Uploaded by Amit Kumar

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer Course Outline

Topical Outline
Unit 1: Thermodynamic Relations: Review of thermodynamics,T-dSequations for
simple compressible systems, Helmholtz and Gibbs functions; Maxwell’s relations,
generalized relations for changes in enthalpy, entropy and internal energy, equations
for specific heats; Clausius-Clapeyron equation; Joule-Thomson and Joule
coefficients, applications of thermodynamic relations.
Unit 2: Conduction: Fourier’s law, thermal conductivity of matter and other relevant
properties, heat diffusion equation, boundary and initial conditions; One-dimensional
steady-state conduction through plane wall, cylinder and sphere, conduction with
thermal energy generation, heat transfer from extended surfaces; Transient conduction
– lumped capacitance method and its validity.
Unit 3: Convection: laminar and turbulent flow,hydrodynamic and thermal boundary
layers and their significance, convection transfer equations, colburns and Reynolds
analogy, boiling and condensation. Heat exchangers- types and their analysis, LMTD
and NTU.
Unit 4: Radiation: Fundamental concepts, radiation intensity and its relation to
emission, irradiation and radiosity, blackbody radiation, Planck distribution, Wien’s
displacement law, Stefan-Boltzmann law, surface emission, surface absorption,
reflection, and transmission,
Kirchoff’s law, gray surface; Radiation exchange between surfaces, view factor,
blackbody radiation exchange, radiation exchange between diffuse gray surfaces in an
Unit 5:
Refrigeration Systems: Reversed Carnot cycle, ideal and actual vapour compression
refrigeration cycle, effect of various parameters on cycle performance, selection of
right refrigerant, heat pumps, multi-evaporator, multistage compression and cascade
vapour compression systems, gas refrigeration cycle and vapour absorption
refrigeration system.
Air Conditioning: Properties of gas vapour mixtures, adiabatic-saturation and wetbulb temperatures, psychrometric chart, human comfort and air conditioning, various
air conditioning processes and their mass and energy relations