IMIiiii VOL. 2, NO. 8 :• :'a •':''ifr:-SiL'f.';•!'.!;•• . .;• :• I'i;'•':'.';• i' IP i(fc8;^'l:.:iS-;^s6 ilH I ilipsii mm It taJoes Mniost any condition we could give it. Although it is a Very low llillil JliWjtW Ir'^/..^/;'; ::j|: §::'m • •'•;•:{/'.; ;;G^^ try Arizona rosewood. ;iUiCii^; jUCW^;V;;v;;: •.;, » 5^^SS3Msi||ne/^ii|i|i|||i|ffi®;pid|^^ r.oaji',;.' |egiiiti'|fefii^fii^iiii|fttfey||W help other gardeners through answering individual awume responsibility for advising the commercial Sydney of Bisbee •' ! : ^ 'rt'/i ' i ' ^ I ' p i ' J v J ; : ' \ : $ : ; C ' ) :w»vMMiSE i;"«v life® '^.••^(••.v.'f'.'.'.V' "('r ij5iiKiiiii:l;y|5y5:?;y|||||||||||:!yi|y|g^^^^^^ ,,, ''r:;''i? 'v/i''•' •'•.''•• i •'• !.•'/•:!< 'l' i'* ^ -tf V^Wi-"Mi Cifiardierai : ?4^^^^SlB^Bllllilll^BIIIIIIWIHH of pe fianc, its lifhtj. soil, feftifeer,, pumn| and water fp^preiitentSv a|iwella| fianid||: #d! pppa- :gation> MlPioMationj is short.^dl#Aprpoint but gMlnlnf Pe book Govers only 12 trees, half of which are not ad^itebiastQw^s 01^^ ¥ouiwilii iproMMy fteveF find' nRod^d b^k that reepniineiids able for' coyii^e M shrubsi tpsesv llwn^ and #f #e liosl guMes avaSaMe,. Rod^ M' l^eOiUmend^i fpr COdhise Cpin^. ft is iis^fididi# ioji^ivs a ipidbi^. ^at ifou! ^iill&idl^ ibodlsi tW ale w?flNi^i|h0d!i e^sjNdp! Ibei most usieMi part of Pe §0ids€ii^e lus^ andl iam^pi^ked' Mhi paetid^l iMor^idpn' tpr ihelp5 jfpSii di|p|0se y0ii pi® poito!i(^i we is PePseuSSionof commoni inseCte; ddi^'l4wht stMk in Rddaie Riesii)'. SqM? sififs is Miiex^elte Rdd^ie It^ss, gontiHilsnent foj i^pdati! i the IPd^ning ;Sinee dil^nQsi^. is te haiddst pai^ ^of pant p0p#m(^sdl\nng,; ^thn pne pat lidinf and! pseases pat follows eaChi plant description, these are grouped' by visual signs sych as, "plant leaves Govfted^ wlp webs"' m^\ givesj adptionai pagnOSie signs asW^l asnpe ireeOmraendedibrganic ip^tpinl fcce; yOu! have dpghO^! Pc iprobiem, youi eani prh' to .Chapters 6 andf for tttore defied! fpdfefieisi ipe p^st tfonWd^. eveiit pese Pf f0.i wtte informadOn Oni speOlfid insilGt attdl animp; pests (pcludpi When Ipliiok for 8: ke M' iQlganigally^ ^Mentedi will l^n^t #oM< ithe te ways itf pfeveftt diSg^>, $2§:.O0 ia, pece): but they are ihaitdba# books gndi scape p^agetnent including iinprowng #iiS, iplinted^bniaerd^iie^ f^ycl^ ;pap#. ffinfditlUnajpiy^^ idpWback of thf i©pd0ittibii#ipy0f seMesiisipat if&n@t ipHMei poi exampil^ pe ^b@ok oii> l^itsi <^di ^^IgeiM# Ppudesi a fej|ri|(onf pi sc^ a fungal idiseasg pat atteeks applo and' jp^s- but one pat ihas: ifleyef )b#ni fbunf iUi appips, ini Soup^ Afizona/To igetarounfitlus probipmv >whe uii'fp^lasesW:PaOU;^^pf geneflllaipasi 6f pe P0Un|^/ wapring, hutpfibnafp^ mpcMng,, winter^ i^g, andweedippnn^ ^I| ofPis infPPation is avtflble More coppldply elsewhere, for example pi pe ihraser Western where it is wtten especiiliy^ fCn,divert gachi ofpe biOJ^ pi pe ©irdeni ^oMIpi^OlV# ;si^ipdludie$; ani extensive list of gafdeni slippliers, a f^ommenP led^ leMmg iisty a#s§y ofPe Istithp ale Post llke% # have la faifeui^ ;pi0Mtei as; well Willie enviion^; lihe repaimng books, inj pe sefies aitc fc 4dWs i^- pfpppmpni)|^M0®srf#Mngitr^ I0ses», froundpovels,, vines^ IheaupoFS cover broadi dass^i 0i plans examplp discussing problems pat affect il willow;S,raPer thani a spepif^ Weget0tes.i Wi'uu&i a^i MieiBs .{feff'WlL SmtnauSi PA; RCdaie iPress, f and! RbdSfit/^ 'is Wlo^fer^aMni 'MoMemSdIipefr: 4nnimiSy SdfyejK 4 Pt0it'^l^^pi^W Wwdt $ ii^uS; f#:; RMieiBessi hardine^ BuibSj md'M&ses^M and 'f'i? Mi impausv P% Rotaie ilrt| if Pe Piee books, Po guide vegepbtes, Iruits ^di herbs is p#iply Pe PbSt u^pl sih# it ^covers Many/ ofPeridiMe gfownp^Coc^O Hhe format ds siipto ^d^ussionof spePfic Slanti followed' by Peir teqmf^enlSn)pdi.#mMpi' inSedt , but Pe I '"^111 y//, >2®i(^^0£I^^^Ji^/; I/ i ' ? ; :'/K\-'-^:': i'-\:• V yv/\v >28ii^hciiE;;;j;#;:';{Si;:;S.:i#'::StJ::(?S;v';4:';';?^s':';:;ife;;3^^^^^^^^ ihoSSssiSllpllifs!!)- ll® •" vi • ;/r'\i''•'''%i':^ '.•••!:)V'f'jy:ijli•';: •(:':.;'':'K'«••;•• Vv.y',\f.-:' V••••. ^anriil:*^ ..,. ^-.<.^.i:.v"iV.,;;^.;.v.,^:,^•.V^..^•Vi-:••.•^•^••.• .^•••' •:•. . ^ i.!?;•; ^ .yvsv;y'y;y ^1 over ArizoM in categories sueli as agrieulture, landsc^ d^ignto actual plantine and maintehance. and young ^n^eers and scientist. Fair books Cochise Global Rel^ Quaiteriy Newsletter, c^l i^g^ations^, ^di entry^^^ ,afe ay^i^le, fix)iri the /ni'imli»'rV;:yy;;',':•. !•''.•'.•.•••.'.•i' ;:•;['!\ • list^ V: 0 ^ Ii.y '• yy-'y yy; !v'' •ivfey-:'y.)''P';::''>--''••'•'••• ||ii||y;yy:yMyO^ m ¥MR »m>KS Nom avmlasi^ ^;•' • ': Url}:M/r: y'• ':•.,:; ,'y''iv;.'..i:y.'^':::i'y.'\'ftf'' ECQI^GieALLV-SAm P^T e0N™OLJPart ^ 1) Gl^ the tok - After puttihg down Aground' eloth,, §cfa(pe (he iloose hark from ^the (ruhfc of the tree or ;use » ^ff ferush and soapy waterto i^itub it down. Youimay be suipri^J at bow many pe^ you dislodge. Gather up ^thie drop cloth and disp^ of the ipests immediately. 2) Dormant Oil! - This is a Me horticuHural oil that is applied! to trees in the ^nng before budi break to suffocafe overwintenng eggs, pupae, and' Itoae. 3) forceful water spray - tising a hard ^ray of water from the garden hose will dislodge many pests from pur ^eeSj shrubs,, and< plants. l§0medmes< diey willlsimply go. away, butOfterii it is best to go j^ead! and!dispbse' ofthenii promptly yourself. Justbeiayrefulsthat the force ofithe water iS: notlenoughi ^ dhmage ithe jplmit itself^^ 4) M^dpick - This may notworkif you have nrillions Ofipests, but if you keep a close eye on your crops you often keep the pst ippulations fow by catching them emtly. Simply use your thutnb and forefinger to squashi die spest of any e^s that you may find. If this is a bit tnuchj cm^ a container of water with a thini layer of kerosene or oil on top to drop the insect into instead. 5) fTol water - Boiling hot water is riot reeommendfedl for ^rayihg yom veggies with, but cmi <be fairly effective whens poured on hills of Gaipenler or fire Ants. 4) Miners ©ill - Place a' few drops of oilinto the bps of cofni em'Si dPfeBr the tasselsi wilt to smother cornHearwornts. 7)y ^obe holes ^¥se a stiff pieceof wire toprobe into any holes yout may find' hi your trees or squashi vines, 0ften you will' killthe boreriUiat niade 'die hole hi the first place. 8) Soap and water - Mix pure soap detergent!) andwater mid' Ipray on your plants in the early morning Of evening. Xt will w^h off maiiy .pests and Idll! Outright mariy more, Let it sfay for a few hours or overnightbut wash offwithi pure water before (he hot sun hite it since it may cause damage to the plant then. 9)i salt ^SprinldC saltoni miy snaiisOf slugs you findi andi they wiE diewitiiout you having to touch them. To be continuedl. ^ ^ sl^ediiiniiftidrtbeni^eiofCflic^rativeiEMeRSionsworic^ actfliorMay 8 Sid 30itl914^ mebojperation.:^^ : Christfc^n^'jDwKlori Gcfdjfio^hre'E^eiii^ottiOdUeseorA^cuHure;^^^Utuve^tyofaod'Anzona Gounllesco<!^ntti%; of'Agriciilmre^stanioq^d'o^^iiuiuty en^toyw (w iflUKtion wilhouttiiegaidiilo!se;^«nu;viel{gion;i.cdl6r;.n^ College .provide re^iehiH^ucatiottfal > individuinB^and ^ih^ttttions^dui^ .origWi fage; .VieliiarojEra^wrao's{atatuiyiorhandicapp^ fite iiKbmuition igiveniheMmi' is suj>ptiedI\yiUi tbe undtn^ndii^ disti hodiGcnmihalioh Uintended aitdi no. endorBemehtLby Got^raliye EMe^on>U tiiipli.ed. i!tey>prodUct5i 9er^ce8,ordigaii^ttpti8itHatiaTe mentioned^ shown^ or ln4iKGdy inyiti^im!tlUGipublic4Uon>db notjhiply ehdon^tnt'by tbeUifive^y of Atiwna: :;^':};V.:•^•\:^.'ti^v^//with•v•av:sy^^ttf/ii^fci^rowrti;fiai •'A''.' : '.'•ii',./