Title of Thesis: “(Your Text)” Name: Registration no: Program: Supervisor: Co-Supervisor: (if any) Date: 1 Chapter One: Introduction Explain your topic precisely in one small paragraph with no bullet points. Theoretical Background Should preferably be in this form only and in the middle. There is no need to explain every theory and no other text should be there. Theory 2 Theory 1 Theory 3 Topic Theory 6 Theory 4 Theory 5 Problem Identification and Statement Write problem Identification in a small paragraph. Problem Statement should be clearly separate from Problem Identification and should summarize the purpose of the study. Research Gap and Contribution • Explain the research gap and in one small paragraph. • Words should be carefully chosen Significance of the study Research Questions and Objectives • Research Questions and Objectives should preferably be variable wise. Your variables should ideally be clear through your research questions/objectives. • Number your research questions and objectives Chapter Two: Literature Review • Literature review must be presented in the form of a table. Author Independent Variable Dependent variable Result (positive / negative) Hypothesis Hypothesis could be here or in methodology but go to insert, then symbols to write Hβ or other numbers. Chapter Three: Methodology • Population and Sample • Scope • Rationale for choosing sample/sector • No. of Observations • Analysis technique Conceptual Framework Independent variable Variable name Proxy used Control Variables Dependent variable Variable name Proxy used Conceptual Framework (for moderation) Moderating Variable Variable name Proxy used Dependent variable Variable name Proxy used Econometric Equation • Equation should be written using equation editor • π·ππππππππ‘ π£πππππππ ππ‘ = π½1 (πΌππππππππππ‘ π£πππππππ 1) ππ‘ + π½2 (πΌππππππππππ‘ π£πππππππ 2) ππ‘ + … … … . + π ππ‘ Operationalization Variable Name Proxy used This is optional, in cases you are using a proxy Measurement Literature / Reference Descriptive Statistics • it should only include the table showing descriptive of the study • The table should include Variable name, number of observations, minimum, maximum and mean value, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis Assumption 1: Normality of Errors • This slide must include the histogram of dependent variable with probability curve • Analyze the histogram in one line. Contd. • This slide should include the test of normality of the dependent variable and interpretation of the p values of the tests with the level of significance Assumption 2: Linearity • Paste the graph of linearity and explain what the graph shows in not more than 2 sentences Assumption 3: Multicollinearity • This slide should include the VIF table and 2 sentence explanation of what that table means and whether the problem of multicollinearity exist or not Contd. • Correlation Matrix • Explanation in 1 sentence Assumption 4: Heteroskedasticity • Scatter plot of dependent variable • Analysis in 1 sentence Contd. • Hettest for Heteroskedasticity • 1 Sentence analysis Assumption 5: Autocorrelation • Durbin Watson test for autocorrelation • 1 sentence analysis Regression Analysis • Paste the fixed Effect regression model • goodness of fit, r square, independent variables (their association and significance) must be mentioned and analyzed. Contd. • Paste the GLS Random Effect regression model • goodness of fit, r square, independent variables (their association and significance) must be mentioned and analyzed. Specification test • Haussmann test • Which regression model is appropriate and why Moderation • The table of moderation • Explain the impact of moderating variable along with its significance, Goodness of fit of the model and R square. • If you don’t have a moderator, delete this slide. Discussion Variable Example Result Positively Significant Status with Hypothesis e.g. Supported Consistent with Thompson (2005) Conclusion • Conclude your study in maximum 3 sentences • Be precise and use appropriate words Limitations • Write the limitations in bulleted form Recommendations • Write the recommendations in bulleted form Font Size • Font size should be between (24-32) and paragraphs should be in “Justified alignment” • If you want to add tables or diagrams in the presentation, please make it clearly visible (in black font), avoid using colours (except where necessary) and font size (of text & digits) in the table should not be less than 22. If the table is bigger, use multiple slides and avoid reducing the font size(s). 32 Chapter Two: Literature Review • The researcher may adjust this section according to the requirement of the study (with the consultation of supervisor). • This section must include a review of recent literature relevant • It should not just contain a summary of different studies rather develop the argument. • Underpinning theory or economic rationale • May include hypotheses / propositions (with the consultation of supervisor). • Research Gap 33 Remember •Entire presentation must not exceed 15 minutes. •Formal dress is compulsory for the student. 34