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TCP/IP Networking Review: Protocols, Addressing, Subnetting



Define TCP/IP and the included protocols. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is an industry standard suite of protocols that is designed for large networks consisting of network segments that are connected by routers. The TCP/IP Protocol maps to a four-layer model known as the DARPA model. The four layers of the TCP/IP protocol are: Application, Transport, Internet, and Link.

TCP/IP Standards are published in___

RFC’s or request for comments

What can a TCP/IP based router forward? IP packets not addressed to itself

What is a node? Any device, including routers and hosts, which runs an implementation of IP

What is a subnet? One or more LAN segments that are bounded by routers and use the same IP address prefix.

Other terms for subnet are network segment and link

Is IPv4 installed by default on our servers? yes

Is IPv6 installed by default on our servers? yes

How can you troubleshoot complex network problems? Network Monitor

Be able to define

Address: An identifier that specifies the source or destination of IP packets and that is assigned at the IP layer to an interface or set of interfaces.

Neighbor: A node that is connected to the same subnet as another node.

APIPA: See Automatic Private IP Addressing : A feature in Windows that automatically configures a unique IPv4 address from the range through and a subnet mask of APIPA is used when TCP/IP in Windows is configured for automatic addressing, no DHCP server is available, and the Automatic

Private IP Address alternate configuration option is chosen

LAN segment: A portion of a subnet that consists of a single medium that is bounded by bridges or Layer 2 switches.

Network: Two or more subnets that are connected by routers. Another term for network is internetwork.

HOST: A node that is typically the source and a destination of IP traffic. Hosts silently discard received packets that are not addressed to an IP address of the host

Be prepare to compare and contrast the DARPA and OSI models: The OSI model has 7 layers where the

DARPA model only has 4. The OSI builds upon the DARPA model as it is more in depth adding 2 more layers to the

Application layer and 1 more layer to the Network interface layer of the DARPA model.

Are IPv4 and v6 connectionless and reliable? How many bits are their addresses? Yes they are connectionless and IPV4 is made up of 32 bits where IPV6 is made up of 128 bits.

What are some of the TCP ports? 20 FTP (data channel), 21 FTP (control channel), 23 Telnet, 80 HTTP used for the World Wide Web, 139 NetBIOS session service

Is UDP reliable? No, UDP is a unreliable best effort delivery of data transmitted in messages.

Discuss NetBIOS, and be able to compare it to TCP/IP: NetBIOS is an older API that provides name management, datagram, and session services to NetBIOS applications. In relation to TCP/IP, NetBIOS naming provides a 16-byte name for an IP address.

Discuss dotted decimal addresses, and be able to build a powers of 2 number line. Dotted decimal notation, in which periods (or dots) separate four decimal numbers (from 0 to 255). Each decimal number, known as an octet, represents 8 bits (1 byte) of the 32-bit address.

This becomes the basis of a quick to build powers-of-two number line .

2 10


2 9


2 8


2 7


2 6


2 5


2 4


2 3


2 2


2 1


2 0


Be able to convert numbers from binary, to decimal, to hex (you may use a calculator).

What are broadcast : Assigned to all network interfaces located on a subnet; used for one-to-everyone on a subnet communication.

Multicast : Assigned to one or more network interfaces located on various subnets; used for one-to-many communication

and unicast: Assigned to a single network interface located on a specific subnet; used for one-to-one communication.

Discuss Class A, B, C, D, and E: How many bits were used for the subnet prefix and how many bits were used for the host ID. Address classes also defined the possible number of networks and the number of hosts per network. Of five address classes, class A, B, and C addresses were reserved for IPv4 unicast addresses. Class D addresses were reserved for IPv4 multicast addresses, and class E addresses were reserved for experimental uses.

Discuss why we are moving from IPv4 to v6: We are moving from IPv4 to IPv6 because we have technically ran out of IPv4 addressing in 2011.

Discuss IPv6 addresses, and be able to compare to IPv4 : A 128-bit address space allows for 2 128 For IPv6, the

128-bit address is divided along 16-bit boundaries, each 16-bit block is converted to a 4-digit hexadecimal number

(the Base16 numbering system), and adjacent 16-bit blocks are separated by colons.

The most obvious difference between IPv6 and IPv4 is address size. An IPv6 address is 128 bits long, which is four times larger than an IPv4 address.

Key points:

Types of IPv6 addresses unicast, multicast, anycast

Unspecified 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 or ::

Loopback 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 or ::1

Transition Address 0:0:0:0:w.x.y.z or ::w.x.y.z

IPv6 Interface Identifier is randomonly derived

IEEE802 Conversion MAC add FF-FE between 3&4

IPv6 Multicast Addresses first 8 fixed at 111 1111

Discuss why we subnet: We subnet so that we may efficiently allocate the address space of one or more unicast address prefixes among the subnets of an organization network.

Discuss how you go about determining the number of subnets you may need. First you must think about how many subnets and how many host ids per subnet your organization needs in total. Then you can take your variable portion of the IPv4 address and break it into the subnets.

Discuss how you determine how many Host IDs you will need.

Determining the host ids needed goes hand in hand with the subnetting since you will need to know how many subnets and how many host ids in each subnet. You can then divide your variable bits of your IPv4 addressing.

Implement a full plan; describe how this is done. Should include a scenario where you a) list the number or rooms or buildings on your network, and the number of Host IDs you currently need, and may need. b) discuss how you determined the number of subnets. c) discuss how you determined the number of Host IDs

Ok so in this scenario there is a realty company that has one main office that includes the

Management office, realtor’s offices, financial offices, marketing, billing, contracts, and design.

Being that this office is quite large and has a very large staff to fill it, it will require some thought as to how the network configuration should be implemented. Each department will need at least 450 host ids to handle everything from computers, VOIP, printers, etc.

We want to give each department its own subnet for use and have several others available as we will be breaking some of these departments down further in the future. So for now we will be using 10 subnets.
