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Odyssey Character Analysis

Character Analysis
Odysseus The hero of the Odyssey. Odysseus fought among the other Greek saints in Troy
and is now fighting to return to his kingdom in Ithaca. Odysseus is the husband of
Queen Penelope and the father of Prince Telemachus. Although he is a solid and
courageous warrior, he is generally prestigious for his cunning. He is most loved by
the goddess Athena, who frequently sends him divine advice, but a tough enemy of
Poseidon, who disappoints his excursion every step of the way.
Telemachus Son of Odysseus. Newborn when Odysseus left for Troy, Telemachus is around
twenty years old at the beginning of story. It is a distinctive deterrent for claimants in
urgent search for their mother, but despite her bravery and her big heart, she initially
lacks balance and certainty to hold them back. His development, especially when he
left for Pylos and Sparta in books 3 and 4, gives a secondary intrigue to the epic.
Athena helps her frequently.
Penelope Wife iof iOdysseus iand imother iof iTelemachus. iPenelope ispends iher idays iat ithe iroyal
residence iin imourning ifor ithe ihusband iwho ileft iTroy itwenty iyears iearlier iand ihas
remained iforever. iHomer idescribes iher ihere iand ithere ias iwhimsical iand inervous, ibut
also iintelligent iand iconsistent isuiting iher ihusband.
Athena i- i i
Daughter iof iZeus iand igoddess iof isly iand iintentional ifights iand ifeminine iexpressions.
Athena ihelps iOdysseus iand iTelemachus iwith idivine ipowers ithroughout ithe iepic iand
supports ithem iin ithe icommittees iof idivine ibeings ion iMount iOlympus. iShe iappears
regularly iin icamouflage ias ia imentor, ia iformer icompanion iof iOdysseus.
Poseidon i– i
Divine iforce iof ithe iocean. iSince ithe isuitors iare ithe ihuman irivals iof iOdysseus,
Poseidon iis ihis iperfect iadversary. iHe idespises iOdysseus ifor ihaving iblinded ihis ison,
the iCyclops iPolyphemus, iand icontinually ihinders ihis iexcursion ihome. iUnexpectedly,
Poseidon iis ithe ibenefactor iof ithe inautical iphases, iwhich iultimately ihelp ibring
Odysseus iback ito iIthaca.
Zeus i- i i
Sovereign iof idivine iGods iand imen, iwho iintervenes iin ithe idiscussions iof idivine igods
on iMount iOlympus. iZeus iis idescribed ifrom itime ito itime ias imeasuring ithe ifate iof
humans ion ihis iscales. iOccasionally iassist iOdysseus ior igrant iAthena ito ido ithe isame.
Antinous i- i i
The imost ipompous iof iPenelope's isuitors. iAntinous ileads ithe ibattle ito iexecute
Telemachus. iUnlike idifferent icontenders, iit iis inever idescribed iin ia ithoughtful iway iand
is ithe ifirst iwho iwas ikilled iwhen iOdysseus ireturns.
Eurymachus i- i i
A imanipulative, ideceitful isuitor. iEurymachus's icharm iand ideception iallow iit ito iapply ia
certain iimpact ito ithe ivarious icontenders.
Amphinomus i- i i
Among ithe imany icontenders, ithe ibetter ithan iaverage iprincipal, iman iseeks ithe
marriage iof iPenelope. iAmphinomus ioccasionally isupports iOdysseus iand
Telemachus, ihowever, ihe iis ikilled ilike ithe irest iof ithe isuitors iin ithe ilast ibattle.
Eumaeus i- i i
The itrusted ishepherd iwho, ialong iwith icow ibreeder iPhiloetius, ihelps iOdysseus iregain
his iroyal iposition iafter ihis iarrival iin iIthaca. iAlthough ihe ihas ino iidea ithat ithe itramp iwho
appears iin ihis ihovel iis iOdysseus, iEumaeus igives ithe iman ifood iand ishelter.
Eurycleia i- i i
The iold iand iloyal iemployees iwho itook icare iof iOdysseus iand iTelemachus iwhen ithey
were ibabies. iEurycleia iis ieducated ion ithe iinterests iof ithe icastle iand ibefriends iits
lords. iShe imaintains ito ihides ithe ipersonality iof iOdysseus iafter inoticing ia iscar ion ihis
Melanthius i- i i
Melantho's ibrother. iMelanthius iis ia ideceptive iand iskilful ishepherd iwho isupports ithe
suitors, iin iparticular iEurymachus, iand iabuses ithe ipoor iman iwho iappears iin ithe icastle
of iOdysseus, inot iunderstanding ithat ithe iman iis iOdysseus ihimself.
Melantho i- i i
Sister iof iMelanthius iand iservant iin ithe iroyal iresidence iof iOdysseus. iLike ihis ibrother,
Melantho imistreats ithe ihomeless iin ithe icastle, iunaware ithat ithe iman iis iOdysseus.
She iis iinvolved iin iextramarital iaffairs iwith iEurymachus.
Calypso i- i i
The iwonderful ifairy iwho ibegins ito ilove iOdysseus iwhen ihe iarrives iat ihis ihome ion ithe
island iof iOgygia. iCalypso ikept ihim iin idetention ifor ia ilong itime iuntil iHermes, ithe
messenger igod, iconvinced iher ito irelease ihim.
Polyphemus i- i i
One iof ithe iCyclops i(mercilessly itowards imammoths) iwhose iisland iOdysseus iarrives
shortly iafter ileaving iTroy. iPolyphemus istops iOdysseus iand ihis igroup iand itries ito ieat
them, ibut iOdysseus iblinds ihim ithrough ia icunning iploy iand idiscovers ihow ito iescape.
In idoing iso, iOdysseus iirritates iPolyphemus' ifather, iPoseidon.
Circe i- i i
The icharming iwitch igoddess iwho iturns ithe iOdysseus igroup iinto iswines iwhen ishe
arrives ion iher iisland. iWith ithe ihelp iof iHermès, iOdysseus iopposes ithe iforces iof iCirce
and ithen ibecomes ihis ilove, iliving iin iextravagance iby ihis iside ifor ia iyear.
Laertes i- i i
Odysseus's ifather, iwho ilives ion ia iranch iin iIthaca. iIn idespair iand iphysical idecline, ilater
recovers ihis isoul iwhen iOdysseus ireturns iand iinevitably iassassinates ithe ifather iof
Tiresias i- i i
A iTheban iprophet ioccupying ithe iunderworld. iTiresias imeets iOdysseus iwhen
Odysseus igoes ion ian iexcursion ito ithe iunderworld iin iBook i11. iHe itells iOdysseus ithe
best iway ito ireturn ito iIthaca iand iallows iOdysseus ito ispeak ito idifferent ispirits iof iHades.
Nestor i- i i
Sovereign iof iPylos iand iformer iwarrior iof ithe iTrojan iWar. iLike iOdysseus, iNestor iis
known ias ia isharp ispeaker. iTelemachus ivisits ihim iin iBook i3 ito iget iinformation iabout
his ifather, ibut iNestor iknows iwhereabouts iof iOdysseus.