PsychoPathology I. Define Abnormality – A)Maladaptive B) disruptive C) Eccentric II. MODELS A) Medical model ( Hippocrates) It’s a physical problem. . .and Romans and Greeks related to the mental illness aspect. EX. Dementia, B) Psychological models driven by inner turmoil (1) Psychodynamic (2) Cog-Behav (3) Phenomenological (c) Sociocultural factors (d) Diathesis stress model III. Classifying Psy Disorders (D0’s) 1. DSM –IV TR of the APA - lists abnormal behavior- not causes a. Axis I - Major clinical syndromes b. Axis II - personality DO’s c. Axis III - relevant Physical conditions d. Axis IV - Stress rating scale e. Psy, social, occup functioning scale DSM IV eliminated neurotic +psychotic term Reliability of rating is high for DSM IV IV. TYPES OF DISORDERS A) ANXIETY DISORDERS (1) Phobias - strong irrational fear - specific to social to Agoraphobia (safe place) (2) GAD - free floating, no specific source (3) Panic DO - unpredicatable attacks (4)OCD-persistent thought- obsession strong urge -- Compulsion - repetitive B) SOMATOFORM DO’s - physical DO w/o physical cause (1) CONVERSION DO (hysteria) “I’m blind” (2) hypochondriacs - vague symptoms (3) Somatization DO - a littany of problems (4) Pain DO - Pain w/o cause C) DISSOCIATIVE DO’s - temporary memory ID or consciousness disruptions. (1) Fugue - autobio data is lost, new ID (2) Amnesia - sudden memory loss, old ID (3) Identity DO (DID) mulitple ID’s or Multiple personalities - i.e Eve D) MOOD DO’s -- Affective (emotion) Mood troughs! (1) DEPRESSION - long periods, lnterest lost, guilt, sleeplessness, poor concentrtion, delusional - 20% of US Pop will suffer this (a) dysthymia - milder form - 2 year length (b) SAD (2) Bi-polar - MANIC - two emotional extremes - Depression to Mania (boundless energy, optimism, plethora of ideas. Cyclothymia - less extreme. E) SCHIZOPHRENIA - severe disturb thots, emotions, perception; affects daily life (1) symptoms (a) disordered thot - incoherent- (+) Neologisms New words - loose associations word clangs - word salads. thot content is disturbeddelusional, grandeur, sound bites, thot blocking, thot insertion (b) Hallucinations - false perceptions (c) emotionally affect (flat (-)) (d) physically agitated (e) low motivation (2). types (a) Paranoid Schiz - delusions of grandeur, anxiety, anger (b) Disorganized Schiz (c) Catatonic - Immobile to extreme (3) Causes: (1) Bio - Genetic component- family tree Predisposition (diathesis); Brain cell deterioration. Also dysregulation of Dopamine; early life physical traumas. (2) Freud - get excited over awareness of unacceptable unconscious impulses (dream) (3) Cog-Beh - learned maladaptive (4) vulnerability model - diathesis stress. F) OTHERS (1) Personality DO’s - long standing inflexible traits a. Schizotypal DO - odd, eccentric b. Avoidant Per DO - anxious, fearful, extra sensitive to criticism c. Narcissistic- exaggerated sense of self. no empathy for others., d. Anti-Social (Psychopathy) irresponsible, impulse, unscrupulous. lack of guilt, shame. persistent, even w/ punishment! (2) Substance related - Psychoactive drugs a. addiction - physical need b. building tolerance c. withdrawal symptoms d. dependence (3) Childhood DO a. Conduct DO’s b. ADHD c. internalizing or overcontrol d. Separation anxiety e. Autism - No attachment