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Data Collection Methods: Questionnaires & Interviews

Data-Collection Methods and Tools
Instrumentation is a science concerned with the development of some devices for specific
purposes. In research, it is the development of devices to gather data. Here are tools and methods for
collecting research data. (Note: questionnaire is a tool or device, while the use of questionnaire is a
method of collecting data.)
1. Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a set of questions arranged in sequence and intended to be selfadministered. It is used when the respondent can read and write.
a. It is less expensive. Compared to other methods of collecting data, it is much
cheaper to extract data from respondents by giving them questionnaires.
b. Uniformity of questions. – Floating questionnaires is like asking the same questions
to all the respondents.
c. More confidence of respondents – Compared to interview and other methods of
collecting data, the respondent is free from pressure and nervousness because he
can answer the questions alone and in his own time and pace.
Questionnaire Construction
A questionnaire construction should be attractive, neat and clean with clear directions.
There are three types of questions that can be used in a questionnaire.
1. Open-ended question - this type of question allows the respondent to express himself on
the issue or the question raised.
Example: What is your most pressing problem in growing vegetables? _________
2. Closed type of question – This is also called Fixed Alternative Question. It provides a list of
choices from which the respondents choose his answer to the questions raised.
Example: What type of house do you have?
( ) Temporary (roof made of cogon or nipa or bamboo)
( ) Semi- permanent (roof made of GI sheets, posts and wall of made of wood)
( ) Permanent (roof of GI sheets, walls and floors made of concrete)
3. Multiple Response question – this type of question provided a list of choices from which the
responded can choose one or more answers to the question raised.
Example: Where do you get capital finance your vegetable farm ( Please check those that
apply to you.)
( ) Banks
( ) Borrow from relatives
( ) Private individual lenders
( ) Cooperatives
( ) Self-financed
( ) Others (Please specify.)______
One way to check the clarity and objectivity of the questionnaire is to conduct a pre-test or
a dry-run. A pre-test is the evaluation or testing conducted before the final distribution of
the questionnaire to enable the researcher to find out which questions confuse respondents
The Cover Letter
A cover letter can help in getting the cooperation of the respondent and facilitate retrieval of
questionnaires (Appendix C-2). The questionnaire should include a carefully and courteously composed
cover letter with the following information:
Date, name and address of respondent
Purpose of the study
Request for the cooperation of the respondent
Guarantee of confidentiality and anonymity of the respondent
Statement of gratitude for the participation of the respondent
Name and signature of researcher
2. Interview
Interview is a face-to-face question and answer interaction between two individuals.
Advantages of interview
Here are some advantages of interview over other data collection methods:
Interview is flexible and adaptable to individual situations.
Many people are more willing to talk than to write.
It permits probing into the context and reasons for the answers to questions
Rapport can be established.
The researcher can explain the importance of the study.
Clarificatory questions can be raised.
The researcher can detect the sincerity of the respondent.
The main disadvantage of interview is its cost in time, money and effort. Getting information from
an individual many take one or two hours. It is therefore costly if the study involves hundreds of