Values activity

A ​value​ is a belief, idea, or conviction that is important to a person. These things are
influenced by a lot of things: your family, friends, and community. Your life experiences and
beliefs also influence our upbringing.
We have a few kinds of values, and there are lots of them.
Honesty ​means you put a lot of effort into being sincere and truthful.
Health ​means you care about your physical well-being, through exercise, eating right,
and getting enough rest.
Family/Friends​ are the priority of being surrounded by the people you love.
Religion ​is our beliefs or rituals that are maintained.
Education ​is a focus on gaining knowledge and wisdom.
Ethics ​is our belief in fairness and goodness in business situations.
Independence ​is our ability to function by ourselves without help.
Variety ​is the sort of work you’d prefer to do, in terms of the same task day to day or
something that changes regularly.
Creativity ​is an emphasis on deciding your own path and direction rather than following
directions as given.
Competition ​is a focus on whether you prefer to be leading or following your coworkers.
Recognition ​is how important it is that people know what you do.
Directions: Our assignment today is to self-reflect on your own personal values. Everyone’s will
be different, so you will have different answers. You start with 30 points, and you can use up to
5 points when selecting how important a certain value is to you. When you’ve decided on a
scale of 0 to 5 how important one is to you, you will make a dot on that line, then continue on to
the next one until you are done. 0 means you don’t care about it at all, and 5 means that it’s
VERY important to you. You can use the circles below to keep track of how many points you
have left to use. Once you’ve put a dot down for every value, you’re going to connect the dots
and color in the shape that you form. Mr. Roberts will do a brief demonstration to show you how.