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Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Exam Paper

University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata
End Semester Examination, December 2020
Course: B.Tech(CSE)
Semester: 5th
Paper Name: Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
Paper Code: CS502(Backlog)
Full Marks: 70
Time: 3 hours
Answer all the questions. Each question is of 7 marks.
1. A. Calculate the T – state and total delay of the following code:
B. Calculate the T – state and total delay of the following code:
2. A. Explain the operating principle of a register pair as a loop counter with a flowchart.
B. Explain the operating principle of a register pair as a loop counter with an example.
3. A. Give the description of the following pins of 8086:
B. Draw the pin diagram of: MAX mode of 8086 and MIN mode of 8086.
4. A. WAP for 8086 to add bytes of data stored from 00D00 H to 00D0F H and store the result
in 00B00H
B. What are the size of data & address bus of 8086 µp? What is the size of addressable
memory present in the 8086 µp?
5. A. What is the purpose of queue? How many words do the queue? How many words does
queue store in 8086 µp?
B. Explain how 20 bit physical address is generated in 8086 µp?
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6. A. In JN NEXT instruction of 8051 which register’s content is checked to see if it is zero?
Write down the different interrupts of 8051.
B. WALP to add two 16 bit numbers using 8051controller.
7. A. Write down the mode MODE-0 control word for the following:
Port A : i/p
Port B : not used
Port CL : o/p
Port CU : i/p
B. Write the BSR control word for setting PC4 in 8255A.
8. A. What are the main operations of the PIC – 8259?
B. Explain the detail operations of Interrupt Request Register (IRR) in PIC-8259.
9. A. Explain different pins associated with PIC 16F877.
B. Explain different pins associated with PIC 16F877.
10. A. Differentiate between Asynchronous Data Transfer and synchronous Data Transfer.
B. What are the features of 8251?
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