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Civil Society Role in COVID-19 Pandemic

Name: Shrawan Sharma
Father’s name: Ghanashyam Sharma
Mother’s name: Sumitra Sharma
Permanent address: Central Pendam, Karmithang, East Sikkim, 737132
Age/DOB: 22/05-09-1997
College: Excel College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu.
Present address: Excel Group Institutions, Pallakapalayam, Namakkal District, Sankari west
post, Tamil Nadu, 637303.
When the enemy turns out to be invisible, the best strategy to conquer is to remain
hidden. So yes, I can declare that I am also fighting for my country by staying indoors. As the
world is going through a challenging time now, it is our responsibility to co-operate to contain
the disease. The world is tackling the corona virus crisis with an upheaval in solidarity, but as
a coin has two faces, there is a rapid de-escalation in the economy and has brought a political
earthquake among countries. Almost all the inhabitants have unquestionably given up private
freedom for public good. With a matter of fact, many marginalized groups of people are not
getting the help they need and many families will be hit with anguish. The crisis and its
aftermath will monopolize government and media for a long time. Civil society will need to
watch the government’s response.
During the midst of the corona virus pandemic there is an indispensable convenience
to help build the new narrative about how do we recover and rebuild will be tremendously
paramount for the government and farther. So, what the civil society will do now will be
remembered for at least a decade. Being a responsible citizen the first thing we need to dodge
is ‘panic’, as it is said that “Fear and panic kills more than the pathogen itself” which is
undeniable because the pandemic has killed lakhs of people worldwide. Rumours and
disinformation are malignant weapon that disturb the morale of the people. Before forwarding
or posting any message which can impugn someone, one needs to be cognizant about the
implications if not true can create panic in any form. We should stay informed and let others
do it also and we should speak up to ensure our organisation does the right thing. Instead of
believing the half-baked rumours on social media, we should stay aware of the latest
information from the official sources of COVID-19. It is true that there is no vaccine against
it, so to break the transmission chain we can just look closer to home like how the civil society
can be legitimized to self-protect. For the civil society this starts with a good hygiene, thus
breaking human transmissibility is about what we exhort. The only key to defeat the deadly
virus is self-isolation along with personal hygiene. Now is the time that we can do something
big for the country, something big doesn’t mean holding a M-16 and defending the Radcliffe
line. We can become a national hero just by practicing Social Distancing which eventually
leads to decrease the pace of the spread. By ensuring a good respiratory along with physical
hygiene and avoiding touching our face frequently can conceal not only corona virus but all
the types of flu as well. Some of us are fortunately privileged, we can collectively help the
underprivileged whether it be financially or in any other way, in this hour of need.
As we are aware of the fact that at this time our Earth is standing on the fingertip, so let
us all join our hands together in combating this enemy because if we do not end this enemy, it
will end us. For this war to be conquered we will not need arms and ammunitions but social
distancing and self-isolation.