APRIL Memos from Mrs. Sharp and Ms. Groves NOTES TO PARENTS: Thank you all for your participation in our Easter Egg-Stravaganza before Spring Break! We had such fun with our Egg hunt, Egg relay, Egg Matching games and special treats! Learning is such fun in preschool! April is a busy month and we have lots of Spring activities planned! Be on the lookout for updates of events in the classroom and school-wide! Please make every effort to arrive to school on time. Tardiness can be quite disruptive when we have already started our day. Also, remember to dress your student for outdoor play. Socks and tennis shoes are advisable! Thank you for all you do for both your student and our classroom! Even the small actions of checking folders, sending in forms or supplies, or communicating regularly have a big impact on our day! We count it an honor to partner with you for our students! Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions, concerns, or comments. You may reach us by email at kimberlysharp@anderson5.net or shawanagroves@anderson5.net. We welcome your input and feedback! PROGRAM: We will continue our work center rotations in our classrooms this month, as well as our “letter of the week,” “sounds in motion,” and show and tell activities. So far, we have learned letter “Aa,” “Ll,” “Pp,” “Ss,” “Ff,” “Tt,” “Ww,” “Kk,” “Rr,” “Mm,” “Hh,” “Uu,” “Bb,” “Cc,” “Vv,” “Xx,” “Oo,” “Dd,” “Ee,” and “Zz.” In the coming month, we will learn letter “Qq,” “Gg,” “Ii,” and “Nn.” That’s 24 of our 26 letters of the alphabet! How very smart we are becoming! To reinforce the concepts we are learning in the classroom, we ask that students complete daily homework activities which are sent home in folders on Mondays. Additional tasks that may help young learners is name practice. No special tools are needed for this activity; any type of paper and writing utensil will do! So that you have the opportunity to plan ahead, we our including our upcoming March Units for you: “Spring” “Plants” “Insects” “Butterflies” Check our webpage for current events and photos of our special activities! Please be sure to provide current contact information if this has changed for you recently so that you may be reached in case of emergency. We appreciate you keeping us informed of any changes regarding our students! IMPORTANT: Please remember that drop-off is from 7:50 to 8:10 a.m. and pick-up is between 2:15 and 2:30 p.m. YMCA After school care is available by application should services be desired. *Please keep transportation changes as minimal as possible and inform us of them in writing in a timely manner.* CALENDAR: Pizza Buffet NightApril 14th Family Fun NightApril 21st