SOMAIYA VIDYAVIHAR An Autonomous Institute affiliated to University of Mumbai Accredited by NAAC and NBA, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi Academic Year 21-22 Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Sr. No. Question CO Module - 1 The intel 8086 What are the lengths of the 8086’s address bus and data bus? How large is the instruction queue of the 8086? CO 1 1 U 2 Write short note on a) BIU b) EU 1 U 3 Discuss size of memory, how it is organized, how it is addressed and accessed in 8086. 1 U 4 Calculate the value of each of the physical addresses that follows. Assume all numbers are hexadecimal numbers. a) A000 : ? =A0123 b) ? : 14DA =235DA c) D765: ? =DABC0 d) ? : CD21 =32D21 1 E 5 6 7 Write short note on Registers in 8086 1 Discuss flag register and interpretation of its contents 1 Draw pin diagram of 8086 1 CO2 Assembly Language programming Explain steps in structured programming 2 Discuss data transfer instructions in 8086 2 2 Discuss stack and its use with an example Discuss string instructions in 8086 with suitable 2 1 Module-2 1 2 3 4 5 examples What are the control instructions in 8086? Discuss uses with suitable examples U U U U U U U Discuss features of 8086 instruction set Discuss addressing modes in 8086 with suitable examples 3 3 Module- 3 1 2 Procedures, Macros, Interrupts Write short not on macros in 8086 CO 3 Write short note on interrupts in 8086 Discuss difference between macro and Procedure U U U 2 6 7 3 4 BT level 5 5 5 5 U U U 5 5 6 7 Module 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Module 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Module 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Write short note on procedures in 8086 Discuss how interrupt is used to interphase slow peripheral devices. Use suitable example Write short note on interrupt vector table Discuss directives used in Procedures Discuss types of procedures Single Board Computer Design Discuss minimum mode of 8086 Discuss maximum mode of 8086 Compare Minimum mode with maximum mode in 8086 Discuss mixed mode programming Discuss various buses used in 8086 based system Write short note on system clock and its implementation in 8086 Write short note on timing diagram of 8086 Supporting Chips Write Short Note on Math co-processor Write Short Note on PPI Write Short Note on DMA controller Write Short Note on Bus controller Write Short Note on System clock IC Write Short Note on PIC Introduction to 32 bit Intel Pentium Architecture Draw block diagram of Pentium chip Discuss concept of superscalar operation Write short note on pipelining in Pentium Discuss branch prediction in Pentium What are the features of Pentium Discuss cache organization in Pentium 5 U U 5 5 5 U U U CO 4 4 4 4 U U U 4 4 4 U U U 4 CO 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 CO 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 U U U U U U U U U U U U U