Air Pollu on Source Environmental Impact Human Impact Control Coal combus on Industrial smog Leads to acid rain- H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) Respiratory irrita on Scrubbers Fossil fuel combus on - cars Agriculture Precursor to photochemical smog Leads to acid rain- HNO3 (nitric acid) Greenhouse gas Respiratory irritant Cataly c converters Incomplete combus on Contributes to increase in atmospheric carbon Low concentra on.---headaches High concentra on---death Cataly c converters Coal combus on Combus on of biomass Cars Agriculture Leaded gasoline Airborne paint par cles - leaded paint Reduces visibility Contributes to smog Respiratory disease Electrosta c precipitator Can travel on prevailing winds – heavy metal deposi on on soil and in water Neurological damage- especially in children & developing fetus Global ban on leaded gasoline Secondary pollutant—reac on of NOx and VOCs in sunlight Major component of photochemical smog Plant ssue damage Greenhouse gas Respiratory irritant Limit emissions of primary pollutants like NOx and VOCs Organic compounds that become vapors - gasoline, perfumes, terpenes, solvents Precursor to ozone forma on and therefore component of photochemical smog Respiratory irritant Prevent vaporiza on during fueling Use alterna ve cleaning products/ limit dry cleaning solvents Coal burning Mercury biomagnifies up the food chain and bioaccumulates in organisms Large cold water fish contain high levels of mercury---when consumed can cause neurological damage Decrease use of coal Combus on Greenhouse gas----increase global temperatures Change in climate---increase severity of storms, rising sea levels Decrease use of fossil fuels, protect forests from deforesta on Requires cars, sunlight, NOx and VOCs----create secondary pollutants Brown haze---poor air quality—hundreds of toxins---can travel to the poles on prevailing winds Respiratory irrita on Asthma Decrease use of fossil fuels and decrease use of cars---carpool Coal burning Gray haze---limits light---decrease photosynthesis Respiratory irritant Lung damage Scrubbers, filters, electrosta c precipitators, fluidized bed combus on Secondary pollutant formed like tropospheric ozone Component of photochemical smog Plant ssue damage Respiratory irrita on Limit emissions of primary pollutants like NOx and VOCs Secondary pollutant Coal Burning—SO2+ water creates sulfuric acid Cars- NOx- creates nitric acid Dangerous chemical found in many materials used indoor Acids damage plant ssues Leach toxic metals from the soil Lowers pH of surface waters and can kill aqua c organisms Damage to buildings & statues (increase erosion) Crop damage- loss of profits Limit emissions of SO2 and NO2 n/a Headaches, nausea, respiratory irritant, and cancer Use formaldehyde-free materials Increase ven la on Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Par culate Ma er Lead Tropospheric Ozone Vola le Organic Compounds (VOCs) Mercury (Hg) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) (Brown Smog) Photochemical Smog (Gray Smog) Industrial Smog PANs Acid Deposi on Formaldehyde Naturally occurring radioac ve gas seeps into buildings underground n/a Lung cancer Seal leaks in founda ons and basements Used in insula on and ceiling les in older buildings n/a Fibers cause lung irrita on and cancer Removal by professionals Radon Asbestos Watch all of the videos-the last one may not work—you can google and find it –if you find it share—if you can’t I will go over the stuff in review—make notes h ps:// on-videos/ 1. Find an example of when each of these pollutants has been a problem. during the start of industrializa on 2. Which of these pollutants would be a problem in the greater Atlanta area? Explain. sulfur dioxide industrial impact. 3. Which of these pollutants would be a problem in developing na ons? Explain. lead new minerals 4. Which laws govern these different pollutants—you need to name at least 4 laws. pollu on preven on law Toxic Substances Control Act Oil Pollution Prevention Act Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act 5. Choose an indoor pollutant and explain the environmental, social, and economic issues with the pollutant. carbon dioxide effects ozone makes cleaning more expensive 6. Choose an outdoor pollutant and explain the environmental, social, and economic issues with the pollutant. smoge effects sigh and lungs pricey to fix when it effects healthy 7. Tell me about the London Killer Smog h ps:// its deadly and can effect your lungs dras cally 8. Tell me about the Donora Killer Smog h ps:// 30 deaths a year were caused by it 9. Explain the difference in good ozone (where?) and bad ozone (where?) stratospheric ozone is good ozone while bad ozone occurs in ground level 10. What are primary pollutants? Define, name 2 and circle them in red on the chart. Carbon monoxide Mercury. pure pollution nothing added to it 11. What are secondary pollutants? Define, name 2 and circle these in blue on the chart. pollutants made with primary pollutants and extra things added acid raid smog 12. Define VOC and color these yellow on the chart. vola le organic compound 13. Tell me about Mt. Pinatubo and pollu on—temperature etc. h ps:// What has it got to do with climate change? no rise in pollu on 14. How does ACID RAIN form and what does it do? Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain. 15. What is Thermal Inversion? Thermal inversion occurs when a layer of warm air settles over a layer of cooler air that lies near the ground. The warm air holds down the cool air and prevents pollutants from rising and scattering. 16. Watch h ps:// explain Atlanta as a heat island. What needs to be done to fix, mi gate? plan ng trees 17. Draw and explain how a “scrubber” works. A scrubber works by spraying a wet slurry of limestone into a large chamber where the calcium in the limestone reacts with the SO2 in the flue gas 18. Define indoor air pollu on. Circle all indoor air pollutants in chart in orange. burning of fossil fuels indoors 19. Name 2 indoor air pollutants for DEVELOPED na ons. carbon monoxide nitrogen dioxide 20. Name a problem with indoor air pollu on in DEVELOPING na ons. increases the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and of acute respiratory infections in childhood 21. Explain how to mi gate problems with indoor air pollu on in DEVELOPED na ons. (use the 2 pollutants you chose in #19) installing chimneys 22. Explain how to mi gate problems with indoor air pollu on in DEVELOPING na ons. (use the pollutant you chose in #20) allow more air to circulate 23. In your house—what indoor air pollutants could affect your family? my mom smoking