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Malaria Treatment by Traditional Herbal Medicines

Malaria Treatment by Traditional Herbal
Malaria is one of the leading causes of deaths in Africa. Malaria
parasites can cause extreme forms that affect the brain, lungs,
heart or kidney. Malarial deaths are often caused by the
development of secondary health issues that may not have
occurred had the person not contracted malaria in the first place.
These include anaemia, an enlarged spleen or other nutritiondeficiency-related indicators. Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease.
The mosquito acts as a carrier, or vector, that allows the parasite
to infect humans. The genus of mosquito that carries the malaria
parasite is known as the Anopheles mosquito. There are a huge
number of species within this genus that act as malaria vectors. It
is the female insect that carries the parasite and transmits
Plasmodium to a human host in its saliva. It’s specifically the
female mosquito that transmits the disease because they require
a blood meal to help with the production of a clutch of eggs. Our
concepts are constantly evolving. We hope this work will be one
aspect of benefit for humanity, also this work reviews all that is
related to malaria as a disease and its causes and control.
Dr. Wafaa Hikal; Water Pollution Department, National Research
Center, Egypt; Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of
Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Hussein Said-AlAhl; Medicinal and Aromatic
Plants Department, National Research Centre, Egypt. Dr. Rowida
Baeshen Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of
Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Wafaa Hikal
Hussein Said-Alahl
Rowida Baeshen
Malaria Treatment by Traditional
Herbal Medicines