FEBRUARY 182019 Harvard-Westlake Parent Speaker: THE MEDIATRICIAN: Michael Rich MD MPH Noted by: Desiree Lapin 1 Screen Time for Adolescents: My Iphone Notes: Adolescents need: Experience Independence Identity Connection Brain develops from back to front. Prefrontal means planning & forethought Screentime today (2/2019) Will change in 6 months! 6 hours 40 minutes a day = average 11 hours and 45 minutes cumulative = kids who are Multitasking So the question becomes, Can there be too much media time? Yes. Violence in media (Not necessarily causal but also cyclical) Fear/anxiety Desensitized Increased Aggression: Victim, bystanders and bully What do we feed our children’s minds? Stage 4 deep rem SLEEP is affected Fomo = Fear of Missing Out Foblo = Fear of Being Left Out More SM and texts vs face to face among depressed youth The internet “addiction” is more akin to overuse of a necessary resource. Screens are a tool for entertainment, research, socialization, musicality…. Depends on Self Control. Disorders. The problem is not the device. It’s the behavior Problematic Interactive Media Use are 4 types: Gaming, Social Media, Porn, Info-Bingeing 2 Concerns/Signs: More time alone in room Try to identify the underlying drivers of the behavior The sooner you take action the better Askthemediatrician.org Recos; Use media with them, ask them to teach you how to play the game, etc. Devices are tools not treats: Consequences when there is misuse Help them develop critical thinking Prioritize and manage the day with your child. Instead of unlimited screen time, turn it around. Use the analogy of a Full glass of “time” with sleep (8 hours), sports (2 hours), dinner time (1 hour), what’s left? Teach them time management. Create something with these tools! Take a Digital Sabbath: BOREDOM IS GOOD Brain Mapping. Daydream Memory to Idea to Sensation Balanced mindful and present is the Goal. Family Dinners are proven incredibly beneficial when there are NO screens present! Multitasking is NOT effective. It is ONLY your brain toggling back and forth. AND Studies repeatedly show when Multitasking: 50%+more Time 80%+ Mistake rate Significant decreased Retention Music with words in your same language has a negative impact on all above. 3 When kids are using Social Media is like marketing, they are not authentic How do you tentatively reach out to someone in middle school? Prognosis. What draws you into this world? They often have pain points. Do you think you can control it? Asked to limit, but then hard to limit. Many often abstain altogether. Dialectical behavior therapy is helpful. Wilderness therapy. Hike with therapist through deprivation. Very primal. Peaceful and Implacable. Building themselves from the inside out. How to scaffold that return! 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17