Uploaded by Jesse Xiao

OBGYN History Form: Patient Questionnaire

OB History – G P (TPAL)
G – All pregnancies
Term: >37 weeks
Preterm: < 37 weeks and >20 weeks
Abortion: < 20 weeks
Living: how many children are alive
2009: 39 weeks, (NSVD, VAVD, pLTCS – why?), preE? DM? PPH? Shoulder dystocia? Any other
complications or hospitalizations? Was the baby in the NICU? Gender, Weight, Name 
- If preterm  why was someone preterm; If C/S, why did it happen?
- If miscarriage or abortion, did it happen on its own or require medication? Or require
D&C or D&E?
Gyn History
Menses: Menarche, frequency q *** days, length ***, #ppd ***, *** pain, intermenstrual
bleeding, clots?
Pap smear Hx: When was the last one? Any abnormal? Subsequent testing and results?
Explain what a Pap smear is and why it’s important
Reproductive Desires? Contraception? Protection?
Sexual History
- Are you currently or have you ever been sexually active?
- With men, women or both
- Currently with a partner or partners? Number of partners (ballpark)?
- Vaginal intercourse? Anal? Oral? Toys or props?
- History of STIs? Which ones? when? Were they treated? Were their partners treated?
When and if they were last tested for STIs? HIV? Syph? Blood tests or swabs?
- Sex: Is it painful? If so, >50% time? With all partners? What’s preventing them from a
healthy and pleasurable relationship? Think outside the box
What’s the name of your partner? Living with you? Do you feel safe at home? Emotional?
Sexual? Physical? Was this a problem in the past? Have you previously received help for
Hysterectomy? Why? How was it performed (open, laparoscopic, vaginally)? Do they have
their cervix? Fallopian tubes? Ovaries?
Menopause: Age, symptoms and do they disrupt quality of life? Hormone Replacement
Therapy? Or other supplements?