Uploaded by Cristina Dador

Feudal Japan Simulation Activity: Roles & Code





Understand various roles of the social classes of medieval Japan

Describe the values, social customs, traditions prescribed by the lord- vassal system consisting of shogun, daimyo, samurai and the lasting influence of the warrior code in the 20 th century

Analyze the rise of the military society and the role of the samurai in that society.


Emperor- Teacher

Shogun (1)

Daimyo (1)

Samurai (2)

Artisan (1)

Merchant (1)

Peasants/Farmers (7) red paper clips orange paper clips white paper clips blue paper clips green paper clips yellow paper clips


Students will be randomly given a role that they must follow, and they cannot trade roles.

The class will have one student as the shogun, daimyo, 2 students as samurai, 1 student as artisan and merchant and seven students as peasants/farmers for each group

The teacher will act as the Emperor and will oversee the simulation.

The shogun will be seated at the front of the classroom. The simulation will be broken up into three five-minute cycles. Each cycle is comprised of three sections. The following activities will be performed during section one:




 The peasant/farmer will draw as many rice sacks as they can on a sheet of paper. (Quota- 40)

 Artisan will make utensils, sword, armor, musical instruments and ryo coins (minimum: 5). This will act as currency for their daimyo, which can be used to “hire” more samurai for their army.

 Merchants will trade the utensils the artisans created after the 2 nd minute mark to the peasants who have successfully stole or hide a sack of rice. Merchants will pay the artisan one sack of rice.

 At the end of each round, The following character can:

Artisan can trade sword armor and ryo coins with the samurai. The Samurai sets the price and only gives as much rice as they want to.

The Samurai then selects one student peasant and takes them out of the group. This signified that they have been executed and can no longer work. The group must still grow the original amount of rice for the next round, but the executed peasant no longer participates and can be “hired” as samurai (born again/ they are assigned a new role)




The daimyo will spend the Ryo coins. They need to provide the Shogun with five coins and provide two coins for the daimyo, two sacks of rice for samurai they employ. They can then hire more samurai for two sacks of rice each.

The daimyo will attempt to attack and defeat the other daimyo in order to take their properties, thereby giving them more power.

The samurai will attack or defend by playing rock, paper, scissors.

The shogun is in charge of the currency and will be attempting to use diplomacy in order to prevent the daimyo from fighting each other.

The Shogun needs to ensure that each daimyo has produced enough Ryo coins. If they have not, then the Shogun begins taking away samurai until the daimyo has the appropriate number of Ryo coins to pay for them.




 The peasant/farmer will still draw as many rice sacks as they can on a sheet of paper. (Quota-


 Artisan will make utensils, sword, armor, musical instruments and ryo coins (minimum: 5). This will act as currency for their daimyo, which can be used to “hire” more samurai for their army.

 Merchants will trade the utensils the artisans created after the 2 nd minute mark to the peasants who have successfully stole or hide a sack of rice. Merchants will pay the artisan one sack of rice.

 Angel of Death: Shogun of each group will play rock, paper, scissors

 At the end of each round, The following character can:

Artisan can trade sword armor and ryo coins with the samurai. The Samurai sets the price and only gives as much rice as they want to.

The Samurai then selects one student peasant and takes them out of the group. This signified that they have been executed and can no longer work. The group must still grow the original amount of rice for the next round, but the executed peasant no longer participates and can be “hired” as samurai (born again/ they are assigned a new role)



Peasants- Sense of how difficult, monotonous, and important this class was during this time. the samurai will follow the daimyo’s orders and attack his/her enemies or defend their estate the daimyo will be in charge of their estate and make all of the decisions. the pressure put on this class and how they desired power gain an understand of how the larger the daimyo’s army, the more powerful the daimyo the shogun will be the banker and ensure that the daimyo have enough currency to pay their debts
