Name____________________________ Year___ Earth and Space Science Term __, 20__ My Research is on _________________________________ How far is it from the Sun? What is its orbit shape and period? What is its rotation period? What is its surface like? What is it made of? What is its atmosphere like? and what is it made of? What is the maximum and minimum temperature on its surface? What is its core like? How strong is its gravity? What other special features does it have? Name____________________________ Room 18 Earth and Space Science Term 3, 2019 My Research is on _________________________________ Where is it located? How far is it from the Sun? What does it look like? What size is it? What is its orbit shape and period? Does it rotate? What is it made of? What other special features does it have? Give examples of some __________________________ Name____________________________ Room 18 Earth and Space Science Term 3, 2019 My Research is on _________________________________ What is the Sun? What does a solar system look like? Where is it located? What does it look like? What size is it? What is its orbit shape and period? Does the Sun rotate? What is its rotation period? What is it made of? What other special features does it have? Give examples of some other stars__________________________