Identify the following C# declarations and initializations of variables as legal or not legal. If they are not legal, indicate how to correct them. Content: 1. double num = 2; LEGAL aunque se supone que el double es para numeros muy pequeño o muy grandes y decimales, pero en este caso tecnicamente es válido. 2. String ohSnap = "%$^&$ "; NOT LEGAL correction: string ohSnap = "%$^&$ "; 3. int num2 = 10.9; NOT LEGAL correction: float num2 = 10.9; 4. byte smallNum = -42; NOT LEGAL correction: bytes can’t be negative 5. char word = 'word'; NOT LEGAL correction: ‘w’; 6. long bigNum = 12345678.9; NOT LEGAL correction: long bigNum = 123456789; 7. float x = 3.5F; = NOT LEGAL correction: float x = 3.5; 8. decimal deciNum = 4.2m; NOT LEGAL correction: decimal deciNum = 4.2;