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Computer Organization Course Material

Daggubati Sirisha
MVSR Engineering College
Department-Computer Science and Engineering
Subject: Computer Organization
Prepared By- Daggubati. Sirisha, Asst Professor-CSED
Unit-I Basic Computer Organization
What are the Major components of CPU.
What is the function of ALU?
What is the function of CU?
What are basic operations of a computer?
Explain what you understand by registers, briefly explain the various types of
registers. – CPU
6. What are the registers generally contained in the processor/CPU?
7. Write the binary control word for the subtract micro-operation ?
8. What are the steps in executing a program?
9. Distinguish between RISC and CISC instruction set computer
10. Define Bus?
11. What is the use of buffer register?
12. What is Stack Organization? Define Register Stack and Memory stack
13. What is big endian and little endian format?
14. List the types of CPU Organization?
15. Define Status register
16. What is a branch instruction?
17. What is branch target?
18. Define addressing mode.
19. Define various addressing modes.
20. Define subroutine, Write the subroutine call and return micro-operations
21. Define Program Interrupt?
22. List the types of interrupt?
1. Explain in Detail about General Register Organization. Write the control
word for various Micro-operations for the CPU. (Morris Mano (pp243pp247))
2. Design an arithmetic circuit with one selection variable S and two n-bit data
inputs A & B. The circuit generates the following four arithmetic operations
Daggubati Sirisha
in conjunction with the input carry Cin. Draw the logic diagram for the first
two stages.
What is stack organization? Explain the functioning of register stack and
memory stack with suitable example (Morris Mano (pp247-pp251))
Write a program that can evaluate the expression: (A*B)+(C*D) in a single
accumulator processor
What is an instruction Format? Explain different types of instruction formats
in detail. (Morris Mano (pp258-pp259)) (Or )Write a program to evaluate
the arithmetic statement Y=(A+B)*(C+D) using three-address,twoaddress,one-address and zero-address instructions (Morris Mano (pp258pp259))
Describe about the different types of addressing modes used in system
processor with suitable Numerical examples? (Morris Mano (pp260-pp264))
Explain shift and rotate instructions with example
UNIT-II Input-Output Organizations:
1. What is the need of I/O interface module? Or What is I/O Interface and its
2. Differentiate between I/O Bus and Memory Bus
3. Differentiate between Memory Mapped I/O and Isolated I/O.
4. Define Asynchronous data transfer?
5. What is Strobe signal and Handshaking signal?
6. Differentiate between Synchronous and Asynchronous data transfer.
7. Explain how to access I/O devices in a system
8. Differentiate between Programmed I/O and Interrupt driven I/O
9. What is DMA? Write its Advantages?
10. Define Cycle Stealing?
11. What is priority interrupt?
12. What is Polling?
13. What is interrupt? Give the steps for handling interrupt?
14. Define vectored interrupt
15. List various types of input/output peripheral devices.
16. What is Bus Arbitration ?
17. Difference between Subroutine and Interrupt service routine
1. What is the need of an I/O Interface unit and give an Example of an I/O
Interface unit (Morris Mano-pp 389-391)
2. What are handshaking signals. Explain the handshake control of data
transfer during input and output operation
Daggubati Sirisha
3. What is Asynchronous serial transfer and explain in detail Asynchronous
communication interface or Universal asynchronous receivertransmitter(UART) (Morris Mano-pp 398-399)
4. What are priority interrupts ? Explain any one priority interrupt
scheme.(Daisy Chaining or parallel priority interrupt) (Or)
Explain how simultaneous interrupt request from several I/O devices can be
handled by processor through single INTR line (or)
Explain the following methods of handling interrupts from multiple devices
parallel priority interrupt ii) Daisy Chaining method
5. What is bus arbitration? Explain in detail any one approach of bus
arbitration. (Daisy Chaining)
6. Explain in detail, the different modes of data transfer between the
processor/memory and I/O devices in computer system (Or)
Illustrate the different modes of data transfer in I/O systems.(Or) Explain the
various data transfer methods.
7. What is DMA? Explain how the DMA Controllers are used in computer
8. Explain in detail with flowchart sequence of operation between CPU-IOP
9. Discuss the functions of 8089 I/O Processor
UNIT-III Memory Organizations:
1. Explain the memory hierarchy with respect to speed, size and cost with a
neat diagram
2. Draw the memory hierarchy in computer system?
3. Define Main Memory?
4. Define Auxiliary memory?
5. Define Cache Memory?
6. Define RAM. Draw the block diagram for RAM Chip?
7. Define ROM. Draw the block diagram of ROM Chip?
8. Differentiate between ROM and RAM
9. Differentiate between SRAM & DRAM
10. Define
Memory Latency:
Memory Bandwidth :
iii) Hit Rate
iv) Miss Rate
Average memory access time
Daggubati Sirisha
vi) Miss-penality
11. Write Cache Write Strategies
12. What is Virtual memory? Why it is significant?
13. What is the role of TLB (Translation Look aside Buffer) in virtual address
1. With the diagram of basic SRAM and DRAM chip ,explain the read and
write operation on each of them
2. Describe in detail about associative memory and concept of Match logic
with neat diagram
3. Describe different types of cache mapping techniques with diagram (Or)
What is a mapping function? What are the ways the cache can be mapped?
Explain in detail.
4. What is virtual memory? With a diagram explain how virtual memory
address is translated (or) With neat diagram, Explain address translation in
virtual memory (Or) What is Virtual memory? Explain virtual memory
organization. (Or) Explain with a diagram how virtual memory address is
translated to physical address using page table
UNIT-IV Microprocessor
Define Microprocessor? May/June2016-2Marks
List the four primary operations commonly performed by the MPI.-Dec
What are the functions of general purpose registers, list the general purpose
registers used in 8086 Miccroprocessor
What are the functions of special purpose registers, list the special purpose
registers used in 8086 Miccroprocessor
Define Segmentation in 8086 Microprocessor June2019-2Marks
Daggubati Sirisha
6. What is the need of segmentation May/June2018-2Marks
7. What are the Advantages of the Segmentation May/June2019-2Marks
8. Explain the significance of following pins of 8086
ALE ii) RESET iii) TEST’ iv) M/IO'
9. Explain the physical address formation in 8086
10. What is TRAP interrupt and its significance?
11. List the interrupt signals in 8086 microprocessor? May/June2016-2Marks
12. Draw the flag register of 8086 and write the function of each flag with
example- May 2015-2Marks
13. What determines whether a microprocessor is considered an 8,16,32 bit
device. —Dec-2012-2Marks
14. Define instruction cycle May/June2012-3Marks
15. What are maskable and non maskable interrupts? Give examples. How will
you mask an interrupt in 8086?
16. How is the memory segment accessed by 8086 microprocessor identified?
17. How pipelining is achieved in 808 6MPU.
18. Specify the size of data, address, memory word and memory capacity of
8086 microprocessor.
19. State the functions for the following pins of 8086
1. NMI
2. BHE'
3. TEST'
4. DEN '
20. List the steps in physical address generation in 8086 microprocessor.
Calculate the physical address for the given CS = 2340H , IP = 76A9H
1. Explain 8086 Microprocessor functional block diagram- June2014-10Marks
Explain the internal architecture of 8086 Microprocessors -Dec201310Marks. May/June2012-10Marks.
2. Explain Minimum mode pin configuration of 8086 microprocessor. (or)
Explain the pin out of Maximum mode of 8086 Microprocessors -Dec2012-
Daggubati Sirisha
10Marks. (or) Draw the schematic pin diagram of 8086 MP and explain the
various functions of 8086MPU- May/June2013-10Marks
3. Define Addressing modes. List the various Addressing modes of 8086
Microprocessor with an example.- May/June2014-5Marks, May/June2012-5Marks, May/June2016-4Marks.
4. Explain the feature of pipelining and queue in 8086 architecture.
1. Define Data transfer instructions. List few instructions.
2. List Arithmetic and Logical instructions of 8086 MPI
3. What are the functions of Branch Instructions:
4. Define Loop instructions of 8086 MPI
5. Define and list Machine control instructions
6. List the Flag manipulation instructions of 8086
7. List Shift instructions of 8086 MPU
8. List Rotate instructions of MPU
9. Define and list String manipulation instructions of 8086
10. How is PUSH B instruction executed? Find the status after the execution.
Register B has 93H and accumulator holds 15H illustrate the following -May/June2012-3Marks
11. Explain the operation of the DIV instruction. What is the difference between
12. Distinguish between MUL and IMUL
13. Explain CALL and RET instructions.
14. Identify the addressing modes for the following instructions:
1) MOV CL, 34H
2) MOV BX, [4172H]
4) MOV AX, [SI + BX +04]
15. Explain the following instructions of 8086=====1) DAA 2) XLAT
16. Explain the following instruction with examples:
1) i)LEA ii) IDIV iii) XLAT iv)NEG
17. Differentiate between SHR and ROR instructions of 8086. (2points)
Daggubati Sirisha
18. Differentiate between the following instructions
1) i)AND & TEST
19. Explain the stack structure of 8086 in detail
20. Differentiate between NEAR and FAR CALLs
21. What will be the contents of register BL after the last instruction execution?
1) MOV BL, 14H
2) MOV CL, 03H
22. What is a stack and List the stack instructions of 8086.(2M) Dec-2013
23. List the subroutine instructions of 8086.(2M) May/June-2102
24. Explain about the DAA instruction of 8086 microprocessor- May/June20142Marks
25. Write short notes on JMP and CALL Instructions of 8085
microprocessor(2M) May/June-2014
Discuss in detail the concept of subroutine with examples.(5M) May/June2016,April/May-2013,Dec-2012
Explain about stack of 8086 with PUSH and POP Instructions.(5M)
Explain conditional and unconditional Branch instructions of 8086
Microprocessors with examples- May/June2016-6Marks,
Explain in detail CALL instructions of 8086 Microprocessors with
example- May/June2016-6Marks,
Write an ALP to sort N numbers- May/June2016-5Marks,
Write an ALP to find the largest numbers in an array- May/June20155Marks,
Write an ALP program for sorting list of numbers in descending order using
subroutines- May/June2013-5Marks.
Write an ALP to transfer data from (10bytes) XX50 to XX90May/June2016-3Marks
Suppose [AX] = 85H and [BX] = 64H, [SP] = 2000H. What will be the
value of AX, BX and SP after the following set of instructions are executed?