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Metacognition: Facilitating Learning Presentation

Facilitating Learning:
A Metacognitive Process
An Introduction
Prof. Larcyneil P. Pascual, MAEd.
Associate Professor II
University of Mindanao
Tagum Campus, Tagum City
Academic Year 2014- 2015
In this presentation, challenge yourself to attain
the following learning outcomes:
a. explain metacognition in your own words; and
b. apply metacognitve strategies in your own
quest for learning as a novice or an expert
A presentation by: Prof. Larcyneil P. Pascual, MA. Ed. – English & Literature, University of Mindanao Tagum Campus, Tagum City Phils.
Points to Ponder:
“If you teach a person what to learn,
you are preparing that person for the past.
If you teach a person how to learn, you are
preparing that person for the future”
– C. Houle
A presentation by: Prof. Larcyneil P. Pascual, MA. Ed. – English & Literature, University of Mindanao Tagum Campus, Tagum City Phils.
What and how much is learned is influenced
by the learner’s motivation. Motivation to learn,
is influenced by the individual’s emotional states,
beliefs, interests and goals, and habits of
In other words, educators need to be conscious with
students’ personal disposition…
Introduction to Facilitating Learning
Metacognition defined
 coined by John Flavell (1979, 1987)
 consists of both metacognitive knowledge and
metacognitive experiences or regulation
 “thinking about thinking” or “learning how to
 refers to HOTS
 involves active awareness and control over the
cognitive processes engaged in learning
A presentation by: Prof. Larcyneil P. Pascual, MA. Ed. – English & Literature, University of Mindanao Tagum Campus, Tagum City Phils.
“Schematic Diagram showing the three (3) categories of
metacognitive knowledge by John Flavell, 1979)
Metacognitive Knowledge
(refers to the acquired about cognitive processes,
knowledge that can be used to control
cognitive process)
(this includes how one
views himself as a
learner and thinker)
(knowledge about the
nature of the task as
well as the type of
processing demands)
(involves awareness of
the strategy you are
using to learn a topic)
A presentation by: Prof. Larcyneil P. Pascual, MA. Ed. – English & Literature, University of Mindanao Tagum Campus, Tagum City Phils.
“Schematic Diagram showing the three (3) categories of
metacognitive knowledge by John Flavell, 1979)
Strategy Variables
Meta – attention
(awareness of specific
strategies to keep your
attention focused on
the task at hand)
Meta – memory
(awareness of memory
strategies that work
best for you)
A presentation by: Prof. Larcyneil P. Pascual, MA. Ed. – English & Literature, University of Mindanao Tagum Campus, Tagum City Phils.
“Schematic Diagram showing the differences and similarities
between Novice and Expert learners”
- Have limited knowledge in the
different subject areas
- Satisfied at just scratching the
surface; hurriedly gives a solution
to the problem
-Employ rigid strategies that may
not be appropriate to the task at
-Attempt to process all
information they receive
-Do not examine the quality of
their work, nor stop to make
-They process
information at
their own pace
-They absorb
-Have deeper knowledge in
different subject areas because they
look for interrelationships in the
things they learn
-First they try to understand the
problem, look for boundaries, and
create a mental picture of the
-Design new strategies that would
be appropriate to the task at hand
-Select important information to
manageable chunks
-Check their errors/redirect efforts
to maintain
-quality outputs
A presentation by: Prof. Larcyneil P. Pascual, MA. Ed. – English & Literature, University of Mindanao Tagum Campus, Tagum City Phils.
APA Work Group of the Board of Educational
Affairs (1997, November). Learnercentered psychological principles:
Guidelines for school reform and redesign.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological
Bloom, Benjamin S. (1956). Taxonomy of
Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain.
New York: David McKay and Company.