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ENGIII Week of March 30

Unit: 2
Close Reading Module 2
Unit 2
Unit Description: In this unit, you will examine how an author uses rhetoric
to advance their perspective on race, inequities and injustices in America.
After engaging in multiple reads of the text, you will spend time engaging in
vocabulary and text-dependent questions, gathering evidence, outlining and
drafting a response to the culminating question.
Addressed CCSS:
Reading: RI.11.3, RI.11.1
Writing: W.11.2
Unit Title: The American Dream Revisited
Culminating Question: After reading Du Bois’s “Of Our Spiritual Strivings,”
analyze how the author uses rhetoric to advance his point of view and
consider how each author’s use of rhetoric contributes to the power or
persuasiveness of the text.
Speaking & Listening
Language: L.11.4
Text(s): The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois, Chapter 1: “Of Our Spiritual Strivings”
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Learning Objective:
Learning Objective:
Learning Objective:
By the end of the lesson you will:
By the end of the lesson you will:
By the end of the lesson you will:
 Define and explore key
 Read the entire text again.
 Read the text for a third time.
vocabulary words using the
 Answer text-dependent
 Evaluate and collect textual
Frayer model.
questions and annotation
evidence in response to
 Read the entire text and write an
culminating question prompt.
objective summary.
 Use evidence collection chart to
create an outline response to
culminating prompt.
 Frayer Model
 Warm Up/Vocabulary activity #2  Warm Up/Vocabulary activity #3
 First Read of text
 Second Read of Text
 Third Read of Text
 Objective summary
 Text Dependent Questions and
 Evidence Collection Chart
 Multi-Paragraph Outline
 Hochman Assessment
Day 4
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson you will:
 Use evidence collection chart
and multi-paragraph outline to
complete response to
culminating prompt.
 Re-read as necessary
 Review evidence collection chart
and Multi-Paragraph Outline
 Write Culminating Multiparagraph Response
Key Vocabulary
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Unit: 2
Daily Sequence and Goals
Day 1 and First Read
•Goal: Reading begins with
defining key vocabulary.
Start with vocabulary and
then read the text straight
through to gain a general
sense of the text(s).
Day 2 and Second Read
Day 4 and Fourth Read & Writing
Day 3 and Third Read
•Goal: During this read,
stop and address some
text-dependent questions
and tasks. They will help
you better understadn the
•Goal: Throughout the
writing process, you
should refer back to the
text to select your
•Goal: It's imporant to go
back to the text and
collect textual evidence
before you craft a claim
and organize your thinking
for writing. Return to the
text to complete the
evidence collection chart.
Task List for Grade 11, Unit 2
Directions: complete each of the tasks below as outlined in the Unit below.
Frayer Model
Practice & Application 50 (10pts per)
Day 1
Objective Summary
Practice & Application 25
Day 1
Warm Up/Vocabulary activity #2
Practice & Application 50
Day 2
Text Dependent Questions and Annotations
Practice & Application 50
Day 2
Hochman Assessment
Practice & Application 50
Day 2
Warm Up/Vocabulary activity #3
Practice & Application 50
Day 3
Evidence Collection Chart
Practice & Application 50
Day 3
Multi-Paragraph Outline
Practice & Application 50
Day 3
Culminating Multi-paragraph Response
Day 4
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Unit: 2
Day 1
Learning Objective:
By the end of the lesson you will:
Define and explore key vocabulary words using the Frayer model.
Read the entire text and write an objective summary.
Frayer Model
First Read of text
Objective summary
Frayer Model
First Read of text
Objective summary
Vocabulary Frayer Model
The Frayer Model is a graphic organizer for building student vocabulary. This technique requires students to define target vocabulary and apply their
knowledge by generating examples and non-examples, giving characteristics, and/or drawing a picture to illustrate the meaning of the word.
Definition: To comply with rules,
standards or laws given by a person
who is of high standards to the
A person who obeys rules given to
them by people who they see as
alphas. For example, in the
Government the hierarchy is from
speaker of the house to Vice
President and then at the highest is
the President of the United States.
Sentence: The boy conformed to the
rest of his friend.
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Real World Examples: People who
are in gangs conform to them
because they have a choice to have
a better life instead of spending it in
a gang.
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Vocabulary Frayer Model
To make great efforts to achieve or
obtain something.
Traits/Characteristics: A person who
does anything to achieve their goal.
Open and responsive to suggestions;
Easily persuaded or controlled.
Sentence: I am striving to be one of
the best baseball players in the
Traits/Characteristics: A person who
can and will do something for a
person who uses the right words. In
other words, they are gullible.
Real World Examples: Christiano
Ronaldo has strived since he was a
boy to be one of the best players of
Soccer around the world today.
Sentence: Jack was amenable to
Ruby's expensive idea.
Real World Examples: A person who
spends a lot of money gambling is
easily amenable because they spend
a lot of money doing the same thing
to try and win.
Vocabulary Frayer Model
Definition: To stop oneself from
doing something that may or may
not have negative effects on that
Traits/Characteristics: A willingness
of a person to stop themselves from
doing something.
Sentence: It's hard to refrain from
eating snacks.
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Real World Examples: The world is
trying to refrain from going outside
due to this virus.
Definition: To put something into
place in order to keep or sustain
Traits/Characteristics: Being able to
insert yourself or your rules into a
setting or set of rules.
Sentence: The CEO of Instagram
invoked stories into their platform.
Real World Examples: The U.S.
Government invoked the open-carry
laws into place.
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Unit: 2
The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois, Chapter 1: “Of Our Spiritual Strivings”
Directions: For the first read, read the text straight through without completing annotations/questions (to be completed day 2). Then write the objective summary.
On day 2, complete second read and annotations/questions. Reread for day 3, third read, and evidence collection, multi-paragraph outline work.
Culminating Question: After reading Du Bois’s “Of Our Spiritual Strivings,” analyze how the author uses rhetoric to advance his point of view and consider
how each author’s use of rhetoric contributes to the power or persuasiveness of the text.
O water, voice of my heart, crying in the sand,
All night long crying with a mournful cry,
As I lie and listen, and cannot understand
The voice of my heart in my side or the voice of the sea,
O water, crying for rest, is it I, is it I?
All night long the water is crying to me.
Second Read:
Unresting water, there shall never be rest
Till the last moon droop and the last tide fail,
And the fire of the end begin to burn in the west;
And the heart shall be weary and wonder and cry like the sea,
All life long crying without avail,
As the water all night long is crying to me.
Between me and the other world there is ever an unasked question: unasked by some through feelings of
delicacy; by others through the difficulty of rightly framing it. All, nevertheless, flutter round it. They approach
me in a half-hesitant sort of way, eye me curiously or compassionately, and then, instead of saying directly,
How does it feel to be a problem? they say, I know an excellent colored man in my town; or, I fought at
Mechanicsville; or, Do not these Southern outrages make your blood boil? At these I smile, or am interested,
or reduce the boiling to a simmer, as the occasion may require. To the real question, How does it feel to be a
problem? I answer seldom a word.
1) Summarize the poem by Arthur Symons.
Arthur Symons talks about how important it is that nothing
will ever quit no matter what it is. Like the water in the sea
or the animals in it. Or even the humans who get pushed or
effected by other humans.
2) What does this poem indicate that the following
essay might be about?
3) What question do people “flutter around”?
And yet, being a problem is a strange experience,—peculiar even for one who has never been anything else,
save perhaps in babyhood and in Europe. It is in the early days of rollicking boyhood that the revelation first
bursts upon one, all in a day, as it were. I remember well when the shadow swept across me. I was a little
thing, away up in the hills of New England, where the dark Housatonic winds between Hoosac and Taghkanic
to the sea. In a wee wooden schoolhouse, something put it into the boys’ and girls’ heads to buy gorgeous
visiting-cards—ten cents a package—and exchange. The exchange was merry, till one girl, a tall newcomer,
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refused my card,—refused it peremptorily, with a glance. Then it dawned upon me with a certain suddenness
that I was different from the others; or like, mayhap, in heart and life and longing, but shut out from their
world by a vast veil. I had thereafter no desire to tear down that veil, to creep through; I held all beyond it in
common contempt, and lived above it in a region of blue sky and great wandering shadows. That sky was
bluest when I could beat my mates at examination-time, or beat them at a foot-race, or even beat their
stringy heads. Alas, with the years all this fine contempt began to fade; for the words I longed for, and all their
dazzling opportunities, were theirs, not mine. But they should not keep these prizes, I said; some, all, I would
wrest from them. Just how I would do it I could never decide: by reading law, by healing the sick, by telling
the wonderful tales that swam in my head,—some way. With other black boys the strife was not so fiercely
sunny: their youth shrunk into tasteless sycophancy, or into silent hatred of the pale world about them and
mocking distrust of everything white; or wasted itself in a bitter cry, Why did God make me an outcast and a
stranger in mine own house? The shades of the prison-house closed round about us all: walls strait and
stubborn to the whitest, but relentlessly narrow, tall, and unscalable to sons of night who must plod darkly on
in resignation, or beat unavailing palms against the stone, or steadily, half hopelessly, watch the streak of
blue above.
After the Egyptian and Indian, the Greek and Roman, the Teuton and Mongolian, the Negro is a sort of
seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American world,—a world which yields him
no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world. It is a
peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of
others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever
feels his twoness,—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring
ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.
The history of the American Negro is the history of this strife,—this longing to attain self-conscious manhood,
to merge his double self into a better and truer self. In this merging he wishes neither of the older selves to be
lost. He would not Africanize America, for America has too much to teach the world and Africa. He would not
bleach his Negro soul in a flood of white Americanism, for he knows that Negro blood has a message for the
world. He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and an American, without being
cursed and spit upon by his fellows, without having the doors of Opportunity closed roughly in his face.
4) Describe the event that Du Bois references as the
one that made him realize “I was different from
the others.”
5) What does Du Bois mean by “doubleconsciousness”?
6) Underline the most important sentence in this
paragraph. Explain your reasoning.
This, then, is the end of his striving: to be a co-worker in the kingdom of culture, to escape both death and
isolation, to husband and use his best powers and his latent genius. These powers of body and mind have in
the past been strangely wasted, dispersed, or forgotten. The shadow of a mighty Negro past flits through the
tale of Ethiopia the Shadowy and of Egypt the Sphinx. Through history, the powers of single black men flash
here and there like falling stars, and die sometimes before the world has rightly gauged their brightness. Here
in America, in the few days since Emancipation, the black man’s turning hither and thither in hesitant and
doubtful striving has often made his very strength to lose effectiveness, to seem like absence of power, like
weakness. And yet it is not weakness,—it is the contradiction of double aims. The double-aimed struggle of
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the black artisan—on the one hand to escape white contempt for a nation of mere hewers of wood and
drawers of water, and on the other hand to plough and nail and dig for a poverty-stricken horde—could only
result in making him a poor craftsman, for he had but half a heart in either cause. By the poverty and
ignorance of his people, the Negro minister or doctor was tempted toward quackery and demagogy; and by
the criticism of the other world, toward ideals that made him ashamed of his lowly tasks. The would-be black
savant was confronted by the paradox that the knowledge his people needed was a twice-told tale to his
white neighbors, while the knowledge which would teach the white world was Greek to his own flesh and
blood. The innate love of harmony and beauty that set the ruder souls of his people a-dancing and a-singing
raised but confusion and doubt in the soul of the black artist; for the beauty revealed to him was the soulbeauty of a race which his larger audience despised, and he could not articulate the message of another
people. This waste of double aims, this seeking to satisfy two unreconciled ideals, has wrought sad havoc with
the courage and faith and deeds of ten thousand thousand people,—has sent them often wooing false gods
and invoking false means of salvation, and at times has even seemed about to make them ashamed of
Away back in the days of bondage they thought to see in one divine event the end of all doubt and
disappointment; few men ever worshipped Freedom with half such unquestioning faith as did the American
Negro for two centuries. To him, so far as he thought and dreamed, slavery was indeed the sum of all
villainies, the cause of all sorrow, the root of all prejudice; Emancipation was the key to a promised land of
sweeter beauty than ever stretched before the eyes of wearied Israelites. In song and exhortation swelled
one refrain—Liberty; in his tears and curses the God he implored had Freedom in his right hand. At last it
came,—suddenly, fearfully, like a dream. With one wild carnival of blood and passion came the message in his
own plaintive cadences:—
7) Why does Du Bois write that “few men ever
worshipped Freedom with half such unquestioning
faith as did the American Negro for two
centuries”? What is the larger point he is trying to
make with this comment?
“Shout, O children!
Shout, you’re free!
For God has bought your liberty!”
Years have passed away since then,—ten, twenty, forty; forty years of national life, forty years of renewal and
development, and yet the swarthy spectre sits in its accustomed seat at the Nation’s feast. In vain do we cry
to this our vastest social problem:—
“Take any shape but that, and my firm nerves
Shall never tremble!”
The Nation has not yet found peace from its sins; the freedman has not yet found in freedom his promised
land. Whatever of good may have come in these years of change, the shadow of a deep disappointment rests
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upon the Negro people,—a disappointment all the more bitter because the unattained ideal was unbounded
save by the simple ignorance of a lowly people.
The first decade was merely a prolongation of the vain search for freedom, the boon that seemed ever barely
to elude their grasp,—like a tantalizing will-o’-the-wisp, maddening and misleading the headless host. The
holocaust of war, the terrors of the Ku-Klux Klan, the lies of carpet-baggers, the disorganization of industry,
and the contradictory advice of friends and foes, left the bewildered serf with no new watchword beyond the
old cry for freedom. As the time flew, however, he began to grasp a new idea. The ideal of liberty demanded
for its attainment powerful means, and these the Fifteenth Amendment gave him. The ballot, which before
he had looked upon as a visible sign of freedom, he now regarded as the chief means of gaining and
perfecting the liberty with which war had partially endowed him. And why not? Had not votes made war and
emancipated millions? Had not votes enfranchised the freedmen? Was anything impossible to a power that
had done all this? A million black men started with renewed zeal to vote themselves into the kingdom. So the
decade flew away, the revolution of 1876 came, and left the half-free serf weary, wondering, but still inspired.
Slowly but steadily, in the following years, a new vision began gradually to replace the dream of political
power,—a powerful movement, the rise of another ideal to guide the unguided, another pillar of fire by night
after a clouded day. It was the ideal of “book-learning”; the curiosity, born of compulsory ignorance, to know
and test the power of the cabalistic letters of the white man, the longing to know. Here at last seemed to
have been discovered the mountain path to Canaan; longer than the highway of Emancipation and law, steep
and rugged, but straight, leading to heights high enough to overlook life.
Up the new path the advance guard toiled, slowly, heavily, doggedly; only those who have watched and
guided the faltering feet, the misty minds, the dull understandings, of the dark pupils of these schools know
how faithfully, how piteously, this people strove to learn. It was weary work. The cold statistician wrote down
the inches of progress here and there, noted also where here and there a foot had slipped or some one had
fallen. To the tired climbers, the horizon was ever dark, the mists were often cold, the Canaan was always dim
and far away. If, however, the vistas disclosed as yet no goal, no resting-place, little but flattery and criticism,
the journey at least gave leisure for reflection and self-examination; it changed the child of Emancipation to
the youth with dawning self-consciousness, self-realization, self-respect. In those sombre forests of his
striving his own soul rose before him, and he saw himself,—darkly as through a veil; and yet he saw in himself
some faint revelation of his power, of his mission. He began to have a dim feeling that, to attain his place in
the world, he must be himself, and not another. For the first time he sought to analyze the burden he bore
upon his back, that dead-weight of social degradation partially masked behind a half-named Negro problem.
He felt his poverty; without a cent, without a home, without land, tools, or savings, he had entered into
competition with rich, landed, skilled neighbors. To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of
dollars is the very bottom of hardships. He felt the weight of his ignorance,—not simply of letters, but of life,
of business, of the humanities; the accumulated sloth and shirking and awkwardness of decades and
centuries shackled his hands and feet. Nor was his burden all poverty and ignorance. The red stain of
bastardy, which two centuries of systematic legal defilement of Negro women had stamped upon his race,
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meant not only the loss of ancient African chastity, but also the hereditary weight of a mass of corruption
from white adulterers, threatening almost the obliteration of the Negro home.
A people thus handicapped ought not to be asked to race with the world, but rather allowed to give all its
time and thought to its own social problems. But alas! while sociologists gleefully count his bastards and his
prostitutes, the very soul of the toiling, sweating black man is darkened by the shadow of a vast despair. Men
call the shadow prejudice, and learnedly explain it as the natural defence of culture against barbarism,
learning against ignorance, purity against crime, the “higher” against the “lower” races. To which the Negro
cries Amen! and swears that to so much of this strange prejudice as is founded on just homage to civilization,
culture, righteousness, and progress, he humbly bows and meekly does obeisance. But before that nameless
prejudice that leaps beyond all this he stands helpless, dismayed, and well-nigh speechless; before that
personal disrespect and mockery, the ridicule and systematic humiliation, the distortion of fact and wanton
license of fancy, the cynical ignoring of the better and the boisterous welcoming of the worse, the allpervading desire to inculcate disdain for everything black, from Toussaint to the devil,—before this there rises
a sickening despair that would disarm and discourage any nation save that black host to whom
“discouragement” is an unwritten word.
But the facing of so vast a prejudice could not but bring the inevitable self-questioning, self-disparagement,
and lowering of ideals which ever accompany repression and breed in an atmosphere of contempt and hate.
Whisperings and portents came home upon the four winds: Lo! we are diseased and dying, cried the dark
hosts; we cannot write, our voting is vain; what need of education, since we must always cook and serve? And
the Nation echoed and enforced this self-criticism, saying: Be content to be servants, and nothing more; what
need of higher culture for half-men? Away with the black man’s ballot, by force or fraud,—and behold the
suicide of a race! Nevertheless, out of the evil came something of good,—the more careful adjustment of
education to real life, the clearer perception of the Negroes’ social responsibilities, and the sobering
realization of the meaning of progress.
So dawned the time of Sturm und Drang: storm and stress to-day rocks our little boat on the mad waters of
the world-sea; there is within and without the sound of conflict, the burning of body and rending of soul;
inspiration strives with doubt, and faith with vain questionings. The bright ideals of the past,—physical
freedom, political power, the training of brains and the training of hands,—all these in turn have waxed and
waned, until even the last grows dim and overcast. Are they all wrong,—all false? No, not that, but each alone
was over-simple and incomplete,—the dreams of a credulous race-childhood, or the fond imaginings of the
other world which does not know and does not want to know our power. To be really true, all these ideals
must be melted and welded into one. The training of the schools we need to-day more than ever,—the
training of deft hands, quick eyes and ears, and above all the broader, deeper, higher culture of gifted minds
and pure hearts. The power of the ballot we need in sheer self-defence,—else what shall save us from a
second slavery? Freedom, too, the long-sought, we still seek,—the freedom of life and limb, the freedom to
work and think, the freedom to love and aspire. Work, culture, liberty,—all these we need, not singly but
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together, not successively but together, each growing and aiding each, and all striving toward that vaster
ideal that swims before the Negro people, the ideal of human brotherhood, gained through the unifying ideal
of Race; the ideal of fostering and developing the traits and talents of the Negro, not in opposition to or
contempt for other races, but rather in large conformity to the greater ideals of the American Republic, in
order that some day on American soil two world-races may give each to each those characteristics both so
sadly lack. We the darker ones come even now not altogether empty-handed: there are to-day no truer
exponents of the pure human spirit of the Declaration of Independence than the American Negroes; there is
no true American music but the wild sweet melodies of the Negro slave; the American fairy tales and folklore
are Indian and African; and, all in all, we black men seem the sole oasis of simple faith and reverence in a
dusty desert of dollars and smartness. Will America be poorer if she replace her brutal dyspeptic blundering
with light-hearted but determined Negro humility? or her coarse and cruel wit with loving jovial good-humor?
or her vulgar music with the soul of the Sorrow Songs?
Merely a concrete test of the underlying principles of the great republic is the Negro Problem, and the
spiritual striving of the freedmen’s sons is the travail of souls whose burden is almost beyond the measure of
their strength, but who bear it in the name of an historic race, in the name of this the land of their fathers’
fathers, and in the name of human opportunity.
8) Du Bois presents a history of America in this last
part of the essay. Summarize the main points of
this history and then explain how Du Bois uses it to
conclude his essay.
And now what I have briefly sketched in large outline let me on coming pages tell again in many ways, with
loving emphasis and deeper detail, that men may listen to the striving in the souls of black folk.
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Unit: 2
After Reading, Directions: Write an objective summary of both texts.
What is an objective summary?
What does an objective summary look/sound like?
An objective summary is a short statement or
paragraph that tells what something is about but
does not include unnecessary details or your
Narrative Objective Summary Strategy:
Somebody | Wanted | But | So
SWBS (Macon, Bewell, & Vogt, 1991, Beers, 2003)
offers students a framework as they write narrative
summaries. Students read a story and decide who the
Somebody is, what that somebody Wanted, But what
happened to keep something from happening, and
So, finally, how everything works out.
In chapter 3 of the third part of the novel, Irene goes shopping with
her friend, Felise Freeland. It is a cold day, and the women
unexpectedly run into Clare’s husband, John Bellew. Mr. Bellew
recognizes Irene, but Irene pretends not to know him and does not
greet him. Although they do not speak, it is clear that Mr. Bellew
notices that Felise and Irene are not white. When they are away
from Mr. Bellew, Felise chides Irene for “passing,” and Irene wishes
that she had spoken so that Clare’s secret might also be found out
by her husband. Irene regrets her loyalty to Clare and to her race.
Irene also says she intends to tell Clare about the meeting, but she
never does, instead praying for March to “come quickly” because
that is when Clare and Mr. Bellew are scheduled to leave New York.
How will I know if my objective summary is
In an objective summary, the writer:
 Explains the central idea of the
subject (text)
 Records essential details of the text
 Moves from general description to
specific description
 Chooses exact descriptive words
 Suspends his or her own beliefs and
feelings about the text
Objective Summary: The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois, Chapter 1: “Of Our Spiritual Strivings”
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Unit: 2
Day 2
Learning Objective:
By the end of the lesson you will:
Read the entire text again.
Answer text-dependent questions and annotation prompts.
Warm Up/Vocabulary activity #2
Second Read of Text
Text Dependent Questions and Annotations
Hochman Assessment
Warm Up/Vocabulary activity #2
Text Dependent Questions and Annotations
Hochman Assessment
Before Reading:
Warm Up/Vocabulary Activity #2
Use your target vocabulary words to write a creative story about the image below. Be sure to use all 5 words and demonstrate accurate understanding of all of the words.
Word bank: Conform, Strive, Amenable, Invoke, Refrain
After Reading:
Assessment, Hochman
Directions: Complete each of the sentence stems below to apply and extend your thinking about the text.
1. In the first paragraph of his essay “Of Our Spiritual Strivings,” Du Bois writes “To the real question, How does it feel to be a problem? I answer seldom a
word” because…
2. In the first paragraph of his essay “Of Our Spiritual Strivings,” Du Bois writes “To the real question, How does it feel to be a problem? I answer seldom a
word,” but…
3. In the first paragraph of his essay “Of Our Spiritual Strivings,” Du Bois writes “To the real question, How does it feel to be a problem? I answer seldom a
word,” so…
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Unit: 2
Day 3
Learning Objective:
By the end of the lesson you will:
Read the text for a third time.
Evaluate and collect textual evidence in response to culminating
question prompt.
Use evidence collection chart to create an outline response to
culminating prompt.
Warm Up/Vocabulary activity #3
Third Read of Text
Evidence Collection Chart
Multi-Paragraph Outline
Warm Up/Vocabulary activity #3
Evidence Collection Chart
Multi-Paragraph Outline
Before Reading:
Warm Up/Vocabulary Activity
Hochman Subordinating Conjunctions Directions: Using the target vocabulary words for this unit, complete each sentence stem below showing accurate understanding of the words. There is
not one right answer, just be creative and think about the meaning of each word. You may write about different topics of your choice for each sentence.
Word bank: Conform, Strive, Amenable, Invoke, Refrain
1. Since it was important to the teacher that all students wrote about different topics,
2. Even though her goal was to be in first place,
3. Since he was extremely agreeable,
4. Although he didn’t like to ask for help,
5. After he asked the little boy to stop playing so loudly,
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Unit: 2
Evidence Collection Chart:
Culminating Task: After reading Du Bois’s “Of Our Spiritual Strivings,” analyze how the author uses rhetoric to advance his point of view and consider how
each author’s use of rhetoric contributes to the power or persuasiveness of the text.
Evidence of rhetoric from the text + paragraph and
How does the author use this evidence to advance his
point of view?
How does this evidence contribute to the
power or persuasiveness of the text?
(add more rows or attach another page as needed)
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Course: ENG I
Unit: 1
Multiple Paragraph Outline
Name _______________________________________________Date: ___________________________________
Thesis Statement: ____________________________________________________________________________
Main Idea
District of Columbia Public Schools
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Course: ENG III
Unit: 2
Day 4
Learning Objective: By the end of the
lesson students will:
 Use evidence collection chart and
multi-paragraph outline to complete
response to culminating prompt.
 Re-read as necessary
 Review graphic organizer and MultiParagraph Outline
 Write Culminating Multi-paragraph
Culminating Prompt Multiparagraph Response
Name _________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Topic: After reading Du Bois’s “Of Our Spiritual Strivings,” analyze how the author uses rhetoric to advance his point
of view and consider how each author’s use of rhetoric contributes to the power or persuasiveness of the text.
District of Columbia Public Schools
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Course: ENG III
Unit: 2
District of Columbia Public Schools
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Course: ENG I
Unit: 1
Anchor Writing Standard Checklist
Grades 11-12
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts,
and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
A. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which
precedes it to create a unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and
multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
B. Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete
details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic.
C. Use appropriate and varied transitions and syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify
the relationships among complex ideas and concepts.
D. Use precise language, domain-specific vocabulary, and techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogy to manage
the complexity of the topic.
E. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the
discipline in which they are writing.
F. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented
(e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic).
Target Writing Standard Checklist
Write informative/explanatory text
Introduces a topic
Organizes complex:
o Ideas
o Concepts
o Information
Each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole
Includes aids to support comprehension:
o Formatting (e.g., headings)
o Graphics (e.g., figures, tables)
o Multimedia
Develops the topic thoroughly by selecting the:
o Most significant and relevant facts
o Extended definitions
o Concrete details
o Quotations
o Other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic
Use transitions and syntax that are:
o Appropriate
o Varied
Use transitions and syntax to:
o Link major sections of the text
o Create cohesion
o Clarify relationships
Among complex ideas
 Among complex concepts
Use the following to manage the complexity of the topic:
o Precise language
o Domain-specific
o Techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogy
Attend to norms and conventions
Establish and maintain:
o A formal style
o Objective tone
District of Columbia Public Schools
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Course: ENG I
Unit: 1
Close Reading Reflection
What went well?
Process Reflection
What challenges did you encounter?
Learning Reflection
What did you learn from this Close Read? How will you use what you’ve learned?
District of Columbia Public Schools
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