MacroFunction molecules & Structure Foods We Eat Label the Diagram Enzymes 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 1 What are macromolecules? 2 molecules that are made from several smaller molecules i.e. “giant molecule” 3 All biomolecules are composed of what main atom? Explain why this is. 4 Carbon, has 4 valance electrons 5 What is a monomer? Polymer? What is the process called when you put monomers together? 6 Mono – single unit Poly – many small units bonded together Polymerization 7 What are the 4 types of biomolecules that make up living things? What does it mean to be alive? 8 Carbohydrates, Lipids, Protein, & Nucleic Acid To respire, excrete, reproduce, grow, react to environment, keep homeostasis 9 What does it mean to be soluble & insoluble in water? Which biomolecule is insoluble in water? 10 Soluble – able to mix Insoluble – unable to mix; Lipids 11 What is the main function of carbohydrates? The monomer of a carbohydrate is the ___________. 12 Energy source, monosaccharide 13 What is the main function of nucleic acid? The monomer of a nucleic acid is the ___________. 14 Pass on genetic code, nucleotide 15 What is the main function of lipids? The monomer of a lipid is the ___________. 16 Energy storage & creates cell membranes Glycerol & fatty acid chains 17 What is the main function of protein? The monomer of a protein is the ___________. 18 Regulate all chemical reactions (height, color, size) amino acid 19 Which of the biomolecules looks like a helix? A ring of carbon? 20 Nucleic acid; carbohydrate 21 What are the 3 main monosaccharides? Which is found in fruit? Milk? Candy? 22 Frutose -fruit Galactose - milk Glucose - candy 23 When eating a large bowl of pasta what type of carbohydrate are you consuming? Is it a monosaccharide, disaccharide or polysaccharide? 24 Starch; polysaccharide 25 Explain why you obtain more energy from pasta as opposed to a piece of fruit. 26 Pasta is a polysaccharide more bonds to break= more energy 27 Give 2 examples of food that contain saturated fat & another 2 that contain unsaturated fat. What is the structure difference between the two? 28 Saturated – unhealthy Unsaturated – healthy Double bonds in the fatty acid tails (kinks) liquid at room temperature 29 Explain how you obtain more building blocks for DNA through food 30 Anything that you consume that was once a living thing has DNA you break down their DNA into nucleotides & use the units to make your own DNA 31 Identify the biomolecule. What is this structure? 32 Carbohydrates, carbon ring 33 What biomolecule is shown? What determines the type? 34 Lipids, fatty chains 35 What is this? Label the parts 36 Nucleotide; phosphate, sugar, nitrogen base 37 What is this showing? 38 Amino acid sequence folding into protein structure 39 What biomolecule(s) does not contain nitrogen? 40 Carbohydrates & Lipids 41 What is an enzyme? What is the primary function? 42 It is a catalyst & speeds up reactions 43 Explain this chart 44 Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering activation energy (green line) 45 Explain what happens if your body does not have certain enzymes 46 The chemical reaction may occur much slowly or not at all 47 What is responsible for the structure of a protein(enzyme)? 48 Sequence of amino acid chain 49 What conditions should be present for enzymes to work at optimal level? 50 Body temperature, neutral pH level & have plenty of substrate 51