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Flowers for Algernon Review Game: Questions & Answers

1. Name Charlie’s two doctors
who are in charge of the
1.Name Charlie’s two doctors who
are in charge of the experiment.
Dr. Strauss and Dr. Nemur
2. What is the name of Charlie’s
2.What is the name of Charlie’s
Mrs. Flynn
3. Why does Charlie consent to
be part of the experiment (two
reasons required)?
3.Why does Charlie consent to be
part of the experiment?
He has always wanted to be
smart and he wants to be closer
to other people by being able to
understand them better.
4. What work does Charlie do?
4.What work does Charlie do?
He’s a janitor at Donnegan’s
Plastic Box Factory.
5. What is the name of Charlie’s
teacher from night school?
5.What is the name of Charlie’s
teacher from night school?
Miss Alice Kinnian
6. What is another name for the
Rorschach test?
6.What is another name for the
Rorschach test?
An inkblot test.
7. Which method of
characterization (direct or indirect)
helps us understand Charlie’s
7. Which method of characterization (direct or indirect) helps us understand
Charlie’s motivation?
A – Appearance
B – Behavior of the Character
C – Character’s Views of others
D – Dialogue (What a character says)
B – Behavior of CharactersWe see Charlie’s behavior when he is trying his best to succeed
and learn on his own.
C – Character’s Views of Other CharactersMiss Kinnian and the doctors think he is motivated to learn.
8. When Charlie goes out with his
friends the first time, what
happens to him?
8. When Charlie goes out with his friends the first time, what
happens to him?
They make him drink too much
His ‘friends’ tell him to leave to go get a
newspaper and a coffee
When he comes back they’re gone (ditched
Then he gets beat up (not sure if it’s his
‘friends’ but it could have been).
A police officer has to escort him home.
9. Who has a demanding wife?
9. Who has a demanding wife?
Dr. Nemur has a shrew wife who
wants him to be a famous
10. Name two of Charlie’s coworkers (first and last name).
10. Name one of Charlie’s coworkers (first and last name).
Joe Carp
Frank Reilly
Fanny Girden
11. Why does Charlie quit his job
at the factory?
11. Why does Charlie quit his job
at the factory?
All his co-workers but one
(Fanny Girden) sign a petition to
ask to have him fired.
12. What’s the name of the lab
technician in charge of the
experimental animals?
12. What’s the name of the lab
technician in charge of the
experimental animals?
13. How old is Charlie?
13. How old is Charlie?
37 years old
14. What is the THEME of the story
“Flowers for Algernon”?
14. What is the THEME of the story
“Flowers for Algernon”?
The theme could be –
Be happy with what you have
Ignorance is bliss
What you don’t know can’t hurt you
Regret is always 20/20
15. What’s the name Charlie
uses for the game he plays with
Algernon? What does he really
15. What’s the name Charlie
uses for the game he plays with
A maze race
16. Give examples of evidence
that Joe and Frank change their
attitude towards Charlie at the
end of the story?
16. Give examples of evidence
that Joe and Frank change their
attitude towards Charlie at the
end of the story?
• Joe stands up for Charlie and tells the
new worker to leave Charlie alone.
• Frank tells Charlie that if anyone gives
him trouble to tell Joe or Frank about it.
17. What’s the name of the white
mouse that is the most
successful animal subject?
17. What’s the name of the white
mouse that is the most
successful animal subject?
18. What’s the name of the local
bar where Charlie went with Joe
and Frank, drank too much, and
his friends ditched him?
18. What’s the name of the local
bar where Charlie went with Joe
and Frank?
Muggsy’s Saloon
19. Give one reason why Dr.
Nemur reluctantly agrees to use
Charlie as subject of their
19. Give one reason why Dr. Nemur
reluctantly agrees to use Charlie as
subject of their operation.
*Ms. Kinnian recommended him
*He’s highly motivated to do well; he
attended night school and learned to
read better on his own
21. What is an example of internal conflict
in this story?
What is an example of external conflict in
this story?
21. What is an example of internal conflict
in this story?
What is an example of external conflict in
this story?
Refer back to Conflict Activity (#30 in
- Charlie struggles with wanting to be
smart all his life (internal)
- Charlie vs. his ‘friends’ at work
22. What event that Charlie
witnesses decide him in a focus
for his work during his brief time
as a genius?
22. What event that Charlie
witnesses decide him in a focus for
his work during his brief time as a
A ‘dumb’ bus boy breaks some
dishes and gets mocked by the
restaurant customers.
23. During the last entry in his
journal, Charlie plans what
23. During the last entry in his journal,
Charlie plans what action?
To leave NY to live some place else,
where no one knows that he was
smart and got ‘dumb’ again.
24. What is the point of view of
this story?
24. What is the point of view of
this story?
First person – Charlie tells the
whole story through a journal
(progress reports).
25. Where does the title “Flowers
for Algernon” come from?
25. Where does the title “Flowers for
Algernon” come from?
In his final journal entry before he
leaves, he asks whoever reads his
words to put flowers on Algernon’s
grave in his backyard.
26. Give a word to describe the
MOOD that applies to this quote
and tell why you chose that
“Now my mind is deteriorating rapidly. I won’t
let it happen. I’ll fight it. I can’t help thinking
of the boy in the restaurant, the blank
expression, the silly smile. No--please--not
that again….”
26. Give a word to describe the MOOD that applies
to this quote and tell why you chose that word.
“Now my mind is deteriorating rapidly. I won’t let it
happen. I’ll fight it. I can’t help thinking of the boy in the
restaurant, the blank expression, the silly smile. No-please--not that again….”
The mood here is sorrowful, painful,,
hopeless, empathetic. I feel this
because I feel sympathy for Charlie’s
pain and I know his intellectual decline
can’t be stopped.
27. Name two examples of
relationships with people that
become worse for Charlie as he
becomes more intelligent.
27. Name two examples of
relationships with people that
become worse for Charlie as he
becomes more intelligent.
Miss Kinnian-he falls in love with her but can’t love her when
he starts to decline (he doesn’t want her to see him that
way again).
Co-workers--they can’t accept the changes and ask for him to
be fired
Doctors--they feel inferior to Charlie when he’s a genius
28. Give an example of
foreshadowing in the story.
28. Give an example of
foreshadowing in the story.
Algernon’s mental decline and
death foreshadow that Charlie
might follow the same decline.
29. Desribe three types of irony.
29. Describe three types of irony.
*situational irony--when the story’s
circumstances have an unexpected twist in
*verbal irony--when a character says the
opposite of what he means
*dramatic irony--when the reader knows
something a character doesn’t know
30. Give an example of irony in
“Flowers for Algernon.” Identify it’s
30. Give an example of irony in
“Flowers for Algernon.” Identify it’s
*situational irony--Charlie expects to have better
relationships with people when he gets smarter, and
actually he becomes more isolated from everyone
*dramatic irony--we know Charlie’s friends are teasing
him but at first he is clueless