UNIVERSTIY OF EDUCATION, WINNEBA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION –KUMASI FACULTY OF BUSINESS EDUCATION MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION END OF SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION, JULY 2020. COURSE CODE BFG 523 COURSE TITLE STATISTICS FOR DECISION MAKING DURATION TWO HOURS LECTURER YARHANDS DISSOU ARTHUR INSTRUCTION ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN THE ANSWER BOOKLET QUESTION ONE The marketing director of Ghana DASCO Electronics was interested in studying the intention of consumers to purchase new large TV set in 2020 and as a follow- up, whether they in fact actually purchased the television. Suppose that a sample of 1000 household was initially selected and the respondents were asked whether they planned to purchase a large DASCO TV. Twelve months later the same respondents were asked whether they actually purchased the television. The results are summerised in the table below Planned to Purchase Yes No Total Yes 200 50 250 No 100 650 750 Total 300 700 i. Draw a tree diagram to represent the information in the table. ii. Find the probability of selecting a respondent who actually purchased a large television. Interpret your answer in a simple single sentence. iii. Compute the marginal probability of planning to purchase a large television. iv. Find the probability of panned purchase or actual purchase. v. Calculate the probability that a respondent actually purchased the large television given that he or she planned to purchase. QUESTION TWO Suppose that a potential investor is considering purchasing shares of stock in one of two companies, A or B , that are listed on the Ghana stock exchange . If neither company offer dividends to its stockholders and if both companies are related equally high by various investment services in terms of potential growth, potential investor might want to consider volatility of the two stocks to aid in the investment decision. Now suppose that each share of stock in company A has averaged 50 cedis over the past few months with a standard deviation of 1 10 cedis. In addition, suppose that in this same time period the price per share for company B stock averaged 12 cedis with a standard deviation of 4 cedis. How can the investor determine which stock is more variable? QUESTION THREE The head of marketing in DYN telecommunication wishes to serve its customers better. In order to provide the quality of service needed by the customers, the head of marketing research embarked on statistical investigation to determine how customer satisfaction can be improved. Customers were randomly selected to rate their level of agreement on how these factors influence customer perceived satisfaction. The data collected were analyzed and the results presented in the tables below. Write a report to management based on the results from the data analyzed with emphasis on: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Correlation between customer satisfaction and the independent variables. Coefficient of determination of the model. Adequacy of the model. Regression equation. Contribution of individual factors on customer satisfaction. MODEL SUMMARY R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 0.531 0.282 0.277 0.993 SOURCE OF VARIATION Regression Residual Total ANOVA TABLE Sum of Squares df 339.474 866.339 1205.812 5 879 884 Mean Square F P-value 67.895 0.986 68.887 0.000 Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients (Constant) Std. Error 0.143 1.331 2 Standardized Coefficients Beta t P-Value 9.323 0.000 Hiding charges(X1) -0.384 0.031 0.398 12.272 0.000 Level of education(X2) 0.039 0.03 0.041 1.303 0.193 Branding(X3) 0.022 0.018 0.04 1.257 0.209 High tariffs (X4) Poor network(X5) 0.086 0.116 0.029 0.032 0.101 0.122 2.998 3.579 0.003 0.000 3