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Neonatal Care Study Guide

Monday. Equity + Labor and birth complication review PP and come up with questions
Thursday. Equity + Fertility PP bring questions
Following Monday. final exam review, 72 questions.
E.C movies (watch and write up your f feelings/observations). Half the sky (two parts) and a
walk to beautiful.
20 Questions:
What assessment finding on post-mature baby
-No vernix, have wrinkles, no lanugo
Dry, peeling skin, green bile-stained nail beds, skin cord
Reduced SQ fat or big chubby baby w/ lots of fat, folds
Head hair may be sparse or very full
Long limbed appearance
Surfactant use
-lung development, increase tension (keeps alveoli open). Betamethasone used if needed
between 30 – 36 weeks, 2 doses 24 hours apart.
Late preterm infant
-Feeding is a big problem
LGA: priority glucose
SGA: priority glucose and respiration
- for jaundice. precaution: protective eye protection, thermoregulation, diaper care, hydration
and nutrition
(breaksdown bilirubin in water-soluble form to be able excrete out )
Thermoregulation: bc baby burn brown fat and if used all then start using glucose
PPH: persistent pulmonary hypertension (slide 67):
 Occurs when vascular resistance in lungs doesn’t decrease after birth.
PPH Management:
 Treat underlying cause of ↓ oxygenation & reverse pulmonary vasoconstriction
 Respiratory & drug therapy to ↑ arterial pH
Sedation, high frequency ventilation, surfactant therapy, inhaled nitric oxide
 ECMO in severe, unresponsive cases
-neonatal abstinence syndrome. Definition and treatment. Titrate doses of
morphine/methadone over 14- 30 days. Orogastric tube feeding: when neonate is not feeding
(preterm infant)
RDS: respiratory distress syndrome
-Symptoms: grunting, tachypnea
Jaundice: hyperbilirumea. Two types: pathological and physiological
 all fetuses make more than needed & then break down after birth
● physiological: Appears after 24 hr, usually day 2-3 (term) day 3-5 (preterm), clears on it’s
● Pathological: Anytime, especially if before 24 hours. Shows right away. Can be due to
mom and baby blood incompatibility, or hemolytic disorder.
Late preterm infant, and late preterm labor.
-Common cause of preterm labor: INFECTION
Baby born post term LGA, priority: glucose. Hyperglycemia: signs and symptoms and treatment
TTN: transient tachypnea newborn. Due to retained lung fluid.
 Increased RR within hours of birth, as high as 120/min
 Grunting, nasal flaring & retractions all present w/ mild cyanosis
 Chest x-ray – lungs hyperinflated w/interstitial fluid; mild cardiac enlargement possible
 Self-limiting condition that resolves in 1 – 5 days
 NICU admission
Signs and symptoms of dehydration of newborn: Depressed fontanelle
Causes of LGA and SGA. (ex. Gestational diabetes).