SCIENCE DETECTIVE' Begrnning Earth Science 39-Objects in the 5 ky A tEorth science is more thon the study of Eorth by geologists.'zTt is olso the study of the otmosphere by mefeorologists,the oceons by oceanographers, ond objects in the universe by osfronomers. B 3fn this lesson, you will leorn obout some of the objects in the sky. aWhot do you see up there? 5You see clouds, birds, oirplones,the moon, stors, ond the sun. 65ome of these ore quite close. TBirds seldom fly higher thon very toll buildings. sClouds ore usuolly no more thon two miles up. eAirplones fly o little higher, sometimes up to eight miles. loHowever, some objects ore very f or owoy. lrThe moon is obout 240 thousond miles from Eorth. t'zThe sun is 93 million miles owoyl C l3Closer objects seem to move foster thon distont objects. laThe distonce between you ond o moving object affects how fost it seems to go.L5Close objects, like flying insects, seem to zoom ocross the yord while for objects, like the moon, toke the whole night to move ocross the sky. 16ft moy surprise you to leorn thot on insect flies ot obout 5 miles per hour while the moon trovels ot 2,300 m.p.h.l D l7When tolking obout the sky, -o< + 08 P T€ # (n rn o E La) (J"r- c* xo o (5 tr stors hove objects thot revolve oround them, such os plonets ond asteroids. z5Eorth is o plonet thot revolves oround the sun. 26An qsteroid is o smoller object thot olso revolves oround the sun. F 27Just os plonets ond osteroids revolve oround o stor, moons revolve around o plonet. 'z8The poth token by a plonet, osteroid, or moon is colled on orbif . G 2eA solor system includes o stor, oll its osteroids, ond plonets with their moons. 30A goloxy is o collection of billions of solor systems. 3'Eorth is in the Milky Woy 6oloxy. H 325ix of the eight plonefs in our solor system hove moons. 33Look ot the toble below. 3aCon you conclude onything obout the diometer of o plonet ond the numbers of moons it hos? zo ostronomers refer to the universe. 'sThink of the universe os o huge spoce filled with oll the objects in the sky. teThe toble ot the upper right shows some = objects found in the universe. 20Which "U object is lorgest? 2lWhich is smollest? ,- o o o TU z 23Our sun is one of these stors. 2aSome E z'zThe universe hos billions of stors. L (, +- J Name Diometer # Moons Mercury 3,000 7,500 8,000 4,000 88,500 74,500 31,500 30,000 0 0 Venus Eorth Mors Jupiter 5oturn Uronus Neptune in miles I 2 26 30 18 8 CL a2 O 2004 The Critical Thinking Co.'" . . 800-458-4849 Eadh Soence SCIENCE DETECT,VE' Beginnrng 1. For eoch stotement, circle T ot F fq true or folse. In eoch blonk, write theletter of the PARAORAPH thot gives the best evidence for your" onswer. o. Stors ore studied by geologists. T F- b. The closer o moving object, the foster it seems to go. T F c. Astronomers study the objects - universe. T F in the d Stors ate lotgq than their solorsystems. T F_ 2. Whot is the most likely meoning of 5. In this toble, the Sun the distonce from eoch plonet to the sun is given in ostronom icol units* (AU). Plonet AU Mercury Venus .4 .7 Eorth 1 Mors 1.5 Jupiter *one AU : the distonce from Eorth to the sun, or 93 5 Soturn 9 Uronus Neptune 30 19 million miles. Usethe toble to onswer the questiors. o. Which plonet is closest to Eorth2 revolve os used in porogroph E? o. move in o stroight line b. move down c. move up d. move in o circle Distonce From b. Which is closer to Uronus? Neptune Soturn c. Which two plonets ore the some 3. Eorth, Mors, Venus, ond Soturn distonce from Venus? hove something in common. They oll shore the some o. moons. b. stor. c. orbit. d. osteroids. d. Which two plonets hove the gr eat est d isf once bet w een them2 4. Use the Planefs d /vloons toble in the lesson to complete the following senlence. e. How for is Jupiter f rom the sun The lorger plonets tend to hove more fewer moons thon smoller plonets hove in ostronomicol unitsZ f . Fill in the multiplicotion problem to show how for Jupiter is from the sun. 93 million miles X-AU fs this true for oll planets? Yes No O 2004 The Critical Thinking Co.'' . = . 800-458-4849 miles -million