APPROACH LEVEL OF ANALYSIS PURPOSE STRENGTH WEAKNESS Rational Choice Theory Micro Symbolic Interactionism Micro It provides a standard against which action can be judged and indicates variables that might lead to departure from rationality Underscores the relationship between the meaning of symbols and a person’s behaviour. In a way, certain behaviours may be predicted. Individuals to not often act rationally in the standard sense and are motivationally and psychologically complex. Symbols may be interpreted incorrectly or differently among different groups of people. Psychoanalytic Theory Micro It can be used to explain the nature of human development and all aspects of mental functioning. Human objects are not reducible to anatomy, physics, or chemistry. Id, Ego and Superego Structural Functionalism Macro To identify the best course of action among several choices, which would yield the optimum level of satisfaction to the individual Focuses on the different meanings individuals attach to objects, people, and interactions as well as the corresponding behaviours that reflect those meanings and/ or interpretations. Aims to explain why people develop unique patterns of behaviour by framing a general theory of personality. Builds theories that see society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability Too much focus on stability and consensus Manifest Function, Latent Function, adaption, goal attainment, integration, latency, social dysfunction Marxism Macro Explains how social structure shapes lives in various contexts, such as the family, the workplace, classroom, and community It is able to highlight the exploitive nature of the capitalist economic system and It failed to offer a convincing explanation for different countries Capitalist, proletarians, proletarian revolution, class To explain the basis/cause of social inequalities KEY CONCEPT OF IDEAS Preferences, Beliefs, feasible strategies, game theory Self, generalized other how it gives rise to classes, social divisions, and conflict. Feminist Theory Macro Aims to enhance women’s status and power Debunked the private public dichotomy Institutionalism Macro Concentrates attention on the authorities engaged in public administration, analyses history, structure, functions, power and relationships The theory offers an opportunity for infusing into the empirical study of politics the analysis of political values. economic, social and political developments, which were founded on capitalist framework. The lack of a singular agenda is reflected in the pluralism and diversity of perspectives within the feminist framework It has problems in explaining social and political change, notably in institutions themselves, and often resorts to claims about exogenous and unpredictable shocks or the actions of various agents. conflict, class consciousness, alienation Liberal Feminism, Marxist Feminism, radical feminism, women’s liberation movement Old/ Classic institutionalism, new intuitionalism, descriptive- inductive, formal-legal and historical comparative.