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HAP 705 Strategic Management & Marketing Course Syllabus

College of Health and Human Services
Fall 2020
HAP 705 Strategic Management and Marketing
HAP 705: Strategic Management and Marketing. 202070.72083
6:00PM – 7:30PM Sync Sessions Bi-Weekly
Session 1: August 25, 2020
4:30PM – 6:00PM Office Hours (Scheduled)
Miriam A. Markowitz, MS
Office: Peterson Hall: Fourth Floor
Cell: (202) 236 5411
This course explores the role of strategic management and marketing in healthcare
organizations and the process by which they formulate, implement, and evaluate crossfunctional decisions to achieve their objectives. We review how strategic plans are formulated
to address the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats facing the organization from
external and internal environments. We consider the type of environmental forecasts and
competitor intelligence healthcare organizations need to make timely and adaptive strategic
and marketing decisions. We address the conditions necessary for successful strategic
execution including the critically important role of feedback and leadership’s role in designing
and achieving envisioned strategic direction.
This course employs a case study approach with reliance on team-based learning. The course
drives integrated learning across several disciplines and encourages critical thinking and
creativity as students apply skills and knowledge acquired from prior course work.
This course is based on a set of MHA Competencies and Learning Objectives. Students are
Competencies expected to gain a targeted level of proficiency in each of the Competencies.
A selected set of the MHA Competencies is the basis for the design of this course, including:
Competencies course content; learning objectives; and teaching and assessment methods. For each
competency, faculty identify a “Targeted Proficiency Level”, which students are expected to
attain. Course assessments are designed to measure student progress in attaining one of the
following targeted proficiency levels. (See Attachment E: Proficiency Level Definitions)
Moving Toward
Moving Toward
Course Competencies and Supporting Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
1.4. Healthcare Delivery System: Understand the health care system and the
environment in which health care managers and providers’ function.
Course Learning Objective
Demonstrate an understanding of the contemporary issues and trends that are impacting
the strategic and marketing imperatives for healthcare organizations.
1.5. Population Health Management: Understand the goals and methods for population
health management including the definition and measurement of health outcomes,
patterns of health determinants and the policies and interventions that link these two.
Course Learning Objective
Demonstrate an understanding of how healthcare organizations address population health
management in the context of developing, executing and assessing the impact of a strategic
2.2. Oral Presentation Skills: Construct and deliver business presentations that are
logical, compelling, interesting, and effectively communicated.
Course Learning Objective
Demonstrate the ability to engage in discussions that lead to mutual trust and cooperative
working relationships.
Construct and deliver a business presentation that is logical, compelling, interesting, and
effectively communicated.
3.1. Quantitative Reasoning: Make sense of information displayed in various formats
(graphs, tables, diagrams, equations) and to convert information from one format to
another; demonstrate proficiency in mathematical calculation; use evidence in drawing
conclusions about numerical data and the ability to assess the limitations of the evidence;
describe and evaluate assumptions for estimation, data analysis, and modeling; and
effectively communicate information using quantitative formats.
Course Learning Objective
Analyze a "Community Health Needs Assessment", to determine how demographic and
other environmental forces should inform organizational operations, future planning and
community healthcare initiatives.
Analyze an internal environment assessment to assess operational trends, workforce issues,
financial strength and vulnerabilities.
3.6. Descriptive Statistics: Use descriptive statistics to describe the basic features of a
data set, including the distribution (e.g., normal or skewed), central tendency and
Course Learning Objective
Demonstrate competent skills in the application of descriptive statistics when conducting
the Community Health Needs Assessment.
Demonstrate competent skills in the application of descriptive statistics when conducting
Internal Operations Assessment and Discovery.
3.10. Community and Market Assessments: Evaluate the demand for a healthcare
organization’s products, programs and services, including an assessment of socioeconomic information such as age of population, income, housing, education; competitor
information; healthcare services availability and gaps and other factors related to current
and future supply and demand.
Course Learning Objective
Analyze a "Community Health Needs Assessment”, to determine how demographic and
other environmental forces and trends should inform organizational operations, future
planning and community healthcare initiatives.
3.11. Operational Assessments: Examine critical business and clinical processes and
evaluate key metrics and performance measures of the business such as program and
service statistics; workflow studies and reports; personnel statistics and ratios; medical
workforce statistics; employee satisfaction studies; legal actions; organizational structure
and span of control; operational performance reports; etc.
Course Learning Objective
Analyze an internal environment assessment to assess operational trends, workforce issues,
financial strength and vulnerabilities.
3.12. Financial Statement Review: Conduct a financial statement review (Balance Sheet;
Income Statement, Cash Flow and Statement of Changes in Shareholder’s Equity) to study
the situation of the business and its performance during a specified period of time. This
includes the appropriate use of financial ratios to measure profitability, operating
efficiency, asset turnover, and liquidity or solvency.
Course Learning Objective
Conduct a Financial Statement Review and Financial Ratio Analysis for one of the case
organizations to assess the organization’s financial strengths and vulnerabilities.
4.3 Strategic Planning and Management: Set organizational direction and strategies
based on an understanding of the market and market forces, communicate an
organization’s capabilities and strengths to consumers, and formulate, implement, and
evaluate cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its
Course Learning Objective
Create a statement of Mission, Vision, Values, Goals and Objectives, and show how these
are effectively linked.
Design an effective planning process to achieve the "buy in" of internal and external
stakeholders whose support is necessary for effective implementation of planning
Create a set of strategies and tactical plan that effectively implement an organization's
mission, vision and critical success factors.
5.4. Professional and Business Ethics: Conduct oneself in accordance with the highest
professional and business codes of ethics of the healthcare professions
Course Learning Objective
Demonstrate high standards of personal and professional responsibility and accountability
in all interpersonal interactions with individuals, groups and teams.
Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations, 8th Edition. Swayne,
Duncan, and Ginter, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publishers, 2018 (“Strategic Management”)
An e-version of the 2018 edition of the book The Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations is
available via GMU Library Resources.
Middleboro Casebook, Second Addition, Lee F. Seidel and James B. Lewis, Health Administration Press, ISBN –
9781567938562 by The Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development / American Hospital Association
Note: there are e-files of data relevant for case. Find them online and in Student Resources, BlackBoard
NOTE: This book needs to be purchased.
Futurescan 2018–2023: Healthcare Trends and Implications, published by American Hospital
Product Code: P127141
ISBN: 978-0-87258-986-5
Other: Readings identified in Syllabus in weekly class schedule.
HBR license note:
To read the complete article online:
1. Go to Business Source Complete
2. Type the title in the top box in quotes “what is strategy”
3. Change the drop down “Select a field” to “Title”
4. Scroll down until you see the title and author of the article
Team & Individual Projects and Deliverables
Teams of 3-4 learners will work in a semester long project to develop a set of strategies for a health care
provider organization in Hillsboro County (Middleboro Case). The same team will also prepare and present to
the class a PowerPoint presentation of their strategic planfor their provider organization. Additional
deliverables include a Healthcare Trends Analysis paper prepared by each learner that addresses relevant
national and case-related regional and local trends and the external environment for their team’s provider
This course also uses our Discussion Board tool in Blackboard. There are three Discussion Board activities to
complete. These are graded course deliverables.
Teaching and
Student Self-Assessment
Online discussions
x Class Discussions
Experiential Learning Reports
Team Effectiveness Assessment
Peer Review
Simulation exercises
External Field Experiences
X Written research or project reports
Strategic/Consulting Projects
Web-based modules
In-class Presentations
Reflective Learning/Modeling
x Case Study
Comprehensive Examination
Grading Component
Percent of
Paper: Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan (TEAM)
Paper: Relevant Health Care Trends: National, Regional, Local (INDIVIDUAL)
Presentation: Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan (TEAM)
Confidential Team Peer Review (INDIVIDUAL)
Discussion Board Assignments / Participation (INDIVIDUAL)
NOTE: Deliverables turned in late are subject to a 25% penalty.
Grading Scale
A+ = 97-100
A = 94-96
A- = 90-93
B+ = 87-89
B = 83-86
B- = 80-82
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59
Mason Honor
The complete Honor Code is as follows:
The university is committed to providing equal access to employment and educational opportunities for people
with disabilities. Mason recognizes that individuals with disabilities may need reasonable accommodations to
have equally effective opportunities to participate in or benefit from the university educational programs,
services, and activities, and have equal employment opportunities. The university will adhere to all applicable
To promote a stronger sense of mutual responsibility, respect, trust, and fairness among all members of the
George Mason University community and with the desire for greater academic and personal achievement, we,
the student members of the university community, have set forth this honor code: Student members of the
George Mason University community pledge not to cheat, plagiarize, steal, or lie in matters related to
academic work. (From the 2012-13 Catalog – catalog.gmu.edu)
federal and state laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as
necessary to afford equal employment opportunity and equal access to programs for qualified people with
disabilities. Applicants for admission and students requesting reasonable accommodations for a disability
should call the Office of Disability Services at 703-993-2474. Employees and applicants for employment should
call the Office of Equity and Diversity Services at 703-993-8730. Questions regarding reasonable
accommodations and discrimination on the basis of disability should be directed to the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator in the Office of Equity and Diversity Services.
(From the 2012-13 Catalog – catalog.gmu.edu)
E-mail Policy
Web: masonlive.gmu.edu
Mason uses electronic mail to provide official information to students. Examples include notices from the
library, notices about academic standing, financial aid information, class materials, assignments, questions, and
instructor feedback. Students are responsible for the content of university communication sent to their Mason
e-mail account and are required to activate that account and check it regularly. Students are also expected to
maintain an active and accurate mailing address in order to receive communications sent through the United
States Postal Service.
(From the 2012-13 Catalog – catalog.gmu.edu)
Course Schedule
Week 1
August 25
Course Introduction
We review the purpose of strategic planning, the structure of a strategic plan, and the
design of this course. We will review all class deliverables and discuss approaches to
completing Case Analyses.
Learners will be assigned to Case Teams.
Reading Assignments
Chapter 1: The Nature of Strategic Management pp. 1-35
The Middleboro Case Book
Case 1: The Community pp. 1-32
Appendix A: Analyzing Strategic Health Care Cases pp. 411-421
Viewing Assignments
Course Introduction VIDEO
NOTE: This video was developed initially for the online course version of HAP 705.
Please recognize that the timeline presented in the Video may not align with our
course. However, the content and emphasis placed on reading and comprehension of
course content is highly relevant and will serve as useful guide.
Instructor Introduction VIDEO
Team Assignments
Each team is to complete a Team Tool and submit via EMAIL to INSTRUCTOR.
Due Date: 8/30/2020 11:59PM.
Teams are to complete a team skills assessment, build team charters, and assign case
readings to team members.
Team Project: Build a Strategic Plan for your Hillsboro County Provider
Your instructor will assign you to a Hillsboro County provider team. The goal of the
team will be to develop a set of strategies for a Hillsboro County healthcare provider.
This is a semester long project with a written and oral deliverable at the end of the
course. Each team’s strategic portfolio will include a strategy addressing an internal
need or weakness within the organization and an affiliation strategy.
Week 2
September 1
The External Analysis:
Community Health Needs Assessment & Population Health
We examine how a Community Health Needs Assessment includes a diverse set of
stakeholders in an evaluation of demographic and other environmental forces,
community-specific issues, public health challenges including access, and how this
informs strategic and operational planning priorities for a health care provider. We also
explore the range of analytical tools and methods that organizations use to conduct an
effective Community Health Needs Assessment and assess a population’s health.
Reading Assignments
What Is Strategy?
Michael E. Porter
Harvard Business Review
Reprint 96608 HBR November-December 1996
Chapter 2: Understanding and Analyzing the Environment pp. 37-78
The Middleboro Case Book
Your Team’s Case (Case 5, 6, 7, or 8)
Viewing Assignments
Week 1 Video
Please find under Course Content in Blackboard, Week 1 Video, titled: Strategic
Additional Reading/Scanning Resources:
IRS, New Requirements for 501(c)(3) Hospitals Under the Affordable Care Act
CDC, Community Health Assessment
Sara Rosenbaum, J.D, Principles to Consider for the Implementation of a
Community Health Needs Assessment Process, 2013 (http://nnphi.org/wpcontent/uploads/2015/08/PrinciplesToConsiderForTheImplementationOfACHNAProces
Healthy People 2020 at https://www.healthypeople.gov/
Note: Review Leading Health Indicators Report
Health Equity Report: District of Columbia 2018: Social Determinants of Health
Discussion Board #1. (see Discussion Board Tab in Blackboard)
Week 3
September 8
The External Assessment:
Competitor Analysis & National Trends
We examine how organizations assess their competitors, gaining intelligence on
competitor strengths, weakness and vulnerabilities, and how this is used to inform
strategic and operational planning priorities.
Reading Assignments:
Chapter 3: Service Area Competitor Analysis pp 80-119
Futurescan: Healthcare Trends and Implications 2018 - 2023
by The Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development
The Middleboro Case Book
All other cases not assigned to your TEAM. (Cases 5, 6, 7, 8 in particular)
Consider delegating other cases to individual TEAM members to begin
external/competition environment assessment.
Viewing Assignments
Week 3 Overview: Competitive Analysis
(Find this video under Course Content in Blackboard)
Individual Assignments
Team Assignments
Teams should be meeting weekly, and initiating deep dive into their provider’s
environmental context, all the data provided, and to begin identifying issues of concern
and opportunities to explore.
Teams should review the Michael E. Porter model, “Forces Driving Service Area
Competition” (See Exhibit 3-5) and apply to provider’s case.
Week 4
September 15
Health Trends & Issues
Internal Analysis
Reading Assignment
Chapter 4: Internal Analysis and Competitive Advantage pp. 121-161
Viewing Assignments
Week 4 Overview: Internal Environment
(Find this video under Course Content Week 4 in Blackboard)
Individual Assignments
Complete Discussion Board: Week 4 Discussion—Strengths Assessment
Individual Paper Assignment: Health Care Trends Paper
Please see full Assignment description on course Blackboard site.
Each student is to prepare a paper that identifies/prioritizes a set of national health care
issues and trends, as well as regional/local public health and socio-economic issues and
trends (as provided within the Middleboro Case) relevant to their case health care
provider. The student must prioritize and present three national trends and three regional
trends within the paper. All six trends should be correlated and supported with data from
the case or U.S. healthcare sector analysis/findings and convincingly linked to its
relevance to their Hillsboro County Provider.
This paper informs and prioritize the external issues that need to be understood and
further assessed as part of the development of the strategic plan for your organization.
Students within teams are encouraged to share their papers (post submission) to further
refine and support their external environmental assessment for the strategic plan.
Students are encouraged to seek out resources, commentaries, perspectives from
industry leaders, government agencies, associations, etc. in identifying and choosing
trends for consideration.
1. Futurescan: Healthcare Trends and Implications 2018-2022 by The Society for
Healthcare Strategy & Market Development
2. Middleboro Case Book
Team Assignments
Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan Progress
Week 5
September 22
Evaluation of Alternatives and Strategic Choice
Reading Assignments:
Chapter 7: Evaluation of Alternatives and Strategic Choice pp. 260-311
Individual Assignments
Healthcare Trends Paper due at end of week, Sunday 11:59PM.
Team Assignments
Teams are to complete the External/Internal Strategy Matrix, found on p. 263 of Ginter
text book, Exhibit 7-1.
Teams are encouraged to View Week 4 Video Resources on External/Internal Strategy
Teams are encouraged to use their individual papers as source/input to complete.
Teams should be prepared to present/review their completed matrix during Week 7
Class, SYNC Session.
Week 6
September 29
Internal Analysis: Operations and Finance
We examine the components of an Internal Operations Assessment including
operational trends, financial and manpower trends, internal strengths and
vulnerabilities, and how this informs strategic and operational planning priorities. We
also address extent to which an organization is prepared to embrace change. Here we
also explore the range of analytical tools and methods that organizations use to
conduct an effective Internal Operations Assessment, including a financial statement
Reading Assignment:
Chapter 9: Value-Adding Service Delivery Strategies, pp. 307-341
Team Assignments
Strategic Plan Chapter 1: External Environment and Competitive Analysis should be
fully drafted.
Teams complete deep dive financial review of their Hillsboro County provider.
Teams should submit draft SWOT analysis to instructor for feedback.
Week 7
Internal Analysis: Clinical Position
October 6
We examine key factors considered when conducting an analysis of the clinical domain
including external accreditation and assessments and internal quality assessments.
Review requirements to prepare assessment of clinical outcomes and performance
based on the case material provided.
Reading Assignment
1. The Joint Commission (JACHO): https://www.jointcommission.org/
2. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
3. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
4. LEAPFROG Hospital Safety Grade
5. HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems)
survey: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-AssessmentInstruments/HospitalQualityInits/HospitalHCAHPS.html
6. National Quality Forum
(Explore this website)
Team Assignment
The Middleboro Case Book
Teams to prepare to discuss:
Clinical Outcomes/Quality performance of their providers.
Capture and analyze Hillsboro County Healthcare Providers existing and
proposed affiliations.
Teams to present initial External/Internal Issue Review Tool completed.
Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan Progress
Week 8
October 13
Critical Success Factors & Mission, Vision and Goals
We examine the concept of Critical Success Factors (CSF) and how these establish an
important framework for the implementation of an organization’s mission, vision and
We explore the importance of an organization’s mission and vision and how these are
effectively linked. We consider the criteria for well-written missions and visions.
Reading Assignment
Chapter 5: Directional Strategies pp. 163-203
Vijay Govindarajan, Innovations’ Nine Critical Success Factors, HBR July 5,2011,
Viewing Assignments
Under Course Content, Week 8, please view the Week 8 Overview: Mission and Vision
Team Assignments
Each team is to schedule a TEAM CHECK IN with Instructor during Week 8 of our course.
During this meeting, your team should be ready to:
Review deliverables work status;
Walk through team’s draft SWOT analysis;
Discuss the strategies under consideration by the team.
Strategic Plan Section 2: Internal Analysis should be completed.
Strategy Development Guide: Tool for Teams to think about their strategies under
consideration. Please find this tool under Student Resources in Course Blackboard.
Week 9
October 20
Strategy Development
Reading Assignment
Chapter 6: Developing Strategic Alternatives pp. 205-257
Strategy as Active Waiting
Donald N. Sull
Harvard Business Review Reprint R0509G HBR September 2005
Team Assignments
Each Team to submit via Blackboard Mission, Vision, Values Corporate Statements to
Instructor for feedback.
Strategic Plan Section 3: SWOT Analysis should be completed.
Week 10
October 27
Goals and Objectives / Affiliation Strategy
We examine the importance of formulating measurable goals and objectives to help an
organization accomplish its mission.
We explore the full breadth of affiliation strategies, identify examples already present in
Case material, and develop assessment resources for proposed affiliation strategies.
Reading Assignment
Chapter 7: Evaluation of Alternatives and Strategic Choice pp. 260-311
Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan Progress
Individual Assignment:
Discussion Board Week 10: Affiliation Strategy. Initial Response only; no response
required. Due end of week Sunday, 11:59PM.
Week 11
November 3
Strategic Analysis & Value Adding Service Delivery Strategies
Strategic Analysis is addressed in two parts. In the first part, we examine key methods
and tools for assessing and prioritizing strategic options.
Reading Assignment
Chapter 8: Value-Adding Service Delivery Strategies
Team Assignments
Each Team will present one affiliation strategy under consideration for class discussion.
Instructor will provide guidance/template for presentation.
Please take a look at Week 7 Content, Module 7 Strategic Planning Tools related to the
Health Care Value Chain Model in the Course Blackboard.
Week 12
November 10
Strategic Analysis
Strategic analysis we continue our examination of key methods and tools for assessing
and prioritizing strategic options.
Reading Assignment
Chapter 9: Value-Adding Support Strategies
Team Assignments
Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan Progress
Teams please watch TED’s Secret to Great Public Speaking
Please find link under Week 7 Video Resources.
Week 13
November 17
Strategic Execution
We discuss the importance and structure of an implementation plan in assuring that an
organization’s strategies are effectively executed. And, we examine why this is perhaps
the most critical phase of an organization’s planning process where strategic plan
execution is most vulnerable.
Reading Assignment
Chapter 10: Communicating the Strategy and Developing an Action Plan
Gary L. Neilson, Karla L. Martin, Elizabeth Powers, The Secrets to Successful Strategic
Execution, HBR June 2008, https://hbr.org/2008/06/the-secrets-to-successful-strategyexecution?referral=03759&cm_vc=rr_item_page.bottom
Team Assignments
Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan Progress
Week 14
November 24
Team Assignments
Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan Progress
Assignment Due:
Week 15
December 1
Extended SYNC
Week 16
December 8
Class members complete Confidential Team Peer Review
Team Presentations
Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan Presentation
Assignment Due:
Teams deliver twenty minute Strategic Plan PowerPoint Presentations
Assignment Due:
Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plans
Teams submit written strategic plan.
(See Assignment in Blackboard)
The team project involves the development of a strategic plan for a Hillsboro County provider. Team members
collaborate on the development of a final team paper that covers the following sections. The paper should be no
more than 25 pages in New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced. Appendices are encouraged to be used for
“showing your work”—data analytics, compiled research, qualitative analytics, etc.
Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan
Section 1: External Analysis & Competitive Analysis
Section 2: Internal Analysis: Operations, Financial, Clinical
Section 3: SWOT
Section 4: Critical Success Factors & Mission & Vision
Section 5: Strategic Analysis
Section 6: Recommended Strategies (4) & Performance Metrics
The team will present their Hillsboro County Provider Strategic Plan at the close of the semester.
Grading Process:
A student’s grade on the Team Project has the following three components:
Written Report: The grade earned by the team is the grade earned by every member of the team.
Confidential Peer Review: At the end of the semester, students will be asked to rate their teammate’s
contributions to the work of the team. Most students receive a very good evaluation from their peers.
However, students who do not actively participate in the work of the team or fail to meet their
obligations to the team should not be surprised with a lower evaluation.
Team Presentation: The grade on the presentation is the grade received by all members of the team.
Therefore, it is essential that team members’ work with each other to assure that each member of team
participates at his/her optimum level.
In their confidential peer review, team members should consider how well their teammates exhibit the
following personal values and characteristics of high performing teams.
1. HONESTY: Member puts a high value on effective communication within the team, including transparency
about aims, decisions, uncertainty, and mistakes.
2. DISCIPLINE: Member carries out his/her role and responsibilities with discipline, even when it seems
3. CREATIVITY: Member participates in tackling the work of the team creatively, even finding errors and
unanticipated obstacles as potential opportunities to learn and improve.
4. HUMILITY: Member respects the diversity and differences among team members and demonstrates an
ability to listen to and learn from others even when their opinions are different.
5. EXCELLENCE: Member demonstrates a commitment to the continuous improvement of own work and the
functioning of the team.
6. TEAM PLAYER: Member is trusted to work cooperatively toward the shared achievement of the team.
Grading student participation in this course is based on the Affective Domain (Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973).
This includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation,
enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. The five major categories are listed from the simplest behavior to the
most complex. Students improve their participation grade by moving from the simplest to the more complex
Observed Behavior
Receiving Phenomena: When in class, student is attentive to the instructor and classmates,
and demonstrates a willingness to participate when called upon.
Responding to Phenomena: Student actively participates in class discussions and
presentations, taking initiative to respond and demonstrating an intellectual curiosity in
the concepts studied.
Valuing: Student is able to internalize and demonstrate an appreciation for the worth or
value of the concepts studied. In other words, student seeks to understand how the
concept can help improve his/her personal, social or professional life, and can provide
examples from own experience.
Organization: Student is able to compare and contrast values that are different from each
other or different from his/her own, resolve conflicts between them, and prioritize them to
form an internally consistent system of values.
Internalizing Values: Student has developed and adopted a long-term value system that is
pervasive, consistent, and predictable and controls his/her behavior. For the healthcare
executive this includes but is not limited to: 1. Showing self-reliance when working
independently; 2: Cooperating in group activities (displaying teamwork). 3: Using an
objective and systematic approach in problem solving. 4: Displaying a professional
commitment to ethical practice daily; 5: Revising judgments and changing behavior in light
of new evidence; 6: Demonstrating cultural awareness and competence
Attachment D
Presentation Element
Organization and Presentation of Facts & Analysis
Creative and Workable Solutions
Case Objectives Met
Personal Presentation Skills
Ability to Answer Questions
Point Value
Attachment E
Proficiency Level Definitions
Proficiency Levels
Student has little or no knowledge, skill or ability in this competency.
Moving Toward
Student is no longer a novice, but has not yet mastered the knowledge, skills or ability to
be competent in this competency.
Student has adequate knowledge, skill and ability in this competency, and can
demonstrate this well or well enough at the level of a junior healthcare professional.
Moving Toward
Student is acquiring the knowledge, skills and ability to move from competent to expert in
this competency.
Student has special or superior knowledge, skill and ability in this competency and can
demonstrate this at the level of a senior healthcare professional.
The above rubric has been adapted from the rubric used by the American College of HealthCare Executives
(ACHE) in its “Competency Assessment Tool”.