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Alcoholism & Academic Performance: Research Methodology

This chapter shall discuss the research methods available for the study and what is
applicable for it to use in response for the statement of the problem.
This chapter cover the description of the research design and methodology, including
locale and respondents population of the study instrument that will be use in this study.
Research Design
The research method used in the study was the Causal Comparative Method; This was
used because this study mainly investigated how the independent variable of alcoholism affect
their academic performance.
According to Dr. V.K.Maheshwari Causal Comparative research is an attempt to identify
a causative relationship between an independent variable and dependent variable. The
relationship between the independent variable and dipendent variable is usually a suggested
Population and Locale of the study
The respondents of this study are the Senior High School Students in St. Pius X Institute.
There are __ Senior High School students in St. Pius X Institute. In sum up this study has
a total number of 100 respondents during the school year 2019-2020
Data Gathering Procedure
The researcher employed the following steps in data gathering:
A letter to the School Principal for a permission to let the reseachers provide questionnaires to
the Senior High School Students and a letter for the SH Students to inform them and letting them
understand about the purpose of involving them in the study.
When they were informed they gladly accepted answering the questionnaires. The
researchers set an appointment to each of them and let them answer the questionnaire at their
most convenient time
Statistical Treatment of Data
To answer question number 1, which is about the profile of the students in terms of sex,
age, year level, frequency count and percentage will be used.
To answer question number 2, which is about the effect of alcohol to the respondent’s
academic performance
Research Instrument
The researcher used question attached together in a provided questionnaire consists of
two parts respondent’s profile and classroom evaluation.
Part I of the questionnaire will seek for the particular piece of information about the
respondent’s profile in terms of name, age, sex, monthly income of the family.
Part II of the questionnaire is all about the drinking habits of the respondents and the
reason why they are drinking alcohol.
Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. As what can be seen, at the base of the
diagram or Para diagram, it is in the first box, The box of the right part of the paradigm contains
the drinking habits of the respondents. The other box at the left side also contains of the students
profile in terms of their sex and age, year level, and family monthly income.