5i ght \1V ard ?rd,Gti GG of octivities thot you con houa'/our child do to proctice their sight words eoch week. Spelling homewo* is optionol! However, if Below is o list you notice your child is struggling with spelling their sight words, it would be beneficiol to hove them proctice their words 2-3 times o week. Week One ( l0/ l- Week Two ( lOll -l0ll I ) she, for, went, hove, he #W..k Three lO/Ll): cne, going, gct, (l0llLl- his, wth lO/ lB): will, they, r-un, yes, w_cs Week Four (l012l - 10125): big, nct, where, Ccy, our Week Five (l0l28- | I ll): down, cf, cre, frorn, Iittle & .:, .". . ili-i ,fr ilr ABC order: Write your rarords in alphabeticc.l orderRepetition: \A/rite yor.rr r,rrords 3 tirnes each. Sentenc€s: \Alrij-e o senteace for eoch spetting rarordWord Ari: Drarar a picture o,nd write your vrrords in the piclureStory tirne: \A.rrite a short slory using alt your rarords. Creative Letters: Write yoLrr words by cutfing out letiers in an old nerars?a?e. or mogo'zine and glue thern in your notebookpyromid: \n/riie yoLrr rarords adding or strbfrccting one te.tte,r at a time. The resutt uritl be a pyrornid sl^rape oF words Good Cle<rn Words: M./rite your rruords in shaving cre<rm on ct counter or sorrle other surfcce thot can L:e cleaned sofe.ly. Clreer yerr wordg: Pre?end you €,re cr cheerleader and calt oul your rrrrOrdS! )