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Easy Bath Bomb Recipe: How to Make a Bath Bomb With CBD

Easy Bath Bomb Recipe: How to Make a Bath
Bomb With CBD
The bath bomb craze has taken the world (and our tubs) by storm.
With more than one million variations of this product available, there are so many choices out
there to enhance our bathtime experience. But whether you're looking to add fragrance,
essential oils, or color to your bathwater, you should consider making your own bath bombs
with CBD!
Adding CBD to your bath bomb concoctions can both elevate your experience and allow you
to reap the many health benefits of cannabidiol. Dying to learn how to concoct your own
CBD bombs? Just follow this easy bath bomb recipe!
Ingredients for This Easy Bath Bomb Recipe
Before you get started, there are a few items you'll need in order to build the perfect CBD
bath bomb. You might have them sitting around in a cupboard somewhere, or you might need
to make a quick trip to the grocery store.
1 cup of baking soda
1/2 cup of Epsom salt
1/2 cup of citric acid
1/2 cup of cornstarch
2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil
1 teaspoon of lukewarm water
CBD oil
7 drops of the essential oil of your choice (lavender, peppermint, rosemary...)
Keep in mind that this recipe will yield 6 bath bombs if you're using the standard-sized mold.
When you have these items ready, clear space for you to be able to work, preferably near a
Not sure where to purchase quality CBD oil perfect for making bath bombs? Check out these
If you're wondering how to make homemade bath bombs, you're in the right place.
First, mix the baking soda, Epsom salt, cornstarch, and citric acid together into a mediumsized bowl. Make sure the mixture is smooth before proceeding!
Then, mix the melted coconut oil, CBD oil, essential oil drops, and water together in a
separate bowl. Pour the liquid into the dry powder, stirring slowly. The mixture should not be
fizzing; if it is, try stirring slower
Once all of the ingredients are mixed together and appears to be a smooth substance, it's time
to shape the bath bombs. Take the molds and carefully scoop the bath bomb batter into them.
Hint: the mixture dries quickly, so try to do this as fast as possible!
When the molds are filled, let them sit for about 40 minutes. This will let the mixture harden
and take on the spherical shape. Once the timer's up, carefully remove the bath bombs from
the molds.
You'll want to let the bath bombs dry overnight so that they preserve their shape and don't
crumble. After that, you're free to use them whenever! Happy bathing!
Suds Up
It's no secret that a warm, CBD-infused bath has the ability to wash away your worries and
provoke feelings of deep relaxation and tranquility.
CBD oils alone are known to reduce stress levels and improve mental health, so it's obvious
that they have a prominent place in the bath world. That's why you need to try this easy bath
bomb recipe now!
Did you like this recipe? If so, be sure to check out the rest of our posts about all things CBD.