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Database Management Systems Exam Paper

Department of Information Technology
Internal 1 Odd semester (2019-2020)
Name of the Staff/Dept: G.Pradeepa/CSE
Test Date/Session:
Sub.Code/Name: CS8492 Database Management Systems
Total marks: 50
Internal Test : 1
Duration: 1hr30mins
PART – A (10*2=20 marks)
1. Write a 16 bit delay program in 8086.
2. Show how the 2 byte INT instruction can be applied for debugging
3. What is meant by vectored interrupt?
4. List the addressing modes of 8086.Give examples.
5. How many memory locations can be addressed by 8086 microprocessor?
6. What are the different types of interrupts in 8086?
7. List the flags of 8086 microprocessor.
8. The offset address of a data is(341B)H and the data segment register value is (1234)H
What is the physical address of the data?
9. What is macro?
10. Differentiate external versus internal bus.
PART – B (2*15=30 marks)
1. Explain the Data transfer, arithmetic and branch instructions with examples.
2. Define interrupts and their types. Write in detail about interrupt service routine.
3. Explain the architecture of Intel 8086 with the help of a block diagram.
4. (a)Briefly describe about addressing modes of 8086.
(b) Explain about the Assume, EQU, DD assembler directives
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