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Eldest Child Challenges: Research Methodology

Research Design
This study utilized a descriptive research design. It aimed to describe the challenges faced
by the eldest child in the family. The descriptive research design allowed the researcher to gather
data from the respondents to understand the challenges that they are facing. This design is
appropriate for this study as it provided a detailed and accurate description of the challenges faced
by the eldest child in the family.
Locale of the Study
The study was conducted in Coland Systems Technology, Inc.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of this study are the eldest children in their respective families. The
inclusion criteria for the respondents are as follows: (1) the respondent must be the eldest child in
the family, (2) the respondent must be at least 15 years old, and (3) the respondent must be willing
to participate in the study.
Research Instruments
The self-administered questionnaire was the primary research instrument used in the study.
It was composed of two parts: the demographic profile of the respondents and the challenges faced
by the eldest child in the family. The first part asked for the respondents’ basic information, such
as age, sex, and level of education. The second part of the questionnaire had 15 questions that
aimed to identify the challenges faced by the eldest child in the family.
Data Gathering Procedure
The data gathering procedure will consist of two parts: (1) the administration of a survey
questionnaire, and (2) conducting interviews with selected respondents. The survey questionnaire
will be distributed to a sample of respondents to gather information on their experiences as the
eldest child in the family.
Statistical Treatment of Data
The researcher used descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages to describe the
challenges faced by the eldest child in the family. The researcher also used inferential statistics
such as t-test to determine if there are significant differences in the challenges faced by the eldest
child in the family based on gender, age, and educational attainment.