling to Your Truest and Highest Self. So follow your
calling to your truest and highest self, so let's just kind of sit with that here for a second. Big, big
topic. This is actually why we brought this topic toward near the front, this is Module Number
Three, is so that we can not only really feel into this and explore this, go deep into this now, but
we can actually marinate on this through the eight-module program. This is, of course, why we're
here is to really explore what it is to follow our calling to our truest and highest expression,
which an expression means not just what we think but being, how we are out in the world,
following our calling to our truest and highest self or expression.
Okay, so now, as we talk about critical elements in this, of course, one of the
critical elements is this whole going within. One of the universal truths is if we don't go within,
we go without. Of course, when we go within, we come to this place of connection, of
communion, of wisdom, of guidance, of support. We're in that nonlocal mind, accessing all of the
power and wisdom of the universe, of the cosmos. Okay, so a critical piece.
The next piece here is what we're doing very actively as part of this program is
stretching to our full potential and capacities in this program. Through all of the things that we're
doing during the eight-week program, really seeing ourselves stretching to our full potential and
capacities and following our passions and deeply deploying our unique gifts so that we come to
this destiny as a very powerful conscious leader.
So let me just step through those again. So we're following our passion or what
sometimes called as the deepest heart's desire. In one of the programs we created with Barbara
Marx Hubbard, the team likes calling it their deepest heart's desire, their passion. So where we're
following our passion, our deepest heart's desire, deploying our unique gifts, and then coming
into the full power and potential and capacity of conscious leadership, which is our destiny here
on the planet at this time. Of course, then in a container, where we're all supporting this kind of
growth. That's what we're all here for. We're here to 100% support each other in this growth.
Okay, I'm going to share the screen here real quick. We're going to go ahead and
go through this module. Our first step is serving our way up. We talk about what this is not.
When we serve our way up, this is not about becoming a rock star, about glorifying ourselves,
about growing our smaller self. This is about being a servant leader, being a steward, growing
our larger self. Of course, then that means that this is more about giving than getting right where
the focus anywhere in life is on getting.
I know a few examples of people that have really come to true success and lasting
success, whereas when our focus is on giving, and we're serving. There's a boomerang effect, and
we're throwing the service out in the world, we can come into our powerful conscious leadership,
and this boomerang effect kicks in. This is what activates this miracle power within us, within
our life. There are many examples actually of this.
Let me bring in an example from the sacred text of Joseph. You maybe heard this
story. He was in Egypt. He was one of 12 boys, born into a family where the father favored him
and where he shared early in his life of a prophecy of him coming into extreme power and
wealth. The other boys in his family were very jealous. So they sold him into slavery. He was in
a place of service and slavery for many years.
He ended up then in Egypt, working for the chief administrator where his gifts of
prophecy became known. There were several things he prophesized, but then came into a huge
prophecy, and the prophecy was of seven years of abundance and seven years of famine within
Egypt. The Pharaoh heard the story and brought him in under his wing, made him the number
two in Egypt. They gathered their produce and stored it for these seven years of abundance. And
then, sure enough, there was seven years of famine. So all of the produce that was stored fed the
people of Egypt for seven years, and so there wasn't starvation, and there wasn't death.
Meanwhile, Joseph enjoyed an incredible life that was his. He's the number two in
Egypt. So a miracle power that was fully manifested coming from service, which helps the
collective, helped all of Egypt, and also blessings that came back to him and his family.
In the sacred text, actually there are many examples like this. Also, David, maybe
you heard his story, a shepherd boy, Elijah, Abraham. In each of these cases, there's this arc of a
person that is born with very limited potential, often in a poor shepherd type family, shepherd
boy type capacity, and then service is very pure, and then a growth into a key leadership position
where there are all kinds of miracle powers that are serving the collective and blessings then
they're coming back to the person and their family.
Okay, so other foundational considerations that I want to get to here. The integral
framework brings in this work, which is really important, and it's this process of waking up,
growing up, cleaning up, and showing up. In this framework, waking up is the first step. It's
where we come to know ourself as an emanation of the Divine, as a part of the one, of the whole,
a holon is what they call it in the integral framework.
Now, there's this Disney movie called Hercules that beautifully illustrates the
waking up process where he's born into the world with these supernatural capacities, adopted by
parents. He doesn't know why in the world he is here, especially with these supernatural
capacities that are not working for him. So he sets out for the temple of Zeus to try and find some
answer. He walks into the temple of Zeus, where there's this huge stone depiction of Zeus. He
falls on his knees, and he says, "Why am I here? Who am I?" And then the stone Zeus that's huge
in this temple of Zeus comes alive, and the hand reaches down and picks him up, and he says,
"You're my son. Who did you think you were?"
Many of us maybe can relate to that, that we had that epiphany moment where this
thing that's said in the sacred text that we're born in the likeness and image of the Divine is real.
There's a real personal and powerful moment in our life where we really understand that fully,
that our true parent, our eternal parent is actually God, the Divine.
Okay, now the next step here is growing up. This is the one that takes lifetimes that
certainly we're involved in our whole lifetime. In growing up, we're learning to maturely express
as a part of the one. So without sharp elbows, often, it's better to be kind than to be right. In
maturity, of course, we're balancing our interests with those of others and where we actually see
that the other is a part of ourself. So growing up is hugely important, and there's a lot more
actually we can say about it. It's a process that is never-ending. We're actually always growing
up, but we come to a point of maturity in growing up where we can be quite valuable in a
conscious environment.
Okay, next is cleaning up, and cleaning up is where we're healing those things that
are out of integrity. It could be many different things, things that we're tempted to, or bad habits
that we have. In some cases, over generations, things are passed down that are challenging for us
and our family members. So in cleaning up, we're actually healing those things that are out of
integrity. We're just putting a dividing line there so that not only for us but for our family, our
sibling as we extend our family out into future generations, that it stops here, what those things
might be that we're out of integrity. They're healed in the cleaning up process.
And then showing up and showing up is where we're really here. We're present.
We're resourceful. We're proactive. We're energetic. We're getting done when we show up. Now, I
remember when I started my first company, and I'd left IBM. We started this company called
ENS, Enterprise Networking Systems. It was in the very early days in the first year. One of the
people, one of my friends, was asking me about what I was doing, and I said, "Yeah, we're
entrepreneurs, two guys, and an executive suite and stuff. He said, "God, that is great! You don't
even have to go to work. You could stay home like all week if you want."
So this is an example of not being at a place where one can really truly show up.
So as a conscious leader or as an entrepreneur in these capacities where we're in conscious
leadership, we're actually not ready when we're not yet to this place of really being here in a
resourceful way, in a proactive way, in an energetic way, in a devoted way, where we're getting it
done, and people can count on us.
Now, this next contribution vibration comes from science and spirituality, and it
says, of course, that everything is vibration. Everything is vibration. So we pay attention to all
parts of our life. So what this is saying is everything that we wear, everything that we eat,
everything that we view or watch, everything that we listen to, and most importantly, everything
that we think, say, and do affects our vibration. We're energetic beings.
Of course, as a conscious leader, our objective is to be living and operating in the
highest vibration. That's where the Divine operates in the highest vibration. So paying great
attention to all of these things -- eating, wearing, watching, listening, what we think, say and do.
We're not only paying great attention to those things, but we're adjusting those things so that we
can stay, we can operate and live in our highest vibration where, as conscious leaders, we can
live in great prosperity, and we can be very powerful.
Okay, so let's talk about what are you being called to? What are you being called
to? So what is the Divine calling you to? I know you've got notions of that. That's why you're
here in the program. Often these align with our passions, so our deepest heart's desire, and they
align with our gifts. We all have these capacities that are extraordinary, these talents and skills
that are extraordinary, so getting in touch then with this calling.
What is the calling? Generally, it's relating to our deepest heart's desire. It's
relating to our gifts, these extraordinary capacities that we have. In today's world, there are a lot
of indigos. Indigos are truth-tellers. They are very strong and powerful. They're truth-tellers, and
there's really nothing that will prevent them from telling the truth. My mother is an indigo.
They're also crystals. Crystals are more sensitive, and they're often healers. They have a lot of
extra normal capacities. There are many crystals also that were born into the world. So many of
you are probably indigos and crystals. Many of us maybe wouldn't fall into those areas but
getting in touch with who we are, what we're being called to, what our passion is, and what our
unique gifts are.
And then this is conscious leadership, so we're looking at this in from the
perspective of this as we're living it and in all parts of our lives, so in our own life, with our
family, and in work environments. So are you living and working in conscious environments? So
this is where we're kind of taking a step back, and we're looking at the environment that we live
in and that we work in. We're saying, how are we deploying our gifts here? What is our calling
here? Because as conscious people, our gifts are substantial where we're conscious and we're
loving. We're truthful. We're resourceful. We're supportive. We're nurturing. We're all of these
things. So this is saying, how are we being an ambassador of consciousness in these various
environments that we operate in?
Let me just say one other thing here. The work environment. A lot of times people
want to be careful about following their calling in a work environment. They want to partition,
not bring a consciousness or spirituality into their work environment because they're afraid to,
and they feel like this is an unconscious environment. I won't be supported. Nobody will listen to
me anywhere.
Again, we're not going to become true, strong, powerful conscious leaders where
we partition. We have to have both feet in conscious leadership, in this co-creation, where we
align with the Divine, and we're powerfully creating in all parts of our life. There's so much good
that we can do in a work environment because consciousness creates higher employee
engagement where we're conscious and loving and truthful. It creates more engagement. It
creates more innovation and creativity.
That's what naturally comes from this conscious process. It even creates a
marketplace advantage, which was I was telling you in the free online events about these
companies I started in Silicon Valley and how we had this huge marketplace advantage by being
conscious. So you're actually bringing extraordinary gifts to an unconscious environment by the
unconscious through these means and others. So we don't want to partition in any part of our life,
certainly not in our work life or professional life.
What steps are we taking to make its adjustments if we're not doing these things
that I'm talking about? Because all of us are on a journey. We're not 100% where we want to be.
That's why we're in this program. So as we consider some of the things I'm talking about, what
are adjustments that we might make to be more conscious and more loving and truthful and
resourceful and in all parts of my life?
Of course, being conscious means that we're part of the one. We're a part of
presence. We're an emanation of presence, of source, of the Divine, of life, of the universe. That
means that, if we use a metaphor, we're a cell in the body, of life here on Earth. We could even if
we want to go further with that metaphor, see ourselves as like we're a red blood cell where we're
carrying oxygen around the body, and where we're carrying oxygen, that's life, and it's levity, and
it's awareness, and it's fun. Red blood cells are all of those things.
There are also white blood cells that are supporting the immune system of the
body. So we're supporting the body where it gets sick. There are many different functions that we
can perform as a part of the one, where we see ourselves in the cell in the body, of humanity, in
the EarthEarth, where we have moved the fence posts out from just seeing ourselves as it's me
and my wife and my kids, the whole Darwin thing, to the fence posts out now to the whole of
humanity, the whole of the EarthEarth, the whole of life. We're in service to that. We see
ourselves that way.
So then this aspect is the Divine leading us to close some doors and open others.
As we consider this where we're closing doors, think of friends that aren't conscious and don't
want to be conscious and maybe are argumentative and maybe are unsupportive and maybe aren't
trying to help you become your highest self. Maybe even there's jealousy, and there's a desire to
hold you back or something. So where there are people that fall into these categories, often these
are people where we're closing doors because they're not supporting our conscious growth and
they don't want us to help theirs.
And then, of course, in closing doors, it's making room for these other doors that
open where we're opening to consciousness and love and truth and blessing and miracle powers
and aligning our life with the Divine, where we're in flow and doing all of these extraordinary
things and where we have friends that get that, and they support that. They'll even help us be
accountable and offer ideas in non-threatening or in supportive ways to encourage our growth.
Now, this one is interesting too; is just taking the time and feeling into how we're
affecting the lives of those around us. We're conscious in doing these things. We're loving. We're
telling the truth and nurturing and supportive, and so on. There's a contagion. We can use that
word often. Contagion is used with disease and illness, but contagion just means something is
spreading. So there's a contagion actually by being a really loving person and telling the truth
and being nurturing. What we can see, if we pay attention over time in our homes with our wife
or husband, with our kids, in the work environment, and with the friends and colleagues that we
have and other leaders that we interact with, we can see that we're affecting people.
We might see, for example, with our family like a text where you're texting each
other "love you" and with little hearts and things and just saying "I love you" a lot more. We're
just demonstrating that by feeling into people and what's going on with them and ways that we
can support them and ways that we can be honest with them and tell the truth, which is really
important and work environments so that the team can operate in unity consciousness. That's
kind of its own topic, which we're going to get into in another module, but paying attention to
how we're affecting the lives of others.
Okay, we're going to bring in the Wheel of Co-Creation here by Barbara Marx
Hubbard. In Humanity's Team, we call this oneness in the 12 spheres of life. So what we see here
in this depiction is this light that's intersecting the middle of this circle is the evolutionary path.
On this evolutionary path, we're going from, we can use the term Homo sapien where we're
down here with the universe, Earth life, animal life, human life, to up in the right side what we're
calling Homo universalis with, again, in programs we're doing with Barbara Marx Hubbard
where we use this term Homo universalis. So we're evolving, from Homo sapien where we're just
using the capacities of our mortal mind into Homo universalis where we're using the capacities
where it's a nonlocal mind -- Larry Dossey coined that term, Dr. Larry Dossey -- and all of the
wisdom and creativity and imagination, all the support, all the miracle power of the universe is
So this line here, this light, is depicting that evolutionary curve. Now, at the center
of the circle is oneness. It's the Divine; it's God. It's perfect light and perfect love. This is getting
to this whole importance of our own connection and communion with the Divine, of living in
presence and spirit, of really being deeply in touch with this notion that we're not just my
physical body here called Steve Farrell. I'm something. I'm a part; I'm an emanation of
something much more than that. I'm living and breathing as a part of the one that's in this
communion state.
In the wheel, which is called 12 around one or this whole shift that this
demonstrated in all parts of our life, and you can see here infrastructure and justice and health
and governance and environment, education, economics, art, spirituality, science, relations,
media. So we've got all of life is now broken down into these 12 different parts of our life. As we
talk about them, what are we being called to? We have our passions, and our gifts are unique, and
they're going to take us in different directions here. Barbara Marx Hubbard, in our programs,
uses the term vocational arousal. It's a beautiful term. We're aroused by certain things in the
world that we want to be involved in, the spirituality that we want to be deeply involved in
spirituality. There are so many different capacities in which we can operate or education. That's
our thing. We want to be involved in education.
So it's beautiful. Not only does this get into the whole vocational arousal thing
where we consider the part of civil society that we're drawn to, that we have this vocational
arousal to, but we also consider how that segment of society is going to be deeply impacted by
this whole conscious world that is being born even as we speak, the shift that's occurring, this
transformation that's happening in the world, that education is going to be something entirely
different here a decade from now than what it is now because we're living in this age of
consciousness where all of the things that we're talking about here in this conscious leadership
program are imperative. They're unfolding. There's an evolutionary thing that's happening even
as we speak, which is going to deeply affect all parts of life.
So we're getting into here not only what are the different parts of society that we
might be drawn to but also this aspect of evolution and how these things are being deeply
impacted even now and how, again, using education as an example, our kids, any educational
programs that we're involved in, are going to be very different a decade from now because
consciousness is coming in.
So as we talked in about your place in the Wheel of Co-Creation, we can talk, I'm
sure, even now your feeling into some of these things that we're talking about. So in that Wheel
of Co-Creation, where is your location around? What are the things that you're most deeply
drawn to? What's your deepest heart's desire? What are the extraordinary gifts that you have? So
just feeling into them, all of the intersection of those things, of how our path that's before us how
it's kind of unfold because we're being called things that are quite different. There's incredible
diversity in this program, people from all over the world with very different passions and very
different interests. So here, in this moment, we're deeply considering what our calling is, what's
our unique calling.
As we do this now, one of the things I want to bring in here is this notion that we
don't all need to go start something. We're called to education or conscious law or conscious
business. I'm going to give you three examples here. We don't need to go start something, and
sometimes we do. Sometimes the calling is to be an entrepreneur and even a spiritual
entrepreneur and start something. I want to certainly honor that. As we feel into our calling, we'll
actually know if that's what is ours to do.
But in many cases, there's an incredible synergy where there's something that
somebody maybe for most of their lifetime has been doing to create consciousness in one of
those sectors of the wheel, in the 12 sectors of the wheel. There's a synergy where we can join
with them to expand and enhance and create further reach and impact, affecting lives all over the
world by just coming in and deploying our skills. So we don't have to start something. We can
join something that's already started and really slingshot the success of that.
So let me give you three examples here. I'm going to start with Dr. William Spady,
who is focused on conscious education. I'm going to just read you something from Bill here
because he's really an extraordinary guy. So he says, "I received my Ph.D. in Sociology of
Education from the University of Chicago in 1967. I was immediately offered a faculty position
at Harvard University's Graduate School of Education. But almost immediately, I shifted my
research interest to how education systems were structured and operated, which limited
opportunities for student learning and success.
"Now, this led to joining others and establishing a national organization called the
network for Outcome-Based Schools in 1980. I was its director and driving force for six years. I
advocated and implemented the success principles and transformational potential of OutcomeBased Education (OBE) throughout North America and internationally for 15 years writing many
articles and speaking at dozens of major conferences.
"I really woke up to living, learning, and leading consciously upon reading Neale
Donald Walsch's first three Conversations with God books in 1998 and an epiphany evoked
from Book Three, my five C's model emerged which I've used consistently in education for the
past 20 years. In this model, consciousness is in the middle, and then there are four other C
words in the model. At the top, above consciousness, is creativity. Over to the right is
collaboration. Down below is competence. And then over the left is compassion." He says, "The
more consciousness expands, the more shapes that infuses the other four C's, thereby creating
greater resonance and harmony in both individuals and in the relations within and among groups
and societies." So isn't that amazing? I know over in the Philippines, they're flying him over
quite often to create a whole new education system.
Okay, next up, Ross Hostetter, who's a lawyer. I want to share his story about
conscious law. So Ross says, "I am one of tens of thousands of lawyers who see themselves as
members of a helping profession that serves people across the entire spectrum of consciousness
in our society with no one excluded. We occupy a privileged position in society where we exert a
substantial and effective private influence, which we use to encourage individuals, businesses,
and other collectives to do the right thing in a given circumstance.
"This right thing includes balancing equities among people, seeking the whole
truth by looking at a situation through multiple perspectives, resolving conflicts, and diligently
maintaining a floor of collective order and safety that is often taken for granted. We create
agreements and connect people into high-functioning collective fields that are best. We help
those who dream of a better future find a way to make that future a reality in the physical world
and channel energy toward innovation.
"Most lawyers like me view themselves as vessels or conduits for something larger
than ourselves. We're open to a transcendent dimension that informs thought and action. From
this dimension, we witness and process the suffering of the world, and work with the light were
given to find ways to alleviate that suffering. We are a friend of the best intentions of our clients
and servants of the proper directions of evolution, always taking movement toward greater
goodness, more clarity, more beauty, and the capacity to bring the ideals into form.
"It's a challenging job. I sometimes describe it as a lightworker First Infantry
Division. We're down here on the ground, shoveling away the blockages, trying to make this
world a place where we all can realize our highest potential." That's Ross Hostetter in
unconscious law.
Next, I want to bring on our own Stephen Dynako and talk about conscious
business. You've heard Stephen share his story where an IBM, in banks, and in other professional
capacities, he worked in these unconscious environments where there was not an expression of
consciousness. It didn't feel like he had a tribe. He felt like an outlier and didn't have values that
inspired him or that he agreed with.
So he left it all and went into this area of online education, went through the
Conscious Business Change Agent Training and Certification Program, and now leads the
Conscious Business Change Agent Training and Certification Program inside Humanity's Team.
That group is called Conscious Business Enterprise. He's working and training and certifying
professionals all over the world that are also deeply impacted by business, especially most of
them coming out of unconscious business where they didn't agree with the values at all. Now,
they're agents of change, helping to start new businesses and transition unconscious businesses to
conscious businesses.
So here are three examples of where we can create an incredible synergy where
we're called to a part of the wheel -- education, law, business. We don't need to go out and start
something unless it's our calling, in which case, we should absolutely do that. But we can also
join with others and create a synergy where one plus one equals 10 or 15 or 20, not two.
So now, we get to this fun part where we're forming our own vision for conscious
leadership and where we're feeling into that vision, that destiny. We've been talking about this
here. We talked about a little bit in Module One and Two. Now, we're really feeling into that, our
vision for our destiny. This is our personal and professional capacities where we're feeling into
this from the place of what is our truest and highest calling? What is our truest and highest
expression? What does that feel like? What does that vision look like where we consider this just
first for ourselves, where we're meditating and praying and feeling out into the future of what
that really looks like and then with our partner, with our kids, with our coworkers, and in
education where we're an educator or in various leadership capacities?
So just starting to really form a clear vision for what is coming together here, what
is this journey for us, this path into conscious leadership, where instead of some kind of abstract
picture with abstract notions, there's clarity now that's starting to develop here regarding our
path, our journey, and our destiny.
Related to this is our track record for being resilient when faced with inner and
outer challenges. I've talked about this some. There's the aspect of the inner challenges and the
outer challenges when we talk about being resilient. So the inner challenges are our mind is
telling us we're not big enough, we're not good enough, we don't have the skills or talent,
somebody else. I was the middle kid and a family. I'm very familiar with this. I'm sure many of
you are too. Some people are born with extraordinary confidence and don't have that happen. But
for most of us, we've got to overcome a lot of inner questioning that's going on.
Also then, the outer world challenges, our friends and family and coworkers that
are saying, "Why are you considering that? Where's that going to take you?" When I was in
Silicon Valley before I moved out to Boulder, Colorado, in 2007, candidly, money is more the
altar in entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley. People wondered, what am I doing? What's the value
in that? Why would one do that? Let me be honest, even today, I have friends and family
members, even with all of what has been accomplished here in Humanity's Team and doing the
kinds of conscious things that I'm doing, that to this day wonder why I'm not out doing some
venture capital back thing.
So it's an ongoing thing where there are these inner and outer challenges. So just
as we're creating that picture of what our destiny looks like is knowing that we need to be
incredibly resilient to break through and to stay on our journey and to progress our journey
toward that destiny. I have used the metaphor of being out in the middle of the ocean where it's
cold and deep, and you're in the middle, so there's not land that's close to you on either side. It
feels that way to me often.
Where we're stepping into the fullness of conscious leadership, we have the tools
and the capacities to do it, to answer any inner critic or outer people, the external world that
doesn't understand who we are and what we're doing. Then, ultimately, are we ready to go all the
way on the path to becoming a powerful conscious leader, both personally and professionally?
It's the big question. Go all the way. Do we have the strength, the endurance, the devotion to
doing that, not only creating the vision but really then putting in place the execution to make that
happen in this lifetime?
Edison said, "Vision without execution is a hallucination," Thomas Edison, who
created electricity. Vision without execution is a hallucination. Interesting choice of words. The
reason I'm sharing it is, so it's not enough to just have the clear vision. It's also not enough to just
have the endurance and the passion and the capacities and potential. The two have to come
together. We have to have the vision, and we have to have all of the capacities and the devotion
to execute or to implement or to manifest on a daily basis. The two together then allow us to go
all the way to our personal and professional vision for conscious leadership.
All right, let's just take a deep breath here. I'll stop sharing. Stephen Dynako and
Garth Catterall and I are going to come over now to this other part of the program with you here.
Looking forward to the next part of Module Three here. Be with you now in just less than a
[0:43:11] End of Audio