HAP RETAKE TICKET - SKELETAL PHYSIOLOGY Name_______________________________________________ Hr:__________ To Do: _______ Test Corrections completed _______ Skeletal System Review Sheet completed (staple to ticket) _______ Vocabulary Packet completed (staple to ticket) _______ Vocabulary Chart or Notecards we created in class (staple to ticket) _______ Your Notes: Highlighted, re-organized, or filled in with textbook material (Be ready to show teacher) _______ Textbook Chapter 6 - read _______ Find a YouTube Video that describes the material that you made mistakes on. Write video title(s) below. 1. Describe Endochondral Ossification – Draw a picture to support your description. 2. Describe Intramembranous Ossification – Draw a picture to support your description. 3. What is the difference between the two models of Ossification? HAP RETAKE TICKET - SKELETAL PHYSIOLOGY 4. What type of bone shape does each ossification produce? 5. What is bone made of? Tissue: 2 Components: 6. List the 4 types of bone shapes. Draw a picture of each and name a bone from the body. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. What is Remodeling? 8. When does remodeling occur? 9. What effects remodeling? (remodeling support) HAP RETAKE TICKET - SKELETAL PHYSIOLOGY 10. Define 3 FUNCTIONS of the skeletal system in complete sentences. Use examples. 1. 2. 3. 11. What are the three bone cells and what is their function? 12. Describe appositional growth. 13. What cells function in each membrane (periosteum/endosteum) during Appositional Growth 14. Draw a long bone. Label the primary and secondary centers of ossification.