C OLLEGE OF H EALTH P ROFESSIONS C ONTINUING E DUCATION S CHOOL OF H EALTHCARE A DMINISTRATION AND L EADERSHIP BUILD YOUR OWN HEALTHCARE PRACTICE C ONTINUING INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION SERIES* Simultaneously Video Conferenced in Hillsboro and Honolulu Financial Accounting for the Small Healthcare Business Owner | Bookkeeping for people who don’t have the time, don’t want to spend the time, and find bookkeeping boring. This presentation is designed to give the new healthcare business owner an overview of the financial end of a small business. Your approach to your business will focus first on giving good care to your customers, taking care of your staff, and hopefully making some money. We will take an accountant’s approach and talk about your business “by the numbers”. We will discuss how your clinical decisions affect the income and expenses of your business by looking the various categories that are on an income statement. We will talk about budgeting, financial statements, internal controls, and making business decisions. By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: Create a list of financial tasks needed start a new business Read and understand a balance sheet and income statement. Develop a 12 month budget of income and expenses. List appropriate internal controls for a small business. J OHN D AHLQUIST | CPA, CMPE Clinic Administrator | Maple Street Clinic *Series designed so that participants attend the sessions that are the right fit. No previous attendance required. Registration Fees Alumni Each Session Preceptors $50.00 Unaffiliated $60.00 $80.00 Location | Register Online Hillsboro Campus | 711 SE Baseline #132 | Hillsboro, OR Honolulu Office | 677 Ala Moana Blvd | Honolulu, HI Thursday | 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m. February 26, 2015 www.pacificu.edu/futu re - graduate- professi onal/colleges/ coll ege-h ealth-professi ons/continuing - edu cati on | lisa.downin g@pacifi cu .edu or 503.352.2663