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Novelty treatment for Lung Cancer specifically NSCLC

Novelty treatment for Lung Cancer specifically NSCLC
Takayuki, N. (2018). Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in Elderly
Patients. Hindawi,2018,
1-8.doi: 10.1155/2018/8202971
This research discuss the study on the treatment of non-small-cell lung
cancer, targeting on elderly patients. Takayuki, a biomedical researcher
from Japan specialises non-small-cell lung cancer across all patients,
however, in this research, his main focus is upon elders. The department
of Pulmonary Medicine and the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
propose that chemotherapeutic treatments is unfavourable towards elderly
patients due to the progressively harsh side effects. The research article
therefore presents numerous novelty treatments to treat the disease in an
effective manner. It has come to consideration that as people age,
degeneration occurs including; the reduced ability to perform daily
activities, tackling over morbid diseases over the years and the declination
in organ function. Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitors are
currently developed and are among the treatment options for lung cancer.
Immune checkpoint inhibitors; Nivolumab presents convincing outcomes in
lung cancer. As people age, their cytotoxic t cells, (which ultimately kills
targeted cancer cells) heavily deteriorates. This therefore limits the duty of
apoptosis to kill unwanted and damaged cells. Nivolumab is an immune
checkpoint inhibitor that is actively transported into the body as a
replacement of cytotoxic t cells. Although immune checkpoint inhibitors
are a mandatory supplement into killing cancer cells, a limitation suggest
that it should be recognised as an assistance to treating lung cancer rather
than the main priority. The recognition that this immune checkpoint
inhibitor is regarded as safe due it being non harmful to the body by
causing abdominal illnesses such as “general condition, such as anorexia,
malaise, and myelosuppression” that develop poor health. In closing,
Takayuki presented useful novel treatments of cancer for elderly patients,
however the lack of results shown limits the evidence that there is
effectiveness of the therapeutic treatments. The article touched basis on
the constraints and consideration to their target audiences by the
production of the inhibitors which are useful to tackling cancer.
Md Maksudul, A., Sagar, S., Massoud G., Zhang L., Li, Z., Sarada Preeta, K.
(2016). Cyclopamine Tartrate, an inhibitor of Hedgehog signaling,
strongly interferes with
Mitochondrial function and suppresses aerobic respiration in lung
cancer cells. BMC Cancer.
1-10.doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2200-x
This research article explores how hedgehog signaling specifically
cyclopamine tartrate is linked with the eradication of cancers including
lung cancer. Researchers including Maksudul, from the University of Texas
under the department of Biochemistry and Molecular of Biology have
conducted that cyclopamine tartrate, an inhibitor is an effective strategy
into conquering cancer cells. Cyclopamine tartrate ‘s function is signaling
pathways has been an intensely investigated area for cancer lung therapy,
and signaling are being tested clinically for treating many cancers. The
novel strategies for eliminating lung cancer, researchers proposed to
characterize the effect of cyclopamine tartrate on lung cancer cells and its
mechanism of action. To conclude it is demonstrated that Cyclopamine
tartrate can interrupt non-small-cell lung cancer cell function by
promoting mitochondrial, overall destroying mitochondrial respiration and
vanquishing cell growth, causing apoptosis. Although cyclopamine tartrate
may be a novelty treatment against cancer cells, it is mentioned that it is
not resistant when it comes to its poor solubility, and acidic sensitivity.
This article demonstrated useful information towards how the inhibitors
work therefore developing an understanding on the disease as well as the
Casadei, A., Chiadini, E., Faloppi, L., Marisi, G., Delmonte, A., Scartozzi, M.,
Loretelli, C., Lucchesi, A., Oboldi, D. , Dubini, A.,
Frassineti. G, Ulivi, P. (2016). Efficacy of sorafenib in BRAF-mutated
non- small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and no response
in synchronous BRAF wild type- hepatocellular carcinoma. BMC
This research highlights how Sorafenib, a kinase inhibitor eliminates
cancer cells within the lungs. A case study was conducted on a 74 year old
smoker with non-small-cell lung was experimented by the Sorafenib
inhibitor. The patient was given 400mg of Sorafenib for a certain amount
of time until proper progression occurs. It was shown that the primary
lung lesion was measured to be 40.9 mm × 29.3 mm. The diagram
demonstrates three seperate images of the lung which are six months
between each other. The second diagram demonstrates the significant
decrease of the lung lesion which estimates a 27 mm × 25 mm. However,
the last image which represents one year after the treatment highlighting
the regrowth of the cancer in the lung. This analyses that this treatment
may be beneficial yet not intended to be curable. This text presented many
graphical statistics overtime which were beneficial on viewing the overall
results of the sorafenib inhibitor. In conclusion, our results suggest that
sorafenib inhibitor could be useful in BRAF-mutated tumors, which are
tumors that are relatively small. It would be beneficial that in the future, it
would be worth trying this treatment upon small cancer cells.