Name_________________ Farewell My Dear Chicken Wing Farewell my dear chicken wing, Your dissection was such an awesome thing From the first sliced muscle to the last, I can proudly say we had a blast …. Directions for Each Pair: Cover the tables with newspapers. Put on a pair of latex gloves. Take a chicken wing, a paper plate, and a dissecting kit. Put the chicken wing on the table. Remove the dissecting kit from the box. Examine the wing. Discuss the questions below with your partner. Record your answers individually. . How many bones are there? How many joints? What kind of joints? Carefully remove the skin. Discuss the questions below with your partner and record your answers in your journal. How many muscle groups are there? Are the muscle groups in pairs? What bones does each group connect? Try to use a muscle to move another part of the wing. Remove the muscles and tendons carefully. Locate ligaments. Look for the cartilage. There must also be veins and nerves here. How could we speculate about which parts are veins or nerves? Follow-up: Clean up the area carefully with a diluted bleach solution. Collect students observations on the board for all to see. Reference: Video Print out and Complete the worksheets of the SKELETAL SYSTEM, DIAGNOSING BONE AND JOINT INJURIES, MUSCULAR SYSTEM, THE SKINthese are found on the HOMEWORK site. 1. Data Guess at the mass of your wing______________ Find Total Mass__________________ Determine the mass of your wing then determine the percent mass of each of the following: Mass Percent Mass Skin Muscle bone fat 1 A. Explain the workings of opposite muscle groups. 2. Illustrate, Label and Describe what each of the following do : tendons ligaments bones epiphysis joint and joint type Marrow 3. Blood Slide Make a labeled (your name) blood smear slide of the marrow; you will need to break the humerus. 4. Remove all tissue and Place your bone into the acid bath. Hypothesize what will happen to it. 5. Write a conclusion based on your lab, research, and observations.