A Q U I C K G L A N C E I N T O FINTECH FinTech has changed the way we go about our daily lives. Here's a quick look at some interesting facts 1860 Surprise! The FinTech revolution begins! Giovanni Casseli invents the pantelegraph - a device that verifies signatures in banking transactions by sending and receiving transmissions via telegraph cables. 1880 Using charge plates and charge coins for credit by consumers and merchants for exchanging goods and services for credit. This lasted until the early 1960s. 1918-1970 The invention of Fedwire. This Morse code-based system was used as a real-time gross settlement funds transfer system until the 1970s. 1919 Economist John Maynard Keynes writes "The Economic Consequences of the Peace" - the first alludes financial technology and future financial services. 1950 1966 The Telex network replaces the telegraph thus opening the doors for global communication of financial transactions. Diner's Club introduces first iteration of a credit card. It was followed by American Express in 1958. 1967 Barclays Bank installed its 1st ATM at its Enfield Town branch in North London. Users inserted specially marked paper cheques issued by a teller or cashier. 1982-1983 Evolution of E-trade and online banking. 2009 Bitcoin was released. 2011 Google Pay Send was developed to allow smartphone users with NFC (NearField Communication) chips to make tap payments. 2017 Alibaba introduces Smile Pay Service where one pays by smiling at a 3D camera. sources