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CJFallon eBook Download Guide for Students

Steps for Students to download Text & Test eBook
1) Before September students purchase Text & Test Book with free eBook.
2) Scratch and reveal the unlock on the inside cover of the book
3) Open the CJFallonReader app on your iPad
4) Click myCJFalonReader Student Registration to complete registration. Use your full
name for Username. Use your school email address, which is the same as your
Schoology username. Use your regular password. School Roll Number is: 76194S.
Type in the unlock code from the inside cover of the book.
5) Check you emails. You will have received an email from CJ Fallon with a link. Click on
the link to verify your email address.
6) Log into the CJFallonReader app and download eBook.
7) If you encounter any problems they will be resolved when you return to school after
the holidays.