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Housekeeping: Accessing Rooms for Servicing - Senior High

Senior High School
Technology and
Livelihood Education
First Quarter-Week 3
Self-Learning Kit
TLE-Housekeeping- Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Week 3: Access Rooms for Servicing
First Edition, 2020
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
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over them.
Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
Development Team of the Module
Writers: Marnelyn L. Teologo
Editors: Name
Reviewers: Name
Illustrator: Name
Layout Artist: Name
Management Team: Name of Regional Director
Name of CLMD Chief
Name of Regional EPS In Charge of LRMS
Name of Regional ADM Coordinator
Name of CID Chief
Name of Division EPS In Charge of LRMS
Name of Division ADM Coordinator
Printed in the Philippines by ________________________
Department of Education – Region VII Central Visayas
Division of Talisay City
Office Address:
E-mail Address:
J. P Rizal St., Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu
4913793- CID
Technology and
Livelihood Education
First Quarter -Week 3:
Access Rooms for
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Technology and Livelihood Education- Housekeeping Alternative
Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Use Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia!
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
Notes to the Teacher
This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
Welcome to the Technology and Livelihood Education - Housekeeping Alternative
Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Use Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
What I Need to Know
This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
What I Know
This part includes an activity that aims to
check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this
What’s In
This is a brief drill or review to help you link
the current lesson with the previous one.
What’s New
In this portion, the new lesson will be
introduced to you in various ways; a story, a
song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity
or a situation.
What is It
This section provides a brief discussion of the
lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.
What’s More
This comprises activities for independent
practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the answers
to the exercises using the Answer Key at the
end of the module.
What I Have Learned
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.
What I Can Do
This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning
Additional Activities
In this portion, another activity will be given
to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned.
Answer Key
This contains answers to all activities in the
At the end of this module you will also find:
This is a list of all sources used in developing
this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. In this course, you will
learn the core competencies that a Housekeeper should experience in order to
provide quality services to the clients. The module is designed to improve your skills
in your own pace based on the Department of Education’s MELCS. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you
read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
In this module you will encounter:
Lesson 1- Prepare Rooms for Guests
LO2. Access rooms for servicing
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. identify important terminologies used in housekeeping;
2. observe guests’ safety and security in hotel establishment; and
3. evaluate room types according to guests needs.
What I Know
Good day! Before you start exploring this module, let us check first how well you
are prepared in this subject. Are you ready? Let’s start!
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer in your activity
1. What is the meaning of XB?
A. extra baggage
C. extra beddings
B. extra bed
D. extra bedroom
2. What room is a kind of stand-alone house that gives extra privacy and space
to hotel guests?
C. Murphy
D. Villa
3. What room status indicates that a room should not be entered and cleaned
because guests do not want to be disturbed?
A. extra service
C. make up room
B. do not disturb
D. early maid service
4. What is the most expensive room provided in a hotel?
A. Executive
B. President’s Suite
C. Suite
D. Villa
5. How do you call room that has a guest occupying and it has already been
cleaned by the housekeeper?
A. occupied clean
C. vacant clean
B. on- change
D. vacant ready
6. What term describes a room occupied by a guest without a large baggage?
A. extra baggage
C. light baggage
B. hand carry baggage
D. no baggage
7. How do you classify a room that is vacant but has not yet been cleaned?
A. vacant
B. vacant clean
C. vacant dirty
D. vacant ready
8. What is the meaning of OC?
A. occupied changed
C. on-change
B. occupied clean
D. on cleaning
9. How do you classify a room that the guest has departed, but the room has
not yet been cleaned and not ready for new occupants?
A. cleaning in progress
C. on- change
B. do not disturb
D. vacant dirty
10. What room is best to book for couples?
A. Double Room
C. Single Room
B. Executive Room
D. Twin Room
11. What room is best for Jenny and Marsh if they wanted a separate room but
has a common door that links them?
A. Adjacent Room
C. Connecting Room
B. Adjoining Room
D. Twin Room
12. Mr. Dela Cruz is a guest at Marco Polo Hotel with concealing identity. Where
do we classify him?
A. Corporate Traveler
C. Incognito
B. Foreign Independent Traveler
D. Very Important Person
13. Where do we classify guests traveling from South Korea who are not
connected to any of our travel agencies?
A. Corporate Travelers
C. Group Inclusive Tours
B. Foreign Independent Traveler
D. Leisure Travelers
14. Arrange the following steps in handling guests’ valuables found
during cleaning.
1. The guest room will then be double locked until the guest
2. A room attendant must report to the housekeeping office any
guest valuables found inside the guest room during cleaning.
3. The case must then be recorded very clearly in the
Housekeeping Logbook.
4. The room attendant stays in the room until the assistant
manager, floor supervisor, and the security officer arrive at
the scene.
A. 1-2-3-4
C. 2-4-3-1
B. 2-3-4-1
D. 4-3-2-1
15. Which of the following does NOT follow proper guidelines in
securing the key controls in a hotel?
A. All keys issued must be properly signed for and cancelled
after return.
B. All keys are kept in the housekeeping office in a locked
cabinet and properly coded.
C. The housekeeping coordinator does the inventory of the keys
at the beginning of the shift.
D. The housekeeping coordinator is responsible for the
distribution and control of keys.
What’s In
Please take a look on the picture below. Can you still recall how to set up a maid’s
cart or trolley?
Now, Identify the common supplies loaded on a maid’s cart or trolley. Choose your
answer from the choices below. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
Bath Products
Cleaning Supplies
Tissues & Paper Towel
Clean Linens
Soiled Laundry Bag
Coffee & Hot Cups
Trash Bag
(Webstaurant Store 2003)
What’s New
Observe the following guests’ reviews on a hotel. Write your answers to the
questions below in your activity notebook.
Joe A wrote a review Mar 2020
Amazing Stay at the B
Stayed at the B Hotel on Scout Rallos in Quezon City for 12 nights. Amazing
hotel, clean rooms, great lobby restaurant, great bar and best of all,
FANTASTIC PEOPLE - security personnel, front office staff, management,
restaurant servers, in-house hotel nurse and cleaning crew. All very
accommodating and efficient.
Date of stay: February 2020
Trip type: Traveled solo
(Tripadvisor LLC
A very good example of a very bad hotel.
Review of Margarita Apartments
Reviewed 21 May 2017 via mobile
Worst hotel I’ve stayed in.
The lock housing was exposed meaning it wasn’t difficult to break into our
room.No ventilation in bathroom (No window or extractor fan) leaving the
bathroom misty after taking a shower and leaving it smelly after using the
loo. Beds were extremely uncomfortable, may as well of slept on their sun
loungers. Bed sheets were filled with dust when we asked Dimitri (the owner)
if we could have them changed, he replied "well the cleaner has finished
who’s going to do it?" Fridge was dirty and horrible and the bottom of it was
rusty. Staff funny when you leave hotel to eat or drink out. A little two faced.
Date of stay: May 2017
Trip type: Traveled as a couple
(Tripadvisor LLC 2020)
What have you observed from the guests’ reviews above?
What do you think are the factors that make a guest satisfied? or unsatisfied?
Room status terminologies are used by both housekeeping department and front
desk in communicating with each other regarding room occupancy. It is very
important that these two departments continuously communicate with each other
not only to maximize sales and revenue but to avoid problems like room status
discrepancy---situation wherein the housekeeping department’s description of a
room status is different from the room status information being used by the front
desk to assign guest rooms. This situation will create big problems if not resolved,
this is why close coordination between these two departments is extremely
What is It
Access Rooms for Servicing
All guest rooms must only be accessed after following the house procedures that
apply. These procedures relate to service delivery and security. They also function to
help avoid embarrassment to both guests and staff. (Ajar.id 2020)
Identify Important Terminologies Used in Housekeeping
Executive housekeeper also uses the terminologies for status to closely estimate the
number of housekeepers needed on any particular day and to schedule them
accordingly. Out of Order (OOO) rooms, Vacant (VC) rooms, and sleep outs are
examples of important room status terminologies that would mean there is no need
for the housekeeper' service to clean these rooms. Below are terminologies used by
housekeeping and front desk.
Important Terminologies for Room Status
Pre-register. A guest has booked a room earlier for early morning arrival.
Occupied (OCC). A guest is currently occupying the room.
Occupied Clean (OC). There is a guest occupying the room and it has already been
cleaned by the room attendant.
Occupied Dirty (00). There is a guest occupying the room and it has not been
cleaned by the room attendant yet.
Extra Bed (XB). There is an extra bed being used in the guest room
Light Baggage (LB). The guest occupying the room does not have a large baggage.
No Baggage (NB). The guest occupying the room does not have a baggage.
No Need Service (NNS). A guest requested a “no service" for the room.
Stay-over. The guest is not expected to check out today and will remain at least one
more night.
On-change. The guest has departed, but the room has not yet been cleaned and not
ready for new occupants.
Do Not Disturb (DND). The guest has requested not to be disturbed.
Cleaning in Progress. Room attendant is currently cleaning the room.
Sleep-out (SO). A guest is registered to the room, but the bed has not been used.
Skipper. The guest has left the hotel without making arrangements to settle his or
her account.
Vacant and Ready or Vacant and Clean (VC). The room has been cleaned and
inspected and is ready for the arriving guest.
Vacant Dirty (VD). The room is vacant but has not yet been cleaned.
Out of Order (OOO). Rooms kept under out of order are not sellable and these rooms,
are deducted from the hotels inventory. A room may be out of order for a variety of
reasons, including the need for maintenance, refurbishing and extensive cleaning.
Out of Service (OOS). Rooms kept under Out of service are not deducted from the
hotel inventory. This is a temporary blocking and reasons may be a malfunctioning
bulb fuse, TV remote not working, kettle not functioning properly, etc. These rooms
are assigned to the guest once these small maintenance issues are fixed.
Lock-out (LO). The occupied room has been locked which disallows the guest to reenter until he or she comes into contact with hotel staff to clarify his or her status.
Did Not Check Out (DNCO). The guest made arrangements to settle his or her bills
(and thus not a skipper), but has left without informing the front desk.
Due Out (DO). The room is expected to become vacant after the guest checks out.
Check Out (C/O). The guest has settled his or her account, returned the room keys,
and left the hotel.
Late Check Out. The guest has requested and is being allowed to check out later
than the normal or standard departure time of the hotel.
Expected Departure (ED). It is the same as "due out" which means the guest would
depart prior to the check-out time of the following day.
Inspected Clean. The room is double checked by the floor supervisor after the
cleaning of room attendant.
Complimentary. The room is occupied for free.
Hotel guests can be classified according to:
Trip purpose - pleasure or business travelers
Numbers - independent or group travelers
Origin - Local or overseas travelers
Classification of Hotel Guest
Leisure Travelers. They are individuals who travel to engage in leisure activities,
outdoor recreation, for relaxation, to visit friends and relatives, or to attend sports or
cultural events.
Corporate Business Travelers. They are individuals whose frequent bookings are
usually made by enterprises with reduced room rates. Business travelers go on a trip
to conduct business, attend business meetings or workshops, and engage in selling
or purchasing of products.
Free Independent Travelers (FITS). They are sometimes referred to as foreign
independent travelers. FITS are international tourists who purchase their own
accommodation and make their own travel arrangements.
Group Inclusive Tours (GITs). Tourists who travel together on package tours with
accommodation and sometimes meals which are booked through travel agents.
Group tourists tend to spend less and budget their spending allowance.
Domestic Tourists. They are local residents who stay at a hotel for special occasions
and functions.
Conference Participants. Individuals who travel to attend conference and whose
accommodation is usually reserved by themselves, their enterprise, or a conference
organizer prior to their arrival.
Very Important Persons (VIPs). Very important persons may include celebrities,
frequent-stay guests, guests in expensive rooms, guests with security risks, and top
executives from enterprises.
Incognito. They are guests who stay in a hotel with concealing identities to avoid
notice and unwanted attention.
Guest Room Classifications
Single Room. A room that accommodates
only one person and has a single or a queen
size bed.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Twin Room. A room that can accommodate
two persons with two twin beds.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Double Room. A room that can accommodate
two persons with a double or queen-size bed.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Double-double Room. A room that can
accommodate two to four persons with two
twin, double, or queen-size beds.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Triple Room. A room that can accommodate
three persons and has been fitted with three
twin beds, or one double bed and one twin
bed or two double beds.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Hollywood Twin Room. A room that can
accommodate two persons with two twin beds
joined together by a common headboard.
Medium tariff and budget hotels tend to
provide this room setting, which cater to both
couples and parties of two.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Studio or Murphy Room. A room that is
fitted with a sofa bed or a Murphy bed (i.e. a
bed that folds out of a wall or closet), which
can be transformed from a living room at
daytime and into a bedroom during
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Suite. A room with one or more bedrooms
and a living space. The bedrooms may be
single. double, or twin double rooms.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
President Suite. The most expensive room
provided by a hotel. Usually, only one
president suite is available in a hotel. Similar
to the normal suites, a president suite always
has one or more bedrooms and a living space
with strong emphasis on grand in-room
decoration. high quality amenities and
supplies, and tailor-made services (e.g„
personal butler during the stay).
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Villa. A special form of accommodation which
can be found in some resort hotels. It is a kind
of stand-alone house that gives extra privacy
and space to hotel guests. A fully equipped
villa contains not only bedrooms and a living
room, but a private swimming pool, a Jacuzzi,
and a balcony.
It is suitable for couples, families, and large
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Accessible Room. This room type is mainly
designed for disabled guests. The law requires
that hotels must provide certain number of
accessible rooms to avoid discrimination. The
room setting of an accessible room is different
from other standard rooms for guests'
conveniences. Common features include
safety bars and emergency buttons in the
bedroom and bathroom, touch floor lamps,
fire alarm lights, outward opening door for
bathroom. etc. The rooms should always be
located at the ground or lower floors and
should be near the elevators for easier access
of disabled guests. This room type is also
suitable for seniors or old people.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Balcony Room. A room with a balcony.
(Elaine n.d.)
Room for Extended Stay. This room type
can be found in service apartments and
hotels that target guests who are staying for
a long period (e.g.„ expatriates). Open
kitchens and cooking equipment are usually
available in the room. Some would also
provide housekeeping services once a week in
a regular basis.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Smoking or Non-Smoking Room. Many
hotels provide both smoking and nonsmoking rooms for their guests: In order to
minimize the effects of secondhand smoke
exposure of non-smoking guests, some hotels
group all smoking rooms in certain floors and
separate them from non-smoking rooms.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Adjacent Room. These are rooms close by or
across the corridor, but are not side by side.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Adjoining Room. Rooms that are side by
side, but do not have a connecting door
between them.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Connecting Room. Two rooms that are side
by side with a connecting door between them.
(Setupmyhotel.com 2020)
Guests' Safety and Security in Hotel Establishment
Security Procedures
In a hotel of any size, security is a major concern. The security division is responsible
for maintaining systems and implementing procedures that protect the personal
property of guests and employees and the hotel itself. Every hotel has its own
procedures and guidelines for their staff on how to handle guest valuables, keys, and
telephone calls. Any unauthorized disclosure of guest information to anyone by any
hotel staff will be regarded as misconduct. Hotel staff should never disclose guest
information such as guest name and room number to anyone.
Handling Guests' Valuables
A room attendant must report to the housekeeping office any guest valuables found
inside the guest room during cleaning. It is important that the room attendant stays
in the room until the assistant manager, floor supervisor, and the security officer
arrive at the scene. The case must then be recorded very clearly in the Housekeeping
Logbook with the time, room number, description of the item(s) found, the name of
finder, and the name to whom the case is reported to and handled by for future
reference. The guest room will then be double locked until the guest returns.
Key Control
The room key is an important instrument that housekeeping staff use to access the
guest room and carry out their duties. All keys must be kept secured and distributed
properly. Every room attendant is responsible for taking care of the keys under his
or her charge and not allowing anyone else access to the keys. All keys are kept in
the housekeeping office in a locked cabinet and properly coded. The housekeeping
coordinator is responsible for the distribution and control of keys. All keys issued
must be properly signed for and cancelled after return. The room attendant must
register or sign in the Key Control "In and Out" Logbook and list the number of issued
The housekeeping coordinator does the inventory of the keys at the beginning of each
shift and prior to the handover of keys to the subsequent shift in charge. The key
cabinet must remain locked at all times. Keys issued to the employees must be kept
under their own custody and never be left hanging on the trolley or in the door lock.
All keys must always be returned to the housekeeping office. Keys must never be
taken out of the hotel premises. Misplacing or loss of key is a very serious matter
and should be reported to the executive housekeeper or assistant manager and
security officer immediately. An immediate search must be made until the key is
located. Every staff in the housekeeping department is trained to handle the different
keys and use the correct procedures when someone asks to open a guest room.
Suspicious Person
The housekeeping staff must report to the housekeeping office any suspicious person
loitering on guest floors and public areas. The housekeeping coordinator will in turn
inform the floor supervisor or assistant housekeeper, the assistant manager, and the
security officer.
Lost and Found
Lost and found refers to:
a place or an office that keeps any items found inside the hotel; or
a place or an office where reports of missing items, reported by either guests
or staff are kept and followed up.
All staff should hand in items found inside the hotel premises, regardless of their
value. Most hotels assign this duty to the housekeeping department or the security
department. All information is recorded in the Lost and Found Logbook for prompt
and easy reference in case a guest inquires about a lost item. All items found by the
guests and staff should be stored in a ventilated room and kept for three months
before being released to the finder. Some items, such as perishable food or drink,
may be kept for a shorter period. The storage area must be secure.(Urbiztondo 2016)
What’s More
A. Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle by filling in the word that fits each
3. individuals who travel to attend conference
5. they are guests who stay in a hotel with concealing identities to avoid notice
and unwanted attention
6. they are local residents who stay at a hotel for special occasions and functions
7. celebrities, frequent-stay guests with security risks, and top executives from
8. tourists who travel together on package tours with accommodation and
sometimes meals which are booked through travel agents
1. they are individuals who travel to engage in leisure activities, outdoor reaction
2. they are the individuals whose frequent bookings are usually made by
4. international tourists who purchase their own travel arrangements
B. Directions: Identify the meaning of the following initials. Write your answer
in your activity notebook.
1. OCC
2. VC
3. VD
4. OD
5. DND
6. LO
8. NB
9. SO
10. ED
11. C/O
12. NNS
What I Have Learned
Directions: Complete the following sentences. Choose from the words inside the box.
Write your answers in your activity notebook.
security division
secondhand smoke
Housekeeping Logbook
3 months
Business travelers
room attendant
housekeeping coordinator
Lost and found
1 year
1. The ______ is responsible for maintaining systems and implementing
procedures that protect the personal property of guests and employees and
the hotel itself.
2. Any unauthorized disclosure of guest’s ______ to anyone by any hotel staff
will be regarded as misconduct.
3. The _______ must report to the housekeeping office any guest valuables
found inside the guest room during cleaning.
4. Lost and found item must be recorded very clearly in the ______ with the
time, room number, description of the item(s) found, the name of finder, and
the name to whom the case is reported to and handled by for future
5. The room ______is an important instrument that housekeeping staff use to
access the guest room and carry out their duties.
6. All keys are kept in the housekeeping ______in a locked cabinet and properly
7. The _______ does the inventory of the keys at the beginning of each shift and
prior to the handover of keys to the subsequent shift in charge.
8. All items found by the guests and staff should be stored in a ventilated room
and kept for ______before being released to the finder.
9. ______ refers to a place or an office that keeps any items found inside the
10. Many hotels provide both smoking and non- smoking rooms for their guests
in order to minimize the effects of _______ exposure of non-smoking guests.
11. ________go on a trip to conduct business, attend business meetings or
workshops, and engage in selling or purchasing of products.
12. FITS are ______tourists who purchase their own accommodation and make
their own travel arrangements.
13. Domestic tourists are ______residents who stay at a hotel for special
occasions and functions.
14. President Suite is the most ______room provided by a hotel.
15. Accessible room is a type of room mainly designed for ______ guests.
What I Can Do
Directions: Recommend to the following guests the most suitable room types that fit
according to their classification. Explain briefly your answer in your activity
a. Two friends who are going to Tokyo for a vacation.
b. An American who is assigned by his boss to work in the Philippines for a
c. A big family group would like to go to Thailand and is looking for a resort
with relaxing facilities that can provide privacy.
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer in your activity
1. What is the meaning of XB?
A. extra baggage
C. extra beddings
B. extra bed
D. extra bedroom
2. What room has a sofa bed which can be transformed from a living room at
daytime and into a bedroom during nighttime?
C. Murphy
D. Single
3. What room status indicates that a room should not be entered and cleaned
because guests do not want to be disturbed?
A. extra service
C. make up room
B. do not disturb
D. early maid service
4. What is the most expensive room provided in a hotel?
A. Executive
B. President’s Suite
C. Suite
D. Villa
5. How do you call room that has a guest occupying and it has already been
cleaned by the housekeeper?
A. occupied clean
C. vacant clean
B. on- change
D. vacant ready
6. What term describes a room occupied by a guest without a large baggage?
A. extra baggage
C. light baggage
B. hand carry baggage
D. no baggage
7. How do you classify a room that is vacant but has not yet been cleaned?
A. vacant
B. vacant clean
C. vacant dirty
D. vacant ready
8. What is the meaning of OC?
A. occupied changed
C. on-change
B. occupied clean
D. on cleaning
9. How do you classify a room that the guest has departed, but the room has
not yet been cleaned and not ready for new occupants?
A. cleaning in progress
C. on- change
B. do not disturb
D. vacant dirty
10. What room is best to book when you travel alone?
A. Double Room
C. Single Room
B. Executive Room
D. Twin Room
11. What room is best for Jenny and Marsh if they wanted a separate room but
has a common door that links them?
A. Adjacent Room
C. Connecting Room
B. Adjoining Room
D. Twin Room
12. Mr. Dela Cruz is a guest at Marco Polo Hotel with concealing identity. Where
do we classify him?
A. Corporate Traveler
C. Incognito
B. Foreign Independent Traveler
D. Very Important Person
13. Where do we classify guests traveling from South Korea who are not
connected to any of our travel agencies?
A. Corporate Travelers
C. Group Inclusive Tours
B. Foreign Independent Traveler
D. Leisure Travelers
14. Arrange the following steps in handling guests’ valuables found
during cleaning.
1. The guest room will then be double locked until the guest returns.
2. A room attendant must report to the housekeeping office any guest
valuables found inside the guest room during cleaning.
3. The case must then be recorded very clearly in the Housekeeping
4. The room attendant stays in the room until the assistant manager,
floor supervisor, and the security officer arrive at the scene.
A. 1-2-3-4
C. 2-4-3-1
B. 2-3-4-1
D. 4-3-2-1
15. Which of the following does NOT follow proper guidelines in
the key controls in a hotel?
A. All keys issued must be properly signed for and cancelled after
B. All keys are kept in the housekeeping office in a locked cabinet
and properly coded.
C. The housekeeping coordinator does the inventory of the keys at
the beginning of the shift.
D. The housekeeping coordinator is responsible for the distribution
and control of keys.
Additional Activities
Directions: Read the following scenarios below. Put
and security in hotel establishment and
if it observes guests’ safety
X if not. Write your answer in your activity
1. The receptionist disclosed the guest information to a
caller with a given identity as the mother of the guest.
2. Radisson Blu Hotel has its own procedures and
guidelines for their staff on how to handle guest
valuables, keys, and telephone calls.
3. A room attendant reported to the housekeeping
office the necklace he found inside the guest room
during cleaning.
4. The housekeeper left the room after reporting the
lost and found item inside the guests’ room without
waiting for the security officer to arrive.
5. Any untoward incidents must be recorded in the
housekeeping logbook,
6. When incidents happen inside a guest room, it will
be double locked by the security officer until the guest
7. A room key is provided to housekeeping staffs to use
to access the guest room and carry out their duties.
8. All keys are kept in the housekeeping office in a
drawer that can easily be accessed by anyone.
9. The housekeeping coordinator is responsible for the
distribution and control of keys.
10. The housekeeping staff reported to the
housekeeping office a suspicious person loitering on
the guest floor.
What's In
clean linens
trash bag
cleaning supplies
bath products
coffee and hot cups
toilet paper
soiled laundry bag
What's More
1. business travelers
3. Incognito
4. Participants
5. VIPs
6. Domestic
8. Leisure
1. Occupied
2.Vacant Clean
3.Vacant Dirty
4.Occupied Dirty
5.Do not Disturb
6.Lock out
7.Did not check out
8.No baggage
9.Sleep out
10.Expected departure
11.Check out
12.No Need Service
What I Know
1. B
2. D
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. C
15. C
Answer Key
1. B
2. C
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. C
15. C
2. /
3. /
4. X
5. /
6. /
7. /
8. X
9. /
10. /
1. Twin Room- explanation
may vary
Additional Activities
What I Can Do
2. Room for extended stayexplanation may vary
3. Villa- explanation may
What have you observed
from the guests’ reviews
1. security division
2. information
3. room attendant
4. housekeeping logbook
5. key
6. office
7. housekeeping coordinator
8. 3 months
9. lost and found
10. secondhand smoke
11. business travelers
12. international
13. local
14. expensive
15. disabled
What’s New
What I have Learned
Answer: one guest review is
positive, one is negative
What do you think are the
factors that makes a guest
satisfied? or unsatisfied?
Answers may vary…
Ajar.id. 2020. How to Access and Enter Guest Room. Edited by Jim Irwin. William Angliss Institute of
TAFE. Accessed July 18, 2020. https://www.ajar.id/en/post/how-to-access-and-enter-guestroom.
Elaine. n.d. Suma Beach Couture. Accessed July 17, 2020. https://sumabeachlifestyle.com/padmahotel-bandung-review/.
Setupmyhotel.com. 2020. SETUPMYHOTEL. Accessed July 17, 2020. https://setupmyhotel.com/trainmy-hotel-staff/front-office-training/96-room-type-definitions-in-hotels.html.
Tripadvisor LLC. 2020. Tripadvisor. Accessed July 17, 2020.
—. 2020. Tripadvisor. Accessed July 17, 2020. https://www.tripadvisor.com.ph/ShowUserReviewsg1191686-d1226035-r486085561-Margarita_Apartments-Ipsos_Corfu_Ionian_Islands.html.
Urbiztondo, Laarni A. 2016. RBS Housekeeping. First Edition. Manila: Rex Bookstore, Inc.
Webstaurant Store. 2003. Webstaurant Store. Accessed July 17, 2020.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Region VII- Central Visayas
Schools Division of Talisay City
Address: J.P Rizal St., Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu
Telephone Number: (032) 491- 3798
Email Address: divisiontalisaycitycebu@yahoo.com.ph
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