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English Simple Past & Past Continuous Worksheet


Estadual João Aldino de Sá Teles High School


: ____/____/2019



_______________________ Grade

: 8 th A



Mr. Rafael Vieira

1. O tempo verbal Simple Past corresponde ao Passado Simples em português. Nós o utilizamos para expressar hábitos passados ou para expressar ações que se iniciaram no passado e também foram finalizadas no passado, podendo ter o tempo determinado. Leia o texto abaixo e marque a alternativa correta:

[…] Cooper and his team at Motorola, the communications company, created maybe the only thing that runs lives of business professionals and teenagers alike – the cell phone. […] Cooper wanted people to have freedom to talk on the phone away from their cars. So in reaction, he and Motorola embarked on a project to create a more portable device. a)

O texto trata de uma reflexão da vida no planeta Terra e sobre a preservação dos animais. b) O texto remete ao dia mundial da tecnologia e faz uma compara ção com a tecnologia do passado com a do mundo contemporâneo. c) Esse texto fala a respeito da maneira como a sociedade enfrenta as diversas formas de uso das tecnologias para preservação da cultura local. d) Encontramos no texto cognatos como wanted , business , maybe e people . e)

O texto fala da invenção do celular e a importância desse objeto na vida simples e profissional das pessoas, buscando cria-lo para ser um dispositivo mais portátil no futuro.

2. Choose the correct alternative with three (3) verbs in the Simple Past taken from the text: (Escolha a alternativa correta com três (3) verbos no Simple Past tirados do texto:) a) Invented, created and device. b) Invented, organized and freedom. c) Embarked, created and wanted. d) Placed, talk and portable. e) Take, project and though.

3. Choose the correct alternative with the Past Continuous and the Simple Past. (Escolha a alternativa correta com o Past Continuous e o Simple Past.) a) Cooper was playing volleyball when he hurt his leg. b) Cooper was played volleyball when he was hurt his leg. c) Cooper played volleyball when he hurting his leg. d) Cooper was playing volleyball when he was hurting his leg. e) Cooper did played volleyball when he did hurt his leg.

4. Choose the correct answer for the question below: (Escolha a resposta correta para a pergunta abaixo:)

When did you live in Italy? a) I living in Italy for 2 years. b) I live in Italy last month. c) I livied in Italy for last year.

d) I lived in Italy 2 years ago e) I left in Italy for 2 years.

Escolham a opção que melhor completa as sentenças a seguir, fazendo uso da forma mais adequada de verbos regulares ou irregulares.

5. We..........the information on the magazine's website. (Find) a) Finded b) Found c) Founded d) Findish e) Fineded

6. She didn't...............the man from going into the store. (Stop) a) Stopped b) Stop c) Stoped d) Stouped e) Stopper

7. Did you..............calling him this week? (Feel like) a) Felt like b) Feel like c) Feel liked d) Fell likes e) Feely liked

8. She.................a few mistakes but, even so, she won the game. (Make) a) Makes b) Maked c) Made d) Meyks e) Made’s

9. Serra was.................by Fernando Henrique and Dilma was....................by Lula.

(Appoint) a) Appointed b) Appoint c) Appointied d) Apointed e) Apoint

10. Where did you...........with her last week? Please, tell me! a) Talked b) Talk c) Talking d) Talk’s e) Tallke’s

Good Luck!!
