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Synovial Joints & Chicken Wing Dissection Lesson Plan

L To study synovial joints and locations in the body.
E Revise the 3 joint types and 6 synovial joint types.
A Answer Q9-14 Textbook on Syn. Joints
R Fill in Sheet * Identifying joints on the human body
N Dissection of a Chicken Wing
L To dissect a chicken wing and identify the parts.
E Posters on wall for joints in upper limb*
And view slides: https://www.slideshare.net/FJHScience/chicken-wing-dissection-
Lesson 2
A 32867001
R Chicken wing Dissection – step by step (as below)**
N Take notes and answer questions about the structures.
Chicken Wing Dissection Inquiry Task
L To complete the Chicken Wing Inquiry Assessment
E To use the notes from the dissection yesterday to assist.
A Complete the Inquiry.
R Hand in the Inquiry. Early to finish can do SJ worksheet.
N Sports Injuries at joints – first aid treatment or medical.
L To view a power point and take notes on injuries.
E Relate to the joints and structure of joints.
A Identify treatment for various injuries.
R Quick Quiz on treatments.
N Muscular System.
Chicken Wing Dissection
Aim: To examine the way muscles and bone work together by dissecting a chicken wing.
Dissecting board
Dissecting scissors
Blunt probe
1. Put the chicken wing on the dissecting board as shown in the photograph below. Use the
scissors to cut the skin down the length of the wing.
2. Pin the skin back and look at the exposed muscle.
 Is there fat? (white jelly like substance) What is there fat for?
What does the muscle look like?
Is there anything else you can see?
3. Use the scalpel to cut the muscle away from the bone down the length of the upper wing.
4. Pin back the tissue to expose the bone and other structures. The photograph above shows the
main tissues. (ligament, cartilage, muscle, tendon).
 Find those tissues on your chicken wing.
5. At the end of the muscle you should be able to see a shiny white tissue.
 What is its name? _________________________
 What does this part of the joint do? ________________________
6. Take off as much of the muscle as you can so you can see the joint. You should be able to see
another white shiny tissue.
 What is its’ name? _____________________
 What does this tissue do? ___________________________________
7. Using the scalpel separate the two bones at the joint. You should be able to see a white
slippery tissue between the bones.
 What is its’ name? _______________________
 What is it there for? _____________________________