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TCS Depreciation Policy FY 2018-19

[Document subtitle]
Group Members (Group 1 FA, Sec A):
Bharat Banzal: EPGP 12A - 030
Sathyan Mahadevan: EPGP 12A - 101
Shilpa Jani: EPGP 12A - 104
Sudipto Roy: EPGP 12A - 111
Vishalkumar Yogeshkumar Joshi: EPGP 12A - 130
Depreciation Policy
Period: FY 2018 - 2019
Prepared By: Group 1, Sec A, EPGP 12, FA Assignment 2
Faculty : Prof. Sudershan Kuntluru
Effective Date: 02/18/2020
Policy: The company will depreciate its assets (as per the capitalization policy) in a straight-line method, according to a detailed
schedule maintained by the Finance Controller’s Office. Presented below is a listing of the depreciation schedule for the relevant
Details: Depreciation is provided for property, plant and equipment on a “Straight Line” basis so as to expense the cost less
residual value over their estimated useful lives based on a technical evaluation. The estimated useful lives and residual values are
reviewed at the end of each reporting period, with the effect of any change in estimate accounted for on a prospective basis.
Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost comprising of purchase price and any initial directly attributable cost of bringing
the asset to its working condition for its intended use, less accumulated depreciation (other than freehold land) and impairment
loss, if any. The estimated useful lives are as mentioned below:
Type of Asset
Useful Lives
20 Years
Leasehold Improvements
Lease Term
Plant and Equipment
10 Years
Computer Equipment
04 Years
04 Years
Office Equipment
05 Years
Electrical Installations
10 Years
Furniture and Fixtures
05 Years
Assets held under finance lease are depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and their useful lives. Depreciation is not
recorded on capital work-in-progress until construction and installation are complete and the asset is ready for its intended use.
Intangible assets purchased including acquired in business combination, are measured at cost as at the date of acquisition, as
applicable, less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment, if any. Intangible assets are amortized on a “Straight Line”
basis over the period of its economic useful life. Intangible assets consist of acquired contract rights, rights under licensing
agreement and software licenses and customer-related intangibles.
Type of Asset (Intangible)
Acquired Contract Rights
Useful Lives
Rights under Licensing Agreement & Software Licenses
03 -12 Years
Lower of License Period & 2-5 Years
Customer-Related Intangibles
03 Years
Straight Line Method of Depreciation – Under the straight-line method (also known as Equal Installment Method), the depreciable
cost of the asset is proportionately allocated as expense against the revenues during each year of the useful life of the asset. The
accumulated depreciation will be increasing annually, at a uniform rate, becoming equal to the depreciable cost of the asset at the
end of its useful life.