Internship Report on National Bank of Pakistan Thandkoi Branch This Internship report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance) By MUKARRAM KHAN REG. NO: B (A) F 15-56 Department of Management Sciences University of Swabi Session (2015-2019) Internship Report on National Bank of Pakistan Thandkoi Branch This Internship report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance) MUKARRAM KHAN REG. NO: B (A) F 15-56 Department of Management Sciences University of Swabi Approved by: ___________________ Mr. Atta-e-Rabbi (Internal Supervisor) __________________ Name: (External Supervisor) ___________________ Mr. Shoaib Hassan __________________ Mrs. Urooj Babar (Head of Department) (Internship Coordinator) In the Name of ALLAH (SWT), the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful Declaration I, hereby declare that the internship report submitted to Internship Coordinator, Department of Management Sciences University of Swabi, by me is my own original work. I am aware of the fact that in case my work is found to be plagiarized or not genuine, the aforesaid has the full authority to cancel my work and I am liable to penal action. MUKARRAM KHAN i Dedication This report is lovingly dedicated to my parents who have been my constant source of inspiration. They have given me the drive and discipline to tackle any task with patience and determination. Without my parents’ prayers, love and support this report would not have been made possible. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All praises are attributed to “ALLMIGHTY ALLAH” whose blessings enabled me to complete this internship report successfully. Countless salutations are upon the Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) who ordained every Muslim to years for knowledge from cradle to grave. I wish to express my sincere and heartiest gratitude to our internship report supervisor Mr. ATTA-E-RABBI for his valuable inspiration, guidance, encouragement, accommodative sympathetic attitude and constructive criticism which were necessary for the competition of this task. I have also heartiest gratitude to my affectionate parents who patiently supporting me during the entire duration of my education. iii Abstract A bank is purely financial institution providing a variety of services connected with money. The provision of credit or advances like, other operations of bank also depend upon its capital resources. The word “Bank” is derived from the “Banco”, “Bancus” or “Banque” all of which means a bench. It was because Jews merchants in Lombardy transacted their business of money exchange on benches. The history of banking system in Pakistan dates back to independence of Pakistan in August 1947 when various banks transferred their Head Quarters and funds to areas likely to fall in Indian banking system. At the time of separation there were only two banks having the honor to be the first commercial banks of Pakistan, namely Habib Bank Ltd, which was set up in 1941 with its Head Office in India and the Australasia Bank Ltd, which was established in 1944 with its Head Office in Pakistan. National Bank of Pakistan was established on November 9, 1949 under the National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance, 1949 in order to cope with the crisis conditions which were developed after trade deadlock with India and devaluation of Indian Rupee in 1949. Initially the Bank was established with the objective to extend credit to the agriculture. National Bank of Pakistan maintains its position as Pakistan's premier bank determined to set higher standards of achievements. It is the major business partner for the Government of Pakistan with special emphasis on fostering Pakistan's economic growth through aggressive and balanced lending policies, technologically oriented products and services offered through its large network of branches locally, internationally and representative offices. The main functions of National bank of Pakistan are to provide commercial banking and related services in Pakistan and abroad. It also handles treasury transactions for the Government of Pakistan as an agent to State bank of Pakistan. The survey of Top 500 banks in the world places National Bank of Pakistan at 352 which is the top position amongst the Pakistani Banks, covered by the survey, thus declaring NBP as the number one Bank in Pakistan iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter No Title Chapter 1. Introduction to the Report……………………………………….. 1.1 1.2 Chapter 2 Chapter - 3 …..1 Background of report …………………………………..…..…1 Background of study………………………………………….1 Scope of study……………………………….. .…………. …..2 1.3 1.4 Methodology of the study ………...…...…………………….2 1.5 Scheme of the report 3 Overview of the Organization …………………………………………...4 2.1 Brief History……………………………………………….. …...4 2.2 Nature of the Organization………………………. 2.3 Business Volume 2.4 Product Lines……………………………………………….….6. 2.5 Competitors 2.6 Introduction of the Branch …………...5 .…………………………………………..5 ……………………………………………….6 Organizational Structure………… ……………………………..…7 ....…………….…………………11 3.1 Organizational Hierarchy Chart…………………………. 3.2 Organizational Structure of NBP…………………………. 12 3.3 Number of Employees`…. 3.4 Main Offices…………………………………………. .14 3.5 Introduction of the Department………………………. 15 3.6 Functions of the Departments ……………………………. 15 3.7 Work Done By Me During Internship…………………. Chapter- 4. Chapter-5 Page No 11 .…………………………....14 Financial Analysis of NBP………………………..….. 22 24 4.1 Ratio Analysis ……. .……………………………….……26 4.2 Types of Ratios …………………………………….. Finding Conclusions and Recommendations ………………..… 5.1 5.2 Conclusion …….……………………………….…….35 Recommendation …………………………………..37 26 35 Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction to Report This report is about the financial area of NBP. This report describes the structure, functions, procedures and financial condition of NBP. I spent two months at the NBP office in Thandkoi. 1.2 Background of the Study The role of banks in the development of a country has greatly increased with the emergence of the role of banks in the development of a country. The intense competition among banks, the privatization of financial institutions and the general liberalization of the financial markets are gradually making the banking sector efficient and efficient. The intense competition among the banks, the privatization of the financial institution and the general liberalization of the financial markets are gradually making the banking sector efficient and efficient. In this era of constant change and explosion of knowledge, manifested by modern technology, banks are also taking over these changes. For Pakistan, a third world developing country is of vital importance to the Pakistani economy, especially in the case of the KPK, where a large number of remittances from abroad were made by the resident population. This contributes significantly to the economy of Pakistan in general and the KPK in particular. My internship report is about the NBP office in Thandkoi. I spent two months. This report is a sincere effort to write down what was observed and experienced in two months of internship at NBP.purpose of the study The primary purpose of this study is to analyze the strength and Weakness of finance Section of NBP Thandkoi Branch. Second purpose was to work in an organization and to compare the theory and application of the management knowledge in real life situation. Another purpose of this study was to improve personal skill i.e. human relation and Communication skills that are to interview and work with them. Similarly, the reports’ 1 purpose was also to develop analytical skills by analyzing the working of the organization through financial analysis. 1.3 Scope of Study The eight-week internship is not a long time to understand how the entire organization works. However, the focus of this study is on the work of the NBP industry and how it operates. , During this study, I was able to observe the operations and identify various issues facing the NBP industry. The bank was analyzed under administrative, financial and operational aspects. The main focus was on the financial management of the bank, the work of the bank administration and the investigation of the problems associated with the bank. 1.4 Methodology of Study The data collected for analysis and review includes both primary and secondary data. 1.4.1 Primary Data The examples of primary data are and it was done through; i. Personal observation. ii. Interviews with staff members. 1.4.2 Secondary Data The examples of secondary data, done with the help of; i. Annual reports of the NBP. ii. Manual of the banks. iii. Internet. 2 1.5. Scheme of Report The report has been divided into four sections, each section having sub- sections in it. The scheme of the report is as follows. 1. Overview of the organization 2. Organizational structure 3. Financial Analysis of NBP 4. Conclusion and Recommendations 3 Chapter # 02 Overview of the Organization 2.1 i Brief History The iNBP iwas iestablished ivide iNBP iOrdinance iNo. iXIX iof iNovember i9. i1949. iBritish iGovt. idevalued iits icurrency iin iSeptember i1949, iIndia idevalued iits irupees ibut iPakistan idid inot. iIt iled ito ia icrisis iin itrading ibetween ithe itwo icountries iand iIndia irefused ito ilift ithe iPakistan iJute. iTo isolve ithis iproblem ii.e. ito iexport ijute iNBP iwas iestablished ithrough ian iOrdinance iof iGOP.iNational iBank iof iPakistan imaintains iits iposition ias iPakistan's ipremier ibank idetermined ito iset ihigher istandards iof iachievements. iIt iis ithe imajor ibusiness ipartner ifor ithe iGovernment iof iPakistan iwith ispecial iemphasis ion ifostering iPakistan's ieconomic igrowth ithrough iaggressive iand ibalanced ilending ipolicies, itechnologically ioriented iproducts iand iservices ioffered ithrough iits ilarge inetwork iof ibranches ilocally, iinternationally iand irepresentative ioffices. The iBank iin i1950 ihad ione isubsidiary i‘The iBank iof iBahawalpur’ ion iDecember4, i1947 iby ithe iformer iBahawalpur iState. NBP iwas iundertaking iTreasury iOperations iand iManaging iCurrency iChests ior iSub iChests iat i57 iof iits ioffices iwhere ithe iturnover iof ithe ibusiness iunder ithe ihead iamounted ito iRs.2460 imillion. i i) Deposits iheld iby iNBP iconstituted iabout i3.1% iof itotal ideposits iof iall iPakistani iBanks iin i1949, iwhich irose ito i38% iin i1952. i ii) Growth iin iDeposits iwas iaccompanied iby iincrease iin iBank iportfolio iin i i iadvances. iNBP ilent iout ito iTextile, iYarn, iIron iand iSteel iand iplayed ia ipioneer irole iin isupport iof iagriculture iand icommerce. i iii) NBP iadvances ireached iRs.554.4 imillion iby iDecember i1959, iwhich iwas ione ithird iof ithe itotal ischedule ibank icredit. 4 2.2 i Nature of the Organization National iBank iof iPakistan iis ia ipublic isector ibank iand ijust ilike iother ibanks iit ialso iserves ias ia ifinancial iinstitution iwhich iraises ifunds ifor ifurther iinvestments. iNBP iworks ifor ithe isole ipurpose iof ithe idevelopment iof idifferent ieconomic iunits iin iPakistan. iLike iother ibanks ithe inature iof iNBP iis ito iaccept ideposits iand igrant iloans ito ibusinesses iand ipeople. iThe imain ifunctions iof iNBP iare ias ifollows iwhich ireflects iits inature. 2.2.1 Advances of Money National iBank iof iPakistan ilends imoney iby imaking iadvances ito icustomers ion icurrent iaccounts, iby imaking iinstallment iloans, iand iby iinvesting iin imarketable idebt isecurities iand iother iforms iof imoney ilending. 2.2.2 Receiving Deposits National iBank iof iPakistan iborrows imoney iby iaccepting ifunds ideposited ion icurrent iaccounts, iby iaccepting iterm ideposits iand iby iissuing idebt isecurities isuch ias ibanknotes iand ibonds. 2.2.3 Transfer of Money National iBank iof iPakistan ialso iprovide iservices iof imoney itransfer ithrough idrafts, ipay iorder, iwestern iunion, imail itransfer ietc. 2.3 i Business Volume The iNational ibank iof iPakistan iis ithe iforemost ibank idetermined ito iset ihigher istandard iof iachievements. iIt iis ithe ikey ibusiness ipartner ifor ithe igovernment iof iPakistan iwith ispecial iefforts iemphasis ion inurturing iPakistan’s ieconomic igrowth ithrough iaggressive iand iimpartial ilanding ipolicies. iThe ibusiness ivolume iof iNBP iis ithe ilargest iamong irest iof ithe icommercial ibanks iof iPakistan; iits itotal iassets irose ito iover i$ i12 imillion iUSD iin i2016, ithis ifigure iwas i$ i9.5 imillion iUSD iin i2015. iThe iloans igranted ito ithe ipeople iwere irecorded i$ i5.5 imillion iUSD. iThe inet iincome iin i2016 iwas i$ i0.912 imillion iUSD iwhile ithe iearning iper ishare iwas i$ i0.15 iUSD. iThe inet icash igranted ifor ioperating iactivities iwas i$ i1.084 imillion iUSD. 5 The imain ifunctions iof iNBP iare ito iprovide icommercial ibanking iand irelated iservices iin iPakistan iand iabroad. iIt ialso ihandles itreasury itransactions ifor ithe igovernment iof iPakistan ias ian iagent ito iSBP. iUnder ia iTrust ideed, ithe ibank ialso iprovides iservices iof itrustee ito iNIT, iincluding isupervision iof isecurities ion ibehalf iof iNIT. 2.4 i Product Lines Following iare isome iof ithe imain iproduct ilines iof iNational iBank iOf iPakistan. 1. Working icapital iloan 2. Term iloan 3. Trade ifinance iservices 4. Cash imanagement 5. Investment iBanking 6. Arrangement iof inon ifund ifacilities 7. Mergers iand iacquisition 8. Corporate iadvisory 9. Balance iinquiry 10. Foreign iExchange iRate 11. Account istatement 12. Cheque iBook irequest 13. ATM iservices 14. Locker ifacilities 15. Remittances ifacilities. 2.5 i Competitors Competitors iof iNational iBank iof iPakistan iare ithe ifollowing 1. Habib iBank iLimited 2. United iBank iLimited 6 3. Allied iBank iLimited 4. Muslim iCommercial iBank 5. Bank iAl iHabib iLimited 6. Meezan iBank 7. Bank iof iKhyber 8. First iWomen iBank 9. Soneri iBank 10. Standard iCharted iBank 11. Bank iof iPunjab 12. Faisal iBank 13. Bank iAl iFalah iLimited These iare ithe imain icompetitors iof iNBP i 2.6 i Introduction of the Branch The iNBP iThandkoi iBranch iwas iestablished ion i15 idec i2001 iunder isection i28(1) iof ibanking iCompany’s iordinance i1962. i. Staff The ibranch istaff iis iconsist iof i5 iemployees ii. Manager. The imanager iof ithe iBranch iis iMr. iIjaz iAhmad iii. Cashier The icashier iof ithe ibranch iis iNasim iv. Assistant iClerk Mr. iAnwar iKamal iis iworking ias ia iAssistant iClerk iin ithe ibranch. 7 v. Bank iGuard Mr. iPervaz iis iworking ias ia ibank iguard. i i Vi. Govt i& Remittance The imessenger iof ibranch iis iMr iAmjad I idid imy iinternship iin iNational iBank iof iPakistan iThandkoi iBranch.. iThe ibranch icode iis i1554. iThere iare iabout i6 iemployees iworking iin idifferent idepartments iof iThandkoi iBranch. iFollowing iare ithe imain idepartments iof iThandkoi iBranch 2.6.1 1. Account iOpening. 2. Deposit iSection. 3. Bills iRemittance iDepartment. 4. Clearing iDepartment. 5. Cash iDepartment. 6. Issue iof iinland iletter iof icredit. Account Opening The iopening iof ian iaccount iis ithe iestablishment iof ibanker icustomer irelationship. iBefore ia ibanker iopens ia inew iaccount, ithe ibanker ishould idetermine ithe iprospective icustomer’s iintegrity, irespectability, ioccupation iand ithe inature iof ibusiness iby ithe iintroductory ireferences igiven iat ithe itime iof iaccount iopening. 2.6.2 Deposits Section Deposits iare ireferred ito ias ithe i‘LIFE_BLOOD’ iof ithe ibank. iThe ifundamental ifunction iof ia icommercial ibank iis ithe iacceptance iof ideposits. iBanks iaccepts ideposits ifrom ithose iwho ihave isurplus imoney iin itheir ihands ibut ithey iare iunable ito imake iuse iof iit. I When ia ibank ireceives ia ideposit ifrom icustomer, ithe irelationship iof idebtor iand icreditor iestablished iwhereby ia icustomer 8 ibecomes ithe icreditor iand ithe ibank ibecomes idebtor. iThe iamount iowned iby ithe ibank imust ibe ipayable ito ithe idepositor ion idemand ior iafter isome itime. iDeposit iSection iin ia ibank ideals iwith ithe iacceptance iof ideposits iand ipayment iof icheques. 2.6.3 i Bills Remittance Department ‘Remittance’ imeans isending imoney ifrom ione iplace ito ianother iplace. i iSo iNational iBank iOf iPakistan iprovides inumber iof iservices ito itransfer imoney ifrom ione iplace ito ianother iplace. iThese iservices iinclude iDemand idraft, iTelegraphic itransfer iand iMail itransfer. iBills iRemittance iDepartment ialso iworks ion iPayment iOrders iand iShort iCredit. i. Payment iOrder. ii. Demand idraft i iii. Telegraphic itransfer i iv. Mail itransfer i 2.6.4 i Clearing Department All icommercial ibanks iare ithe imembers iof ithe ibanker’s iclearing ihouse iwhich ifacilitates ithe isettling iof idaily ibalances idue ibetween imember ibanks iarising ifrom ithe icheques iand icash itransactions ithroughout ithe icountry, iwhether iby ithe igeneral ipublic ior iindividual ibanks. 2.6.5 Cash Department Cash iDepartment iis ithe imost iimportant isection iin ithe ibank. iIt iperforms ithe ifollowing ithree imain ifunctions: Bank payments i& receipts 9 Bank ipayments imeans icash ipayments ito ithose ipersons iwho irepresent icheques iand ibank ireceipts iincludes icash ideposits imade iby iaccount iholders. Government receipts i& payments Government ireceipts imeans icollection iof iincome itax, iproperty itax, isales itax iand itraffic ichallans. iGovernment ipayments iinclude isalary ipayments ito iGovt iemployees iand iPension ipayments. Collection of utility It iincludes icollection iof iall iutility ibills iwhich iincludes ielectricity, igas iand iwater ibills. iIt ialso iincludes iPTCL ibills. iii 2.6.6 i Issue of inland letter of credit NBP iis icommitted ito ioffering iits ibusiness icustomers ithe iwidest irange iof ioptions iin ithe iarea iof imoney itransfer. iIf iyou iare ia icommercial ienterprise ithen iour iLetter iof iCredit iservice iis ijust iwhat iyou iare ilooking ifor. iWith icompetitive irates, isecurity, iand iease iof itransaction, iNBP iLetters iof iCredit iare ithe ibest iway ito ido iyour ibusiness itransactions. 10 Chapter 3 What I have learnt 3.1 Organizational Hierarchy Chart President & Chairman Board of Directors Senior Executive Vice President Audit Committee Executive Vice President Senior Vice President Vice President Assistant Vice President Officer Grade I Officer Grade II Officer Grade III Assistant Source (National bank annual report 2016-18) 3.2 i i Organizational Structure of NBP Organizations icannot ifunction iwithout iproper iarrangements ifor iits ispecific itasks iand iduties. iFor ithis ipurpose iorganizations iare idivided iinto idepartments. i“The iprocess iof igrouping ijobs iaccording ito isome ilogical 11 iarrangements” i is icalled idepartmentalization. iThe ibasis iof idepartmentalization iis icommonly iproduct, icustomers, ifunction iand ilocation. iNational ibank ihas idone iits idepartmentalization iforming ia imatrix istructure. iFollowing iare ithe imain idivisions iof ithe iorganization: 3.2.1 Head Office The ihead ioffice iof inational ibank iof iPakistan iis isituated iin iKarachi. iAll ibraches, iregional ioffices, icorporate ibraches iand ioverseas ibranches iand irepresentative ioffices iwork iaccording ito irules iand iregulation iset iby ithe ihead ioffice. iThe ihead ioffice iis ioperationally iin icharge iof icentral iaffairs iincluding ithe idelegation iof ipowers iand iauthority ito ithe i29 iregional ihead iquarters ithroughout ithe icountry. iAll ithe isenior imanagement iteam iworks iin ithe ihead ioffice. 3.2.2 Board of Directors The ipresident iof iNBP itakes iout ithe iimportant idecisions iwith ihelp iof iBoard iof iDirectors. iThe ipresident iof ithe ibank iis ialso ithe ichairman iof ithe iBoD. iBoD icomprises iof isix imembers ialong iwith ithe ichairman iand ia isecretary iof iBoD. iBoD iholds itheir imeeting ifrequently ithrough iout ithe iyear. i 3.2.3 Central Departments To ifacilitate igrowth iand iquality iservices ito iits icustomers, ito ireduces idecision imaking ilayers iand ireduce iburden ion ifew idepartments, ithe ibank ihas ibeen idivided iinto ia ilot iof igroups iand idepartments iat ithe icentral ilevel. iSenior iExecutive iVice iPresidents ior iExecutive iVice iPresidents iheads ieach idepartment iand igroup. iThe igroups iand idepartments iare ias ifollowing: 1. Operations iGroup 2. Corporate i& iInvestment iBanking iGroup 3. Special iAssets i& iRemedial iManagement iGroup 4. Commercial i& iRetail iBanking iGroup 5. Audit i& iInspection iGroup 12 6. Strategic iPlanning i& iEconomic iResearch iGroup 7. Risk iManagement iGroup 8. Treasury iManagement iGroup 9. IT iPlanning i& iImplementation iGroup 10. Human iResources iManagement iDepartment 11. Organization iDevelopment i& iTraining iDepartment 3.2.4 Regional Offices The ibank iformerly iworked iunder ithe izonal ihead ioffice isystem, iwhich icentralized ithe iauthority itoo imuch iand ihampered igrowth iof ithe ibank. iTo iimprove icustomer ifocus, ireduce idecision-making ilayers iand ipromote iteamwork, ithe ibank ihas isubstantially irestructured iits ibusiness. iAn ientire ilayer iof icontrolling ioffices ii.e. izones ihas ibeen ieliminative iand itotal inumber iof iregions ihas ibeen ienhanced ifrom i9 ito i29. iA inew imatrix istructure iis inow iin iplace, iwhich iseparates ithe ifront iand iback ioffices iwith ispecial iemphasis ion icorporate igovernance iand ienhanced iinternal icontrols.1 iRegional ioffices iare ifurther isubdivided iinto ifive imain ifunctional igroups iaccording ito ithe ineeds. iEvery igroup ior idivision iis iheaded iby iits iregional ichief. iThe ifive ifunctional idepartments iat iregional ilevel iare: 1. Business idepartment 2. Operations idepartment 3. Risk iManagement iDepartment 4. Compliance iDepartment 5. Human iResource iDevelopment iDepartment 13 3.3 Number of Employees Over iall iemployees iof iNBP iare ias ifollows: 1. Permanent iemployees iare i13273 2. Temporary iemployees iare i842 3. Bank iown istaff istrength iis i14079 4. Outsourced iemployees iare i2350 5. While ithe itotal istaff istrength iof ioverall iNational iBank iof iPakistan iis i16429 The iNational iBank iof iThandkoi iBranch ihas i05 iemployees iin iwhich i2 iof ithem iare i19 igrade iofficers i(Branch imanager iand ioperational imanager) iwhile iothers iare igrade itwo iand igrade ione iemployees. 3.4 Main Offices Head Office Address: iNBP iBuilding, iI.I. iChundrigar iRoad, iKarachi. i Regional Office Address: iMain iBazzar iDistt iKarak Regional Office Address: iShahra-e-Staff iCollege, iQuetta iCantt. Regional iOffice Address: iCivic iCentre iBranch. iG-6, iIslamabad. Regional Office Address: iMain iBranch, iShahrah-e-Quiad-e-Azam iRd, iLahore. Regional office Address: iCantt iBoard iBuilding, iThe i iMall, iRawalpindi. 14 3.5 iIntroduction of the Department The iNational iBank iof iPakistan iThandkoi iBranch icomprises iof imany idepartments iincluding iCash, iGovernment, iAdvances, iRemittance, iAccount iOpening, iEstablishment ietc. iThe iDepartment iof imy iinternship iprogram iwas i iAccount iOpening, iRemittances, iDeposits iand iBills iSection iand iEstablishment. I The idepartment iManager ihelped ime iin ilearning ithe ioperations iand ipsyche iof ithe idepartment. iDay iby iday ihe ishares ihis iexperience iwith ime iand ialso ishares ihis iwork. iAfter iI ilearnt ithe icheque iclearing iI istarted ito iperform imost iof ithe iwork iof ithe idepartment. iThe iRemittance imanager iwas ivery ihard iworking iand iloyal ito ithe iorganization. iAt ithe iend iof ithe icalendar iday iall ithe iemployees iof ithe ibranch itogether iand ishares ithe ibusiness ithoughts. iThe ioverall ienvironment iof ithe ibranch ias iwell ias idepartment iwas ivery igood iand iI ienjoyed ia ilot ito iwork iover ithere. 3.6 i Functions of the Departments i 3.6.1 Deposit Department Deposit idepartment iis ione iof ithe imain idepartments iof ithe ibank ias iit ideals iwith ithe isupply iof imoney ito ithe ibank. iDeposits iare ithe iinputs i(raw imaterial) ifor ithe ibank. iEach iand ievery ibank itries ito iincrease iits ideposits.NBP iof iThandkoi iBranch iis itrying iits ibest ito iincrease iits ideposits. iIn ideposits itwo itypes iof iaccounts iare ioperated i 1. Types of Account i. Current Account Current iaccounts iare icalled idemand iliability iin ibanking iterminology. iNo iprofit iis ipaid ion ithese iaccounts. 15 ii. PLS Accounts These iare iprofit iand iloss isharing iaccounts.iThese iaccounts ican ibe iopened iwith ithe iamount inot iless ithan iRs i1000/-. iIn iPLS iaccount iprofit iis icalculated ievery imonth ibut iis ipaid iafter isix imonths. 2. iClassification of Accounts Current iand iPLS iaccounts ican ibe ifurther iclassified ion ithe ibasis iof iconditions iimposed ion ithese iaccounts. i. Individual Accounts Individual iaccounts ias ithe iname iimplies ican ibe iopened iand ioperated iby ia isingle iperson. ii. Joint Account Two ito ifour ipersons ican iopen ithis itype iof iaccount. iIf imore ithan i4 ipeople iwant ito iopen ijoint iaccount ithen ithey ican iopen ionly icurrent iaccount. iii. Minor Account In icase iof ia iminor ia iguardian ioperate ithe iaccount ion ibehalf iof ithe iminor. iWhen ithe iminor iattains ithe iage ihe ican ioperate iit iby ihimself. 16 iv. Staff i Account Staff iaccount iis imaintained ifor ithe iemployees iof ithe iNBP. iSalaries iof ithe istaff iare icredited ito itheir iaccount. v. Partnership Account This iaccount imay ibe ioperated iby ia ipartnership iof itwo ior imore ipersons. iFor ithis iaccount ia ipartnership ideed iis irequired. iPartnership iaccount ican ionly ibe ia icurrent iaccount. 3. iAccount Opening Procedure The imain ifunction iof ia ibank iis ito icollect iand iincrease ithe iamount iof ideposits. iDeposits iare ithe iinputs, iwhich iare iprocessed iin iorder ito iearn iprofit. iThe inumber iof ideposits idetermines ithe ifinancial istrength iof ithe ibank. i i.iOpening of an Account Account iis iopened ion ithe irequest iof icustomers. iOnly iofficers iare iallowed ito iopen ithe iaccounts. iAccounts iare iopened ionly iwhen ithe iclients ipresent ithemselves iin iperson. iIn icase iof iPurda inashin iladies iaccounts ican ibe iopened iin ithe iabsence iof ithe iaccount iholder ionly iafter idiscrete iinquiries iand ion ithe imanager’s isatisfaction iof ithe iaccount iholder. iWhen ia iclient iapproaches iThandkoi iBranch ifor iaccount iopening, ihe iis igiven ian iaccount iopening iform. iHe ihas ito ifill ithe iform iand ialso iget iintroducers isignature. The iintroducer ishould ibe ian iaccount iholder iof iNBP iThandkoi iBranch. iAccount iopening iform icontains ifollowing iinformation. ii. iName 17 The iname iof ithe iaccount iopener iis imentioned iin ithe iname icolumn. iFull iname iis iwritten iin iblock iletters iwith ifather’s iname. iii. iOccupation In ithis icolumn ithe iclient iis irequired ito imention ifull iparticulars iof ioccupation ii.e. iin icase iof ibusiness ithe inature iof ibusiness iand iin icase iof iservice ithe iname iof iservice ishould ibe igiven. iv. iAddress In ithis icolumn ithe iclient iis irequired ito igive ihis/her icomplete ipostal iaddress. Special iinstructions ito ioperate ithe iaccount: It iis ian iimportant icolumn iand ishould inever ibe ikept iblank. iThe iclear iinstructions iregarding ioperation iupon ithe iaccount iis igiven iin ithis icolumn ii.e. iwho iwill ioperate ithe iaccount iof ithe iaccount iholder. ie.g. iif ia iperson ihas iopened ia iaccount iand ihe imentions iin ithis icolumn ithat ianother iperson iwill ioperate ithe iaccount ion ihis ibehalf, ithen ithe isignatures iof ithat iwill ibe itaken iand icheque ibook iwill ibe iissued iin ithe iname iof ithat iperson. v. Introducer’s Signatures The iofficer iwho iwill ireceive ithe iaccount iopening iform imust iinsist ion ithe iintroducer’s ifull iname iand iaddress ialong iwith isignature. vi. Specimen Signatures The iofficers imust itake ithe ispecimen isignatures iof ithe iperson iwho iis ito ioperate ithe iaccount. i iThese isignatures iare itaken ion isignature icards 18 vii. iComputerize National Identity Card It iis ithe ibasic irequirement ithat ithe icopy iof inational iidentity icard iis iattached iwith ithe iaccount iopening iform. iApart ifrom ithis ioriginal iidentity icard imust ibe ishown ito ithe iofficer. viii. Cheque Book Requisition Memo When iall ithe iformalities iof iaccount iopening iform iare ifound icomplete ithen ithe icheque ibook iis iissued. iFor ithis ipurpose ifirst iof iall ithe icheque ibook imemo iin ithe iform iis ifilled iand isigned iin ithe ipresence iof ithe iofficer iissuing ithe icheque ibook iwho iverify ithe isignature. 3.6.2 iRemittances Department The iword i“Remittance” imeans isending imoney iby imail ior iany iother imethod. iIt imay ialso ibe idefined ias i“Payments isent iby imail ito ia icenter ifor iprocessing”. i In ithe iThandkoi iBranch ithere iis ilarge inumber iof ireceipts iand idrafts, iso iNBP ihas iplaced itwo iofficers ifor ithe itransfer iof ifunds iand ifor ireceipts irespectively. Demand Drafts iD.D’s) Demand idraft iis, ias iits iname iimplies, ipayable iby idemand. iDemand idraft iis iused ifor ithe itransference iof imoney ifrom ion icity ito ianother icity. iThis iis iissued iby ione ibranch iand ipayable iat iother ibranch iof isame ibank ior iothers ibank’s ibranch. ie.g. idemand idraft iissued iby iNBP ipayable iby iMCB There iare itwo itypes iof idemand idraft’s ithat iare iopen iD.D iand ithe isecond ione iis icross iD.D. ilet idifferentiate iit; 19 Open Demand Draft Is ithat ione, iin iwhich iit iis ipayable idirectly ion ithe icounter ito icustomer iand ithere iis ino ineed ito icredit ithe iaccount iof ithe icustomer. Crossed Demand Draft i Is ithe isecond itype iof ithe idemand idraft. iIt iis ione iby iwhich ipayment iis imade ithrough iaccount. iThe iamount iof idemand idraft iis icredit ito ithe ifavoring iaccount iand ithen ihe ican itransact iin ithe iordinary iway ithrough icheque. Mail Transfer Transfer iof ifunds ifrom ione ibranch iof ithe isame ibank iinside ior ioutside ithe icountry ithrough imail/or icourier iservices iis icalled imail itransfer. iThe imail itransfers iis isimilar ito ithat iof itelegraphic itransfer, ibut iif ia iperson’s iaccount iis inot iexisted iin ithe isaid ibranch, iin ithis icase ithe isending ibranch iwill ishift ithe iamount ito iconcerned ibranch iand iadvice iwill ibe isend ito ithe iother ibank iin ihis iaccount iexist. iIn isuspense iaccount ithe iparty iwill ihave ito iprove iidentity. Pay Order It iis ivery iuseful, isafe iand imost iconvenient imethod ifor ipayment iin ilocal iarea. iThe iNBP ipay ito icustomer ithen ithe ibank iretrieves imoney ifrom ithe icompany. iAn iorder ito ipay iis isent ito icompany ior iorganization ito igive ithe icertain isum iof imoney, iwhich iwe ipaid ito icustomer. In ithis ipay iorder ithere imust ibe ithe iaccount iof ithe icustomer iotherwise ihe iwill ipay iextra icharges. i i Telegraphic Transfer (T.T’s) 20 The iworld iis ichanged iso iquickly iand ithe irequirements iof ibanks iand iother iorganization ialso ichanged. iCompanies ineed ithat ito itransfer ithe imoney ivery ifastly. iSo ithere iis ia inew itransfer icalled ithe iTelegraphic itransfer. iIt iis iissued iwhen icustomer irequest ifor iit iand ithe iamount iis ireceived. iIt iis isent ithrough icables. i 3.6.3 iAdvances Department In ithe iadvances idepartment ithere iare idifferent itypes iof iadvances iavailable, iwhich ican ibe igranted ito ipeople iby isubmitting iessential idocuments iand iother inecessary ipapers, iwhich iwill ifulfill ithe icriteria ifor iloan. Advances iand ifinancing iin ibanking ibusiness irefers ito iprovision i(supply) iof imoney ion icredit iand iit iis ithe imost iimportant idepartment iof ithe ibank. iIt ideals iwith ishort-term iadvances iand ilong iterm iadvances. Short Term Loans In ithis ikind iof iloan ia ilump isum iamount iis ipaid iafter ione iyear. iIn ifirst icategory ithere iare ifurther ifour ikinds iof iloans, ispecified ias iunder: 1. Gold iloan i(1 ito i3 ilacks) 2. Running ifinance 3. Cash ifinance 4. Small ifinance i(1 ilack ito i5 iLack) All iof ithese iloans iare ifor ione iyear ibecause iany iloan icoming iunder ithe icategory iof ishort iterm iis imostly i& inot imore ithan ifor ione iyear. iShort-term iloans iare ifor idaily iroutine iexpenses ie.g., isalaries, ibills, iwages ietc. Long Term Loans / Fixed Financing 21 In ilong iterm iloans iwe ihave ionly ione ikind iof iloan ii.e., iProject ifinancing. iWhich iis imostly ifor i5 i& i7 iup ito i10 iyears? iFixed ifinancing iis ialso icalled idemand ifinancing. Working Capital Loan These iare itypes iof iloans iwhich iare ifor ione iyear itime iperiod. iCash iFinance It iis isanctioned iafter ia ikeen iobservation iof iworking icapital. Running Finance It iis isanctioned iagainst iMIC i(monthly iincome icertificates) ior ipersonal iguarantee. iIn irunning ifinance iwe idon't ipledge ithe istock. Small Finance i It iis igiven ifor ismall ibusiness ioperations iusually ifor ione iyear. Gold Loan i i These iloans iare iprovided iagainst ipledge iof igold. iIt iis igiven i@ i16% imark-up. It iis ionly igiven iby iN.B.P., ias iwe iknow ithat ifor ievery ikind iof iloan igiven iby ibank ineeded isome ikind iof isecurity. iAs ithe iname iindicates iin igold iloan ibank ikeeps igold ias isecurity. Secured and unsecured loan In isecured iLoan ithere iis ino ichance iof idefault ibecause ithe ibank iagainst iliquid isecurity igives iloan iand ibank ican ieasily isell ithe iliquid iassets iand ican isafe iitself ifrom iinsolvency. 22 Advance Salary: In ithe idepartment iof iadvances ithere iis itype iof isalary iadvances iwhich igive iloan ito ithe ipure iGovt iemployees. iIn ithis ifor ithe iapplicants ithere iare idifferent idocuments ithat iare iessential ifor ithe iloan ithese iare ias ifollowed; Application iform i References ishould ihave iaccount iin ithe ibranch DDO isignatures References iNIC icopies iand iapplicant ialso. Salary islip Hundred irupees istamp ipaper Three isigned icheques iof ithe iapplicant 3.7 Work Done by me During Internship I ihave icompleted imy ipractical itraining iin iNBP i iThandkoi i(1554). iFor itwo imonths iof ithe iperiod iof imy itraining, iI itried imy ibest ito istudy idifferent ithings ibut iit iwas idifficult ito idone icomplete iwork iin irespect iof iall iaspect iof ibanking iin iall ithe idepartments iduring ithe iperiod iof i2 imonths iinternship itraining. iHowever, iI itried ito ideal iin iall ithe idepartments ifor ithe isake iof ipractical iknowledge. Major iactivities iperformed iduring imy iinternship iprogram iare ias ifollows: Ist iweek In ithe ifirst iweek iI iobtained igeneral iinformation iregarding ibank. iI istudied iabout ichecque ithe igeneral ifor ifilling ichecque iand iobtain idifferent iinformation iabout ichecque. iI ialso ibecame ito iknow iabout ithe idormant iand iinoperative iaccount. iHow iaccounts ibecome idormant ior iinoperative. I ialso istudied iabout idifferent ivouchers ii.e. idebt ivoucher, icredit ivoucher, icash ivoucher, iTransfer ivoucher ietc. 2nd iweek In ithis iweek iI ilearned iabout iSC i(Short iCredit), ihow iit iis ioriginated. 23 3rd iweek In ithis iweek iI ilearned ibout iSC iresponding, ihow iit iis irealized. iThere iare idifferent icharges ii.e. iPNT icharges, iFED icharges iand icommission icharges. iAfter ideduction iof ithese icharges ithe iremaining imoney iis itransferred ito ithe icostumer iaccount. 4th iweek In ithis iweek iI iwork iin iaccount iopening idepartment. iIn ithis idepartment, iI igain ithe ipractical iknowledge iabout iopening iaccount. iThis idepartment ideals iwith iopening iand iclosing iof iaccounts ifor iits icustomers iand iall imatters iregarding ithereof. iI istudied idifferent irules iand iregulation iregarding iopening iof iaccount. iI ialso ibecome iknow ithat, iwhat iare ithe iinitial irequirements ifor iopening ian iaccount iin iNBP. 5th iweek In ithis iweek iI ilearned iabout iDraft, ihow iis iprepared. iI ialso istudied iabout ipayment iorder. 6th iweek In ithis iaccount iweek iI ilearned iabout iMT i(Mail iTransfer). iI istudied iabout iall ithe irules iand iwork ipractically ion iit. 7th iweek In ithis iweek iI istudy irule ifor imaking iTT i(Telegraphic iTransfer). 8th iweek In ithis iweek iI itry imy ibest ito iknow iabout iBBO. iI iset iwith iconcerned iOfficer iof ibranch iand istudy idifferent ientries. 24 Chapter 4 Financial and SWOT Analysis 4.1 iRatioiAnalysis: Ratio analysis is a quantitative method of gaining insight into a company liquidty, operational efficiency, and profit ability by comparing information contained in its financial statements. 4.2 Types of Ratios: Following iare ithe itypes iof iratio Liquidity Ratio: Ratio ithat imeasures ia ifirm’s iability ito imeet ishort iterm iobligation i.liquidity iratios iare icurrent iratio iand iquick iratio. Current Ratio: “This iratio irelates icurrent iassets ito iits icurrent iliabilities”. iIt ishows ithat ihow ithe iorganization ihas imore iassets iand istrength iof ithe iliquidity ito ipay iits idebts. iIt iis icalculated ias: Current iRatio i= iCurrent iAssets i/ iCurrent iLiabilities Table i4.3 iCurrent iRatio i Year Current iAssets 2018 35,004,719 2017 28,997,227 2016 23,682,557 Current 48,215,943 40,156,775 31656803 iLiabilities Current iRatio 0.72 0.72 0.74 i i i i i i i i i iSource: i iNBP iannual ireport i2016, i2017, i2018. Interpretation: 25 An iincrease iin ithe icurrent iratio irepresents iimprovement iin ithe iliquidity iposition iof ithe ibank iwhile ia idecrease iin ithe icurrent iratio iindicates ithat ithere ihas ibeen idis-improvement iin ithe iliquidity iposition iof ithe ibank. iCurrent iRatio iin i2016 iis iincreasing ias icompared ito i2017 i& i2018. iIn i2016 i&2018 iit iis istable. Total Asset Turnover: “This iratio irelates isales ito iits itotal iassets”. iIt iis icalculated ias; Total iasset iturnover i= iSales i/ iTotal iAssets iii Table i4.4 iTotal iAsset iTurnover i Year Sales 2018 1,568,284 2017 4,207,155 2016 3,390,014 Total iAssets 60,154,584 50,794,303 38,810,570 Total iAsset iturnover 0.026 0.082 i i i i i i i iSource: i iNBP iannual ireport i2016, i2017, i2018. 0.087 Interpretation: This iratio ishows ithat ihow iefficiently ian iorganization iuse iits iassets. iHigh ivalue iof itotal iasset iturnover imeans ithat ithe icompany iis iusing iits iassets iefficiently. iThis imeasure iis iprobably iof igreatest iinterest ito imanagement, ibecause iit iindicates iwhether ithe iefficient ioperation ihas ibeen ifinancially iefficient. iTotal iasset iturnover iis iincreasing iin i2016 ias icompared ito i2017 i& i2018 iwhich ineeds ito ibe iimproved. Gross Profit Margin Ratio: 26 Gross iprofit imargin irelates iprofit iof ithe iorganization ito iits isales i(interest iearned iin icase iof iBank).This iis icalculated ias. Gross iProfit iMargin iRatio i= iGross iProfit i/ iInterest iEarned iii Table i4.5 iGross iProfit imargin iratio i Year Gross iProfit 2018 723,839 2017 1,664,532 2016 121,509 Interest iEarned 587,247 1,604,855 (262,193) Gross iProfit 1.23 1.03 0.46 i i iiMargin i i i i i i iiRatio iSource: i iNBP iannual ireport i2016, i2017, i2018. Interpretation: This iratio iindicates ithe iprofit ithat ithe ifirm iearns ion ithe iinterest. iIn i2016 ithe iGross iprofit imargin iration iis idecreasing iand iin i2017 i& i2018 ithis iratio iis iincreasing. iIt ishows ithat ithe ifirm iGross iprofit iis irecovering. Net Profit Margin: “This iratio imeasures ithe ifirm’s iprofitability iof isales/ iinterest iearned iafter itaking iaccount iof iall iexpenses iand iincome itaxes”. This iratio ican ibe icalculated ias: Net iProfit iMargin iRation i= iNet iProfit iafter iTaxes i/ iInterest iEarned Table i4.6 iNET iPROFIT iMARGIN 27 Year Net iProfit iafter itaxes 2018 179,690 2017 563,486 2016 637,183 Interest iEarned 587,247 1,604,855 (262,193) 0.351 (0.243) Net iProfit iMargin 0.305 i i iiRatio i i i i i i i iSource: i iNBP iannual ireport i2016, i2017, i2018. Interpretation: It iindicates ithe ifirm’s iprofit iwith irespect ito iinterest iearned. iIn i2016 iit iis idecreasing ias icompared ito i2017 iand iin i2018 iit iis ialso idecreasing ias icompared ito i2014. iIncrease iin ithis ivalue ishows ithat ithe ifirm iNet iProfit iafter itaxes iis ihigher iand ivice iversa. Returnion Equity: ROE icompares inet iprofit iafter itaxes ito ithe iShare iholder’s iEquity. iThis iratio iis icalculated ias: ROE=Profit iafter iTaxes/Share iHolder’s iEquity Table i4.7 iReturn ion iEquity i Year Profit iafter itaxes 2018 179,690 2017 563,486 2016 637,183 Shareholder’s iequity 9,913,191 9,400,373 5,962,297 Return ion iequity 0.018 0.059 0.106 i i i i i i i i i iSource: i iNBP iannual ireport i2016, i2017, i2018. Interpretation: It iindicates ithe iProfit iafter itaxes ito ithe ishare iholder’s iequity. iIncrease iin ithis iratio imeans ithat iprofit iafter itaxes iis ihigher iwith irespect ito ithe ishare iholder’s 28 iequity iand ivice iversa. iIn i2016 iit iis iincreasing ias icompared ito i2017 i& i2018. iIn i2017 iit iis ialso iincreasing ias icompared ito i2018. Return on Assets: This iratio ishows ithe iefficiency iof iorganization ithat ihow iefficiently iutilizes itheir iassets. iThis iratio irelates iprofits ito iassets. iIt iis icalculated ias: i ROA i= iProfit iafter iTax/Total iAssets Table i4.8 iReturn ion iAssets i Year Profit iafter itax 2018 179,690 2017 563,486 2016 637,183 Total iAssets 60,154,584 50,794,303 38,810,570 Return ion iAssets 0.002 0.011 0.016 Source: i iNBP iannual ireport i2016, i2017, i2018.. Interpretation: This iratio ishows ithat ihow ithe ifirm iefficiently iutilizes itheir iassets. iIncrease iin ithis iratio iindicates ithat ithe ifirm iprofit iafter itax iis ihigher ias icompared ito iits itotal iassets. iIn i2016 iit iis iincreasing ias icompared ito i2017 i& i2018. iIn i2018 iit iis idecreasing ias icompared ito i2016 i& i2017. Investment iDeposit iRatio: This iratio ishows ithe icomparison iof iinvestments iand ideposits. iIt iis icalculated ias: Investment iDeposit iRatio=Investments i/ iDeposits Table i4.9 i i iInvestment iDeposit iRatio 29 Year Investments 2018 29,341,227 2017 19,852,730 2016 17,925,911 Deposits 45,384,411 36,981,351 26,285,794 Investment 0.646 0.536 0.681 i i iiDepositRatioRatio i i i i i i iSource: i iNBP iannual ireport i2016, i2017, i2018.. Interpretation: It iindicates ithe ifirm’s iinvestments ias icompared ito iits ideposits. iIncrease iin ithis ivalue ishows ithat ithe ifirm’s iinvestments iare ihigh ias icompared ito iits ideposits iand ivice iversa. iIn i2016 iit iis iincreasing ias icompared ito i2017 i iand i2018. iIn i2018 iit iis iincreasing ias icompared ito i2017. Debt Ratio: It irelates ithe ifirm’s iuse iof idebt ito ifinance iits iassets. iIt iis icalculated ias: Debt iRatio i= iTotal iDebt i/ iTotal iassets i i i i i i i iTable i4.10 iDebt iRatio Year Total iDebt Current iAssets Debt iRatio 2018 50,241,393 2017 41,393,930 2016 32,848,273 35,004,719 28,997,227 23,682,557 1.43 1.42 1.38 i i i i i i i i i iSource: i iNBP iannual ireport i2016, i2017, i2018. Interpretation: The iDebt iratio ishows ithe ipercentage ithat ihow imuch iout iof itotal iasset ihas ibeen iborrowed. iThe igreater ithe iratio ithe igreater ithe iamount iof iother ipeople’s 30 imoney ibeing iused ito igenerate iprofit. iIn i2016 iit ihas ibeen idecreasing ias icompared ito i2017& i2018. iIn i2017 iit ihas ibeen idecreasing ias icompared ito i2018. 4.11 Swot IAnalysis SWOT iAnalysis iis ia istrategic iplanning imethod iused ito ievaluate ithe iStrengths, iWeaknesses, iOpportunities, iand iThreats iinvolved iin ia iproject ior iin ia ibusiness iventure. iIt iinvolves ispecifying ithe iobjective iof ithe ibusiness iventure ior iproject iand iidentifying ithe iinternal iand iexternal ifactors ithat iare ifavorable iand iunfavorable ito iachieving ithat iobjective. iIf iSWOT ianalysis idoes inot istart iwith idefining ia idesired iend istate ior iobjective, iit iruns ithe irisk iof ibeing iuseless. iAn iexample iof ia istrategic iplanning itechnique ithat iincorporates ian iobjective-driven iSWOT ianalysis iis iSCAN ianalysis. iStrategic iPlanning, iincluding iSWOT iand iSCAN ianalysis, ihas ibeen ithe isubject iof imuch iresearch. Strengths: iAttributes iof ithe iorganization ithat iis ihelpful ito iachieving ithe iobjective. i Weaknesses: iAttributes iof ithe iorganization ithat iis iharmful ito iachieving ithe iobjective. i Opportunities: iExternal iconditions ithat iis ihelpful ito iachieving ithe iobjective. i Threats: iExternal iconditions iwhich icould ido idamage ito ithe ibusiness's iperformance. i 4.11.1 Strengths: Advance isalary iproduct: It iexists iin ithe ilist iof itop i10 ibanks iin ithe iASIA. It ihas ithe ihighest iprofit iamong ithe ilargest ibanks iof ithe iASIA. i Its ipaid-up icapital iis ivery ihigh i Very iless iuncertainty ibecause i iof ia iGovt. ibank i High iconfidence idue ito ihigher icapital iinvestment. LC i(letter iof icredit) iis iacceptable iall iover ithe iworld. Chest ibranches ican isupply icash ion ithe ibehalf iof istate ibank. Chest iloans ican ibe iused ifor i ilimited itime 31 It iholds ithe iGovt. itreasury. The ibiggest icustomer iof iNBP iis iGovt. iof iPakistan. Work ias icorresponding iof iASKARI ibank Provide iHigh ipackages ito iemployees. Provide ihigh istaff ibenefits. Recruitment ioccurs iafter ievery iyear. i MTO’s iselection iis iplanned itill i2010. 4.11.2 Weaknesses: The iMajor iproblem iwith iNBP iis iits iimage ias iit iis ia iGovt. ibank iso ithe ivision iof ithe icustomer iis inot ipositive iabout iit. i People ithink iit iwill inot iprovide ithem isatisfactory iservices. In imany ibranches imanagement iis inot iup ito idate. In ismall iarea’s ibranches iemployees ihave iless ieducation. Award iand ipromotion ipolicies iare inot iimplemented iin iall ibranches. There iis ino iconcept iof ijob irotation Employees ihave ilow icoordination ilevel iamong ieach iother. 4.11.3 Opportunities: Advance isalary ifor iemployees Employee ibenefits Pensions Award ifor iemployee iperformance Promotions Corporate iplanning ilearning. 4.11.4 Threats: Turn iout iof iemployee Job isecurity iand iStrugglers At ia itime ido ino. iof ijobs idue ito icompetitor. NBP ihave ito ido ithose ijobs iwhich ihave ino iloss iand ino iprofit 32 ibecause iof itheir icompetition Customer idissatisfaction Slow iactions ion icomplains Political ienvironment. Table i4.1 i iSTATEMENT iOF iFINANCIAL iPOSTION i(BALANCE iSHEET) For ithe iyear iending iJune i30 i i Statement iof iFinancial Rupees iin i“000” ASSETS June 30, 2018 June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016 Cash & Balances with treasury Banks 2,904,139 5,079,720 1,542,102 Balances with other Banks 2,488,477 1,502,684 2,403,698 Lending’s to financial institutions 2,708,76 2,562,093 1,810,846 Investments 29,341,227 19,852,730 17,925,911 Advances 21,846,716 18,238,333 11,835,962 Operating Fixed assets 1,184,180 1,121,554 1,013,670 Deferred tax asset-net 311,306 443,320 456,420 Other assets 1,807,663 1,993,869 1,821,961 TOTAL ASSETS 60,154,584 50,794,303 38,810,570 Bills payable 249,648 280,665 223,973 Borrowings 2,581,884 2,894,759 5,147,036 Deposits & other accounts 45,384,411 36,981,351 26,285,794 Sub-ordinated loans - LIABILITIES - Liabilities against assets subject to finance - - lease - - Deferred tax liabilities - - Other liabilities 2,025,450 1,237,155 1,185,470 TOTAL LIABILITIES 50,241,393 41,393,930 32,848,273 5,004,001 5,004,001 5,004,001 NET ASSETS REPRESENTED BY Share Capital 33 Reserves 640,009 548,039 435,342 Unappropriated profit /(accumulated loss) 419,959 52,079 (398,710) Advance against shares subscription 3,224,000 3,224,000 224,000 Surplus on revaluation of assets 625,222 572,254 697,664 TOTAL REPRESENTED 9,913,191 9,400,373 5,962,297 Source: i iNBP iannual ireport i2016, i2017, i2018. Table i4.2 i iPROFIT iAND iLOSS iACCOUNT i(INCOME iSTATEMENT) For ithe iyear iending iJune i30 PROFIT iAND iLOSS Rupees iin i‘000’ June 30, June 30, June 2018 2017 2016 Mark-up/return/interest earned 1,568,284 4,207,155 3,390,014 Mark-up/ return/ interest income 968,838 2,925,066 2,390,388 Net mark-up/ interest income 599,446 1,282,089 999,626 48,916 659,758 Reversal of provision against non- (15,411) performing loans and advances-net Provision for diminution in the value 27,610 (371,682) of investments-net Bad Debts written off directly 602,061 - - - 12,199 (322,766) 1,261,81 1,604,855 (262,193) 172,565 127,123 74,848 117,458 Net mark-up/ interest income after 587,247 provisions NON MARK-UP/ INTEREST INCOME Fee, Commission and brokerage 63,857 income Dividend income 46,947 34 30, Income from dealing in foreign 11,061 currencies Gain on sale of securities-net 8,548 30,761 3,371 (285,934) 67,148 1,431 (1,294) Unrealized loss on revaluation of (15,666) investments classified as held for trading Other income 21,845 66,006 69,896 Total non mark-up/ interest income 136,592 59,677 383,702 NET INCOME 723,839 1,664,532 121,509 Administrative expenses 353,181 943,680 719,453 Other provisions/ write offs - (5,705) 185,500 Other charges 8,884 13,416 15,326 Total non mark-up/ interest expenses 362,065 951,391 920,279 NET EXPENSES 361,774 713,141 (798,770) 713,141 (798,770) NON MARK-UP/ INTEREST EXPENSES PROFIT/ (LOSS) BEFORE 361,774 TAXATION Taxation Current (81,818) 89,631 75,292 Prior - 2,040 - Deferred (100,266) 57,984 (236,879) 149,655 161,587 563,486 637,183 1.13 (1.27) NET TAX (182,084) PROFIT/ LOSS) AFTER 179,690 TAXATION Earnings per share 0.36 i i i i i iSource: i iNBP iannual ireport i2016, i2017, i2018. 35 Chapter 5 Summary Conclusion and Recommendation 5.1 Conclusion National iBank iof iPakistan iwas iestablished ias ia isemi ipublic icommercial ibank ion iNovember i8 i-1949. iThe iprimary iobjective iof ithe isetting iof ithe ibank iwas ito ipurchase ijute ifrom ithe igrowers iin ithe iformer iEast iPakistan iand ito iperform ithe icommercial ibanking ifunction iin ithe icountry. iThe ibank ialso iauthorized ito iact ias ian iagent iof ithe iState iBank iof iPakistan iand ioperate itreasury iwhere ithe istate ibank idoes inot ihave iits iown ibranch. The ibank iprovides iall itypes iof ibanking iservices ito ithe igovernment iand iprivate isectors. iThe ioverseas ibranches iunder ia itrust ideed ithe ibank ialso iprovides iservices ias itrustee ito inational iinvestment itrust iincluding isafe icustody iof isecurities ion ibehalf iof iNIT iin iconsideration ifor iannual iservice icharge iand icommission. i National iBank iof iPakistan iis iplacing ihigh ipriority ion iautomation iand iits idevelopment. iThe ibank iis ishifting iits ifocus iforma iroutine ipersonnel iadministration ito ihuman iresources idevelopment, iwith idue iemphasis ibeing iplaced ion ithe ioptimal iutilization iof iexisting ihuman iresources. iMotivating ipay istructures iand ithe iperformance ibased ion iincentives iwere ialso iintroduced ito ienhance ithe iproductivity iof iemployees. National iBank iof iPakistan ibrought ia igreat irevolution ion iour ibanking isystem iby iintroducing inew iproducts, iadopting iall ithe inew imethods iand itechnologies irequired ifor ian iinternational ibank. iNational iBank iof iPakistan iis idesired ito iplay ia ivital irole iin ithe idevelopment iof iPakistan iin ithe i21st iCentury. iIts imanagement iand iworkers imust iaccept ithe icompetition iand ichallenge iof ithe inew imillennium ithrough iinnovative ipolicies, iproducts iand iuntiring iapplication. i NBP’s istaff iis inot iwell itrained icomparatively. iHR iprocedures iare iwell iplaced iin ithe ibooks ibut inot ibeing ipracticed ifully iNBP’s iHR imanagement iis inot iworking igood. iNBP iis iutilizing ilarge iamount ion 36 iadministrative icost. iNBP’s iprocess iof isanctioning iadvances iis ilengthy. iNBP’s icustomers ihanding iis inot iso igood, ibut ialmost ipoor. iNBP’s irecord ion ipapers iis igreat, ibut iit ilacks ilatest ibanking itechniques iand itechnologies. 37 5.2 Recommendation It iis istrongly irecommended ithat iN.B.P. ishould icomputerize iits ibraches i& idevelop ia ipowerful icomputer inetwork ifor ion-line ibanking. Govt. ishould itake ikeen iinterest ito irecover iits ibad idebts, iwhich ican iimprove iits ifinancial iposition. HRM idepartmentimust ihave ia iproper iplan ifor iplacement iof iemployees NBP imust igive ithe iproper iattention itoward iincreasing ithe icustomization. iIt ishould iestablish ia icustomer-oriented isection iin ieach ibranch ifor ireceiving ihim irespectfully i& iprovide iproper iguidance The itraining imust ialso ibe igiven ito ithe iclerical istaff. iBecause iof iN.B.P. iare irunning ion imanual isystem iand ithe itraining iof iits istaff idirectly iimproving itheir iefficiency iof iwork. 1 Working conditions imust be improved for ithe employees. 2 Upper imanagement ishould itake idecisions ifor ipromotion iof iemployees ion ithe ibasis iof iprofessional ijustice. 3 Internal ipolitics i& ilobbies ishould ibe iminimized. i 4 There iis ialso ia ineed iof iproper irecruitment iand iselection iprogram. i 5 Political iinfluences ion ithe ibanking ioperations ishould ibe ieliminated. 6 The irecruitment ipolicy ishould ibe ifair iand itransparent. 7 Improving iCommunication iskill. 8 Aggressive imarketing istrategy iin ibanking. 9 Institutionalization iof ithe iHuman iResource iManagement 10 Research iand idevelopment ifacilities imust ibe iimproved 38 11 General iworking icondition iand iEnvironment imust ibe iimproved 12 New italent/Professionals ishould ibe ihired 13 Public iRelation idesk ishould ibe iestablished iin ieach iand ievery ibranch. 14 NBP, ibeing ithe ionly ilending iarm ito ithe igovernment ifor ipublic isector idevelopment ishould idesign, idevelop iand ideliver iproduct iand iservices ifor ieconomic igrowth. 15 NBP imajor ifault iis ithat iwasn’t ikeeping iits ipace iwith ion igoing ichanging iin ibanking iindustry iunlike iother ibank. iNow ithis ibank icombining iall iit ipower iand itrying ito iapproach iother ibanks. 16 Latest ireorganizing iefforts iare inecessary ito imake iit icost ieffective ialso imaking iits ifacility iaccordingly ito imodern ibanking. iThese imust icontinue. i 17 Bank imanagement ihas ito iput iits iall ieffort ito ichange ithe iprevailing iculture iof ithe ibank iand ito iput ithe ifoundation istone iof ibusiness ioriented iculture. iIn iwhich iemployees igive iimportant ito ithe ibank iand iits icustomer. 18 To iattract ithe icustomer iin ithe ifuture iNBP ihave ito imake iextensive ieffort ito igive ifacilities iof iretail iand iconsumer ibanking. iPlus ithe 39 itechnology iin ithe ibanking iwhich iwill ibe inecessary ifor ifuture ibanking iis ianother iweek iarea ineed ito ibe istressed. 19 The ioutlook iand iinterior ilay iout iof ithe ibranches iis ianother ithing iwhich ineeds ito ibe iimproved. 20 The iprocedure iof itaking iservices ifrom ithe ibank imust ibe imade ieasier iand istraight iforward inot iinvolving ilong idifficult iprocedure ifor isimple itask. 21 To iremain iin ithe imarket ibank ineed ito ibe ivigilant iin ithe ieyes iof icustomer. i iOne iway iis ithrough ipromotion iefforts, iso ithat ipeople iaware iabout ihe iservices iof ithe ibanking iand iany iaddition iwhich ithe ibank ias imade iin ithe iportfolio iof iits iservices. i i i i 40 REFERENCES i,financial-analysis/ Nasir, iM iSaeed.(1998).banking iof icurrency iand ifinance. iPakistan ikitab imarkaz National iBank iof iPakistan, iAnnual ireport i(2017, i2018) National iBank iof iPakistan, istatement iof iasset iand iliabilities, istatement iof iprofit iand iloss i(2016, i2018) Van iHorne, iJ. iC, iand iJ. iM. iWachowicz. i10th iEdition. i(1998). iFundamentals iof iFinancial iManagement. iNew iYork: iPrentice-Hall iinternational, iInc i i iHtml 41