UNIVERSITY OF GHANA (All rights reserved) BA/BSc. Second Semester Examinations 2019 / 2020 UGRC 234: PHILOSOPHY IN AFRICAN CULTURES (3 Credits) Instructions: Answer three (3) questions. Marks will be awarded for orderly presentation of material, clarity of expression and criticality. 1. Write critical notes on any four trends/orientations you are familiar with in the debate on the existence of African philosophy. 2. What is metaphysical thinking in African philosophy? How does this affect the concept of causality in Africa? 3. What in your opinion should be the nature of the relationship between the individual and the community in a contemporary African polity? 4. What is pan-Africanism? By staying close to the ideologies of at least one icon of Black African liberation, establish a roadmap to African development. 5. What do you understand by “anti-Black racism”? In what divergent ways does anti-Black racism affect Africans on the continent and in the diaspora? How can philosophy help? Examiner: Dr. Chika Mba Page 1 of 1